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Points analysis

Name: Eloise (USA: CA)
User ID: weeze02
Points: 2.7

Before Change After Description Book Member Date
3.7 -1 2.7 mooch cancelled by requestor B00A6YWBJS Kat Roskow (USA: FL) 2014/02/25
4.7 -1 3.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0446536318 Peaceopi (USA: MS) 2014/02/06
5.7 -1 4.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0241950805 Mt. Horeb MS (USA: WI) 2014/02/03
6.7 -1 5.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0375700757 jan (USA: CA) 2014/02/02
5.7 +1 6.7 gave points for mooch request B00A6YWBJS Kat Roskow (USA: FL) 2014/02/01
4.7 +1 5.7 gave points for mooch request 0375700757 jan (USA: CA) 2013/12/30
3.7 +1 4.7 gave points for mooch request 0446536318 Peaceopi (USA: MS) 2013/12/07
2.7 +1 3.7 gave points for mooch request 0241950805 Mt. Horeb MS (USA: WI) 2013/12/05
3.7 -1 2.7 deducted points for mooch request 0553584375 DawnAnn (USA: TX) 2013/11/20
4.7 -1 3.7 deducted points for mooch request 0312349483 DawnAnn (USA: TX) 2013/11/20
5.7 -1 4.7 deducted points for mooch request 0736421645 Nichole (USA: CA) 2013/11/20
4.7 +1 5.7 gave points for mooch request 0061015733 Lisa Edwards (USA: UT) 2013/11/18
5.7 -1 4.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0440241359 Lirie (USA: CA) 2013/10/15
4.7 +1 5.7 gave points for mooch request 0451167317 Sam (USA: CA) 2013/10/05
3.7 +1 4.7 gave points for mooch request 0345497635 Autumn (USA: GA) 2013/09/23
2.7 +1 3.7 gave points for mooch request 0786865636 Janeanne (USA: CT) 2013/09/23
1.7 +1 2.7 gave points for mooch request 0440241359 Lirie (USA: CA) 2013/09/21
0.7 +1 1.7 gave points for mooch request 0553381563 Caroline (USA: CA) 2013/09/20
1.7 -1 0.7 deducted points for mooch request 0553589350 Ann Babcock (USA: WA) 2013/09/18
2.7 -1 1.7 deducted points for mooch request 0345477006 Ann Babcock (USA: WA) 2013/09/18
1.7 +1 2.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0316101699 Lily Kate (USA: TN) 2013/09/18
2.7 -1 1.7 deducted points for mooch request 0316101699 Lily Kate (USA: TN) 2013/05/08
2.6 +0.1 2.7 added book to inventory 0345497635 Eloise (USA: CA) 2013/04/30
2.5 +0.1 2.6 added book to inventory B00A6YWBJS Eloise (USA: CA) 2013/04/30
2.4 +0.1 2.5 added book to inventory 0241950805 Eloise (USA: CA) 2013/04/30
1.4 +1 2.4 gave points for mooch request 0446699527 Sue (USA: IL) 2013/04/24
0.4 +1 1.4 gave points for mooch request 1565129776 ruann123 (USA: CA) 2013/04/22
1.4 -1 0.4 mooch cancelled by requestor 0446699527 A. Anderson (USA: FL) 2013/04/16
2.4 -1 1.4 deducted points for mooch request 0425232204 LadyTabla (USA: CT) 2013/04/13
3.4 -1 2.4 deducted points for mooch request B0058PWN6Q Kellie (USA: NC) 2013/04/13
2.4 +1 3.4 gave points for mooch request 0446699527 A. Anderson (USA: FL) 2013/04/13
1.4 +1 2.4 gave points for mooch request B00BR5I9S2 Enespi (USA: TX) 2013/04/13
1.3 +0.1 1.4 added book to inventory 1565129776 Eloise (USA: CA) 2013/04/08
1.2 +0.1 1.3 added book to inventory B00BR5I9S2 Eloise (USA: CA) 2013/04/08
1.1 +0.1 1.2 added book to inventory 0671553046 Eloise (USA: CA) 2013/04/08
2.1 -1 1.1 deducted points for mooch request 1565129776 kgparkhurst (USA: CA) 2013/03/19
3.1 -1 2.1 deducted points for mooch request 067155302X Rachel (USA: CA) 2013/03/19
4.1 -1 3.1 deducted points for mooch request 0671553046 Kathy Woodworth (USA: MO) 2013/03/19
5.1 -1 4.1 deducted points for mooch request 0307949508 Kasey Wink (USA: NE) 2013/03/11
4.1 +1 5.1 gave points for mooch request 0380812894 Jim Thomson (USA: MD) 2013/03/11
4 +0.1 4.1 added book to inventory 0380812894 Eloise (USA: CA) 2013/03/11
3.9 +0.1 4 added book to inventory B0051CSFKY Eloise (USA: CA) 2013/03/07
3.8 +0.1 3.9 added book to inventory 0553582127 Eloise (USA: CA) 2013/03/07
3.7 +0.1 3.8 added book to inventory 0553381563 Eloise (USA: CA) 2013/03/07
2.7 +1 3.7 gave points for mooch request 0385344074 Jenn (USA: PA) 2013/02/28
2.6 +0.1 2.7 added book to inventory B007CINQAY Eloise (USA: CA) 2013/02/27
2.5 +0.1 2.6 added book to inventory 0553381539 Eloise (USA: CA) 2013/02/27
2.4 +0.1 2.5 added book to inventory 0446699527 Eloise (USA: CA) 2013/02/27
2.3 +0.1 2.4 added book to inventory 0385344074 Eloise (USA: CA) 2013/02/27
2.2 +0.1 2.3 added book to inventory 0316781266 Eloise (USA: CA) 2013/02/27
1.2 +1 2.2 gave points for mooch request 0060742917 Tori (USA: NC) 2013/02/24
2.2 -1 1.2 deducted points for mooch request 0060853972 Laura (USA: MA) 2013/02/23
3.2 -1 2.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 0446539686 Martha Fulmer (USA: CA) 2013/02/21
2.2 +1 3.2 gave points for mooch request 0446539686 Martha Fulmer (USA: CA) 2013/02/18
1.2 +1 2.2 gave points for mooch request 034545264X Martha Fulmer (USA: CA) 2013/02/18
0.2 +1 1.2 gave points for mooch request 044041668X sue wood (USA) 2013/02/10
1.2 -1 0.2 deducted points for mooch request 0553582127 Susan (USA: CA) 2013/02/05
1.1 +0.1 1.2 added book to inventory 0060742917 Eloise (USA: CA) 2013/02/03
0.1 +1 1.1 lost in the mail says book owner 0671827847 Tana (USA: HI) 2013/02/01
1.1 -1 0.1 deducted points for mooch request 0451221958 PMichek (USA: WI) 2013/02/01
2.1 -1 1.1 deducted points for mooch request 0553381563 Kathy (USA: MI) 2013/02/01
1.1 +1 2.1 gave points for mooch request 0440192463 Brooke (USA: VT) 2013/02/01
0.1 +1 1.1 gave points for mooch request 0553381032 Darcy (USA: SC) 2013/01/31
1.1 -1 0.1 deducted points for mooch request 0553574574 Butch Heth (USA: UT) 2013/01/29
2.1 -1 1.1 deducted points for mooch request 9780061374968 Kerri (USA: PA) 2013/01/29
1.1 +1 2.1 gave points for mooch request 0385312377 Rob Larson (USA: FL) 2013/01/29
1 +0.1 1.1 added book to inventory 042523360X Eloise (USA: CA) 2013/01/28
0.9 +0.1 1 added book to inventory 0385312377 Eloise (USA: CA) 2013/01/28
1.9 -1 0.9 deducted points for mooch request 0316781266 brettnlexismom (USA: OR) 2013/01/25
0.9 +1 1.9 mooch cancelled by requestor 9780061374968 Heather (USA: CA) 2013/01/25
1.9 -1 0.9 deducted points for mooch request 0446611638 Davida (USA: OR) 2013/01/04
0.9 +1 1.9 gave points for mooch request 1400076196 laurie (USA: PA) 2013/01/03
0.8 +0.1 0.9 added book to inventory 0743466764 Eloise (USA: CA) 2013/01/02
0.7 +0.1 0.8 added book to inventory 1400076196 Eloise (USA: CA) 2013/01/02
0.6 +0.1 0.7 added book to inventory 0345533291 Eloise (USA: CA) 2013/01/02
0.5 +0.1 0.6 added book to inventory 0307949486 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/12/12
-0.5 +1 0.5 gave points for mooch request 1416509739 Becky (USA: TN) 2012/12/11
0.5 -1 -0.5 mooch cancelled by requestor 1416509739 Joan (USA: AZ) 2012/12/06
1.5 -1 0.5 deducted points for mooch request 0380752166 Susan (USA) 2012/12/06
1.4 +0.1 1.5 added book to inventory B008Q482JI Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/12/06
1.3 +0.1 1.4 added book to inventory 0743437640 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/12/03
2.3 -1 1.3 deducted points for mooch request 0425115801 Janet (USA: IL) 2012/11/28
3.3 -1 2.3 deducted points for mooch request 0553580221 Jill (USA: CA) 2012/11/28
4.3 -1 3.3 deducted points for mooch request 0671827847 Tana (USA: HI) 2012/11/28
4.2 +0.1 4.3 added book to inventory B005Q86YK6 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/11/27
3.2 +1 4.2 gave points for mooch request 0345378490 judylovestoread (USA: CA) 2012/11/27
2.2 +1 3.2 received a smooch 1oldmanofak (USA: AK) 2012/11/26
1.2 +1 2.2 received a smooch 1oldmanofak (USA: AK) 2012/11/26
1.1 +0.1 1.2 added book to inventory B000JD7VJG Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/11/23
2.1 -1 1.1 deducted points for mooch request 0060742917 Diane (USA: CT) 2012/11/21
1.1 +1 2.1 gave points for mooch request 0553578693 mkhunter1 (USA: PA) 2012/11/21
2.1 -1 1.1 deducted points for mooch request 0060833157 Andrea (USA: CA) 2012/11/19
3.1 -1 2.1 deducted points for mooch request 0345467310 james (USA: CA) 2012/11/19
2.1 +1 3.1 gave points for mooch request 0553089226 Wayne M. Rapozo (USA: HI) 2012/11/19
1.1 +1 2.1 gave points for mooch request 1416509739 Joan (USA: AZ) 2012/11/16
1 +0.1 1.1 added book to inventory B008HJ05LK Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/11/15
2 -1 1 deducted points for mooch request 0743437640 Peggy (USA: OR) 2012/11/13
3 -1 2 deducted points for mooch request 9780061374968 Heather (USA: CA) 2012/11/13
4 -1 3 deducted points for mooch request 0743496752 Hayley (USA: UT) 2012/11/13
3 +1 4 gave points for mooch request 0553576798 Charlotte (USA: FL) 2012/11/12
2 +1 3 gave points for mooch request 0446199273 Carol Galvin (USA: CA) 2012/11/10
1.9 +0.1 2 added book to inventory 0553578693 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/11/07
1.8 +0.1 1.9 added book to inventory 1416509739 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/10/29
1.7 +0.1 1.8 added book to inventory 0671014188 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/10/29
1.6 +0.1 1.7 added book to inventory 0553579606 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/10/29
1.5 +0.1 1.6 added book to inventory 0553576798 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/10/29
2.5 -1 1.5 deducted points for mooch request 0553578693 Paul & Janet (USA: CA) 2012/10/22
2.4 +0.1 2.5 added book to inventory 0553583581 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/10/22
1.4 +1 2.4 gave points for mooch request 1416524541 Hope (USA: NJ) 2012/10/22
1.3 +0.1 1.4 added book to inventory 1439166331 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/10/21
1.2 +0.1 1.3 added book to inventory B005D5EFV2 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/10/21
1.1 +0.1 1.2 added book to inventory 034545264X Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/10/21
2.1 -1 1.1 deducted points for mooch request 0743466764 Grace (USA: NV) 2012/10/21
1.1 +1 2.1 gave points for mooch request 0425161404 Cynthia Welsh (USA: AZ) 2012/10/19
2.1 -1 1.1 deducted points for mooch request B002PQL1SM Lani (USA: IN) 2012/10/12
3.1 -1 2.1 deducted points for mooch request 0553576798 Sharon (USA: WV) 2012/10/12
2.1 +1 3.1 gave points for mooch request 0449005615 Curra (USA: CA) 2012/10/11
2 +0.1 2.1 added book to inventory 1416523332 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/10/10
1.9 +0.1 2 added book to inventory B0083X20CC Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/10/10
1.8 +0.1 1.9 added book to inventory 0345404777 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/10/10
1.7 +0.1 1.8 added book to inventory 0425187721 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/10/10
2.7 -1 1.7 deducted points for mooch request 1416583432 Rebecca Chaves (USA: NY) 2012/09/29
2.6 +0.1 2.7 added book to inventory 0345452623 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/09/26
3.6 -1 2.6 deducted points for mooch request 9780345452641 Diane Spring (USA: TX) 2012/09/26
2.6 +1 3.6 mooch cancelled by requestor 0717283534 dana (USA: NM) 2012/09/26
1.6 +1 2.6 mooch cancelled by requestor 0736421645 Nichole (USA: CA) 2012/09/26
2.6 -1 1.6 deducted points for mooch request 055359351X Jo (USA: TX) 2012/09/23
3.6 -1 2.6 deducted points for mooch request 1566892465 Jared (USA: CA) 2012/09/23
2.6 +1 3.6 gave points for mooch request 0316024961 Gretchen K. (USA) 2012/09/23
1.6 +1 2.6 gave points for mooch request 0316015849 Gretchen K. (USA) 2012/09/23
2.6 -1 1.6 deducted points for mooch request 1416563075 Sandy (USA) 2012/09/18
3.6 -1 2.6 deducted points for mooch request 1416509739 marrie (USA: TN) 2012/09/18
2.6 +1 3.6 gave points for mooch request 0316068047 Maggie (USA: AL) 2012/09/16
3.6 -1 2.6 deducted points for mooch request 0553579606 eledezma (USA: CA) 2012/09/15
2.6 +1 3.6 gave points for mooch request 9780316036238 William Knighton (USA: GA) 2012/09/15
2.5 +0.1 2.6 added book to inventory 0316015849 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/09/14
2.4 +0.1 2.5 added book to inventory 0316024961 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/09/14
2.3 +0.1 2.4 added book to inventory 0316068047 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/09/14
3.3 -1 2.3 deducted points for mooch request 0345452623 peter (USA: CA) 2012/09/14
4.3 -1 3.3 deducted points for mooch request 0446607193 Penny (USA: SC) 2012/09/14
5.3 -1 4.3 deducted points for mooch request 0425187721 William Chapman (USA: MO) 2012/09/14
4.3 +1 5.3 gave points for mooch request 0758225652 Geckflac (USA: NY) 2012/09/14
3.3 +1 4.3 gave points for mooch request 1439156336 Connie (USA: AR) 2012/09/14
4.3 -1 3.3 deducted points for mooch request 0553583581 eledezma (USA: CA) 2012/09/13
4.2 +0.1 4.3 added book to inventory 0758225652 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/09/13
4.1 +0.1 4.2 added book to inventory 1439156336 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/09/13
4 +0.1 4.1 added book to inventory 9780316036238 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/09/13
3.9 +0.1 4 added book to inventory 0345446860 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/09/13
3.8 +0.1 3.9 added book to inventory 9781416523321 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/09/13
3.7 +0.1 3.8 added book to inventory 0553583573 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/09/13
3.6 +0.1 3.7 added book to inventory 0451167317 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/09/13
3.5 +0.1 3.6 added book to inventory 0440192463 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/09/13
4.5 -1 3.5 deducted points for mooch request 1416523332 Crystal (USA: LA) 2012/09/05
5.5 -1 4.5 mooch rejected by book owner 0375845178 sue wood (USA) 2012/09/05
5.6 -0.1 5.5 removing book from inventory 0375845178 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/09/05
4.6 +1 5.6 mooch rejected by book owner 0440225779 Monique (USA: GA) 2012/09/01
3.6 +1 4.6 gave points for mooch request 0375845178 sue wood (USA) 2012/08/22
2.6 +1 3.6 mooch rejected by book owner 0446697826 cri (USA: CA) 2012/08/17
1.6 +1 2.6 gave points for mooch request 0451146425 David & Judy (USA: WA) 2012/08/17
1.5 +0.1 1.6 added book to inventory 0425222381 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/08/01
2.5 -1 1.5 deducted points for mooch request 0743491572 Lisa (USA: PA) 2012/07/30
3.5 -1 2.5 deducted points for mooch request 1439156336 Marisa (USA: IA) 2012/07/30
4.5 -1 3.5 deducted points for mooch request 0717283534 dana (USA: NM) 2012/07/27
3.5 +1 4.5 gave points for mooch request 1416583866 maxfam3 (USA: VA) 2012/07/27
3.4 +0.1 3.5 added book to inventory 1416583866 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/07/26
4.4 -1 3.4 deducted points for mooch request 0440192463 Bertha (USA: FL) 2012/07/25
4.3 +0.1 4.4 added book to inventory 0375700757 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/07/22
3.3 +1 4.3 gave points for mooch request 0345465261 Michelle (USA: AZ) 2012/07/20
4.3 -1 3.3 deducted points for mooch request 0553571818 Melissa (USA: ND) 2012/07/20
5.3 -1 4.3 deducted points for mooch request 0553583573 Paul & Janet (USA: CA) 2012/07/20
6.3 -1 5.3 deducted points for mooch request 0446616451 1oldmanofak (USA: AK) 2012/07/20
7.3 -1 6.3 deducted points for mooch request 0345404777 1oldmanofak (USA: AK) 2012/07/20
8.3 -1 7.3 deducted points for mooch request 0446697826 cri (USA: CA) 2012/07/20
9.3 -1 8.3 mooch rejected by book owner 0553285920 Michelle (USA: AZ) 2012/07/20
9.4 -0.1 9.3 removing book from inventory 0553285920 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/07/20
8.4 +1 9.4 gave points for mooch request 0345413865 Michelle (USA: AZ) 2012/07/20
7.4 +1 8.4 gave points for mooch request 0553299506 Michelle (USA: AZ) 2012/07/20
6.4 +1 7.4 gave points for mooch request 0345517806 Michelle (USA: AZ) 2012/07/20
5.4 +1 6.4 gave points for mooch request 0553285920 Michelle (USA: AZ) 2012/07/20
4.4 +1 5.4 gave points for mooch request 0755342682 Michelle (USA: AZ) 2012/07/20
5.4 -1 4.4 deducted points for mooch request 0307454541 ReadMyBooks (USA: MA) 2012/07/17
4.4 +1 5.4 gave points for mooch request 0425192725 jk0958 (USA: WA) 2012/07/17
5.4 -1 4.4 deducted points for mooch request 1416523324 sheclimber (USA: CO) 2012/07/13
4.4 +1 5.4 mooch cancelled by requestor 1416523324 midge b (USA: IL) 2012/07/13
3.4 +1 4.4 gave points for mooch request 2080200739 Donna (USA) 2012/07/13
4.4 -1 3.4 mooch cancelled by requestor 2080200739 faeriemischief (USA: CO) 2012/07/13
3.4 +1 4.4 gave points for mooch request 2080200739 faeriemischief (USA: CO) 2012/07/13
3.3 +0.1 3.4 added book to inventory 2080200739 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/07/13
2.3 +1 3.3 gave points for mooch request 0399138250 Bill Hobgood (USA: TX) 2012/07/13
1.3 +1 2.3 gave points for mooch request 0752880837 FamFatale (USA: VA) 2012/07/10
1.2 +0.1 1.3 added book to inventory 9780743497299 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/07/09
2.2 -1 1.2 deducted points for mooch request 0743418735 V. Skinner (USA: TX) 2012/07/06
3.2 -1 2.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 0345465261 Mariola (USA: NM) 2012/06/22
2.2 +1 3.2 gave points for mooch request 1416547819 Alison (USA: CA) 2012/06/21
2.1 +0.1 2.2 added book to inventory 1416547819 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/06/20
3.1 -1 2.1 deducted points for mooch request 0736421645 Nichole (USA: CA) 2012/06/19
4.1 -1 3.1 deducted points for mooch request 0595321240 Diego Cadena (USA: CA) 2012/06/19
5.1 -1 4.1 deducted points for mooch request B000JWDQQ4 Aubree (USA: CA) 2012/06/19
4.1 +1 5.1 gave points for mooch request 0380718340 Jill (USA: WA) 2012/06/18
3.1 +1 4.1 gave points for mooch request 0143114085 Flora (USA: IL) 2012/06/17
2.1 +1 3.1 gave points for mooch request 0446602612 Derrick Jensen (USA: CA) 2012/06/16
1.1 +1 2.1 gave points for mooch request 0345465261 Mariola (USA: NM) 2012/06/16
1 +0.1 1.1 added book to inventory 0143114085 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/06/16
2 -1 1 deducted points for mooch request 1416523324 midge b (USA: IL) 2012/06/14
1 +1 2 mooch cancelled by requestor 0451167317 Brett (USA: CA) 2012/06/14
0 +1 1 gave points for mooch request 0345479726 Shannon Yarbrough (USA: MO) 2012/06/14
1 -1 0 deducted points for mooch request 0446614459 mikecounselman (USA: CA) 2012/06/13
2 -1 1 deducted points for mooch request 0553590472 Cathy L (USA: CA) 2012/06/13
1 +1 2 mooch cancelled by requestor 1416523324 midge b (USA: IL) 2012/06/13
0.9 +0.1 1 added book to inventory 0446612626 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/06/12
1.9 -1 0.9 deducted points for mooch request 0743497295 Michelle (USA: AZ) 2012/06/12
2.9 -1 1.9 deducted points for mooch request 0385720106 Kathleen (USA: NM) 2012/06/12
1.9 +1 2.9 gave points for mooch request 9780425219096 MLY (USA: CA) 2012/06/11
2.9 -1 1.9 deducted points for mooch request 0451167317 Brett (USA: CA) 2012/06/11
3.9 -1 2.9 deducted points for mooch request 0451167317 Erin (USA: WV) 2012/06/11
4.9 -1 3.9 deducted points for mooch request 0375700757 Jim Scott (USA: CA) 2012/06/11
5.9 -1 4.9 deducted points for mooch request 0316601950 Bonnie (USA: UT) 2012/06/11
6.9 -1 5.9 deducted points for mooch request 0440225779 Monique (USA: GA) 2012/06/10
7.9 -1 6.9 deducted points for mooch request 0743437136 Tracie (USA: CA) 2012/06/10
8.9 -1 7.9 deducted points for mooch request 0451457811 Vanessa (USA: FL) 2012/06/10
7.9 +1 8.9 gave points for mooch request 0446401617 Lisa (USA: SC) 2012/06/10
6.9 +1 7.9 gave points for mooch request 0446609757 Lisa (USA: SC) 2012/06/10
5.9 +1 6.9 gave points for mooch request 0671027972 Lisa (USA: SC) 2012/06/10
4.9 +1 5.9 gave points for mooch request 0446617792 Lisa (USA: SC) 2012/06/10
3.9 +1 4.9 gave points for mooch request 0345345991 Alex (USA: IL) 2012/06/09
3.8 +0.1 3.9 added book to inventory 0671004530 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/06/08
3.7 +0.1 3.8 added book to inventory 0446617792 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/06/08
2.7 +1 3.7 gave points for mooch request 0380817446 Ellen B (USA: LA) 2012/06/08
1.7 +1 2.7 gave points for mooch request 0440225078 Kate (USA: CA) 2012/06/06
2.7 -1 1.7 deducted points for mooch request 0316068047 Ryan (USA: TX) 2012/06/05
2.6 +0.1 2.7 added book to inventory 0451146425 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/06/05
2.5 +0.1 2.6 added book to inventory 0446602612 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/06/05
1.5 +1 2.5 gave points for mooch request 0156011042 Diane (USA: WA) 2012/06/04
0.5 +1 1.5 gave points for mooch request 0671732471 femme de lettres (USA: CA) 2012/06/02
1.5 -1 0.5 mooch rejected by book owner 0446615641 CRAZYCOLLEEN (USA: MI) 2012/05/30
1.6 -0.1 1.5 removing book from inventory 0446615641 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/05/30
2.6 -1 1.6 deducted points for mooch request 0553590502 Janeanne (USA: CT) 2012/05/30
1.6 +1 2.6 mooch rejected by book owner 0553590502 Vashti (USA: CA) 2012/05/30
2.6 -1 1.6 deducted points for mooch request 0553590502 Vashti (USA: CA) 2012/05/30
3.6 -1 2.6 deducted points for mooch request 0425222381 April (USA: CA) 2012/05/30
2.6 +1 3.6 gave points for mooch request 0143116479 Stanley Balsky (USA: NJ) 2012/05/30
2.5 +0.1 2.6 added book to inventory 0143116479 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/05/30
3.5 -1 2.5 deducted points for mooch request 0671004565 Gary (USA: WA) 2012/05/29
4.5 -1 3.5 deducted points for mooch request 1416523324 midge b (USA: IL) 2012/05/29
3.5 +1 4.5 gave points for mooch request 0143034901 Kara Z. (USA: NJ) 2012/05/29
2.5 +1 3.5 gave points for mooch request 0446615641 CRAZYCOLLEEN (USA: MI) 2012/05/29
2.4 +0.1 2.5 added book to inventory 0446607657 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/05/29
3.4 -1 2.4 deducted points for mooch request 0446617792 LaRae (USA: UT) 2012/05/29
4.4 -1 3.4 deducted points for mooch request 9780316036238 Angela Arnold (USA: AZ) 2012/05/29
3.4 +1 4.4 gave points for mooch request 074349671X Mela (USA: SC) 2012/05/29
2.4 +1 3.4 mooch cancelled by requestor 1416523324 schwip (USA: MN) 2012/05/29
2.3 +0.1 2.4 added book to inventory 9780312368135 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/05/29
3.3 -1 2.3 deducted points for mooch request 0312368143 angie (USA: FL) 2012/05/29
3.2 +0.1 3.3 added book to inventory 0446536318 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/05/29
3.1 +0.1 3.2 added book to inventory 074349671X Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/05/29
3 +0.1 3.1 added book to inventory 044041668X Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/05/29
2.9 +0.1 3 added book to inventory 9780425219096 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/05/29
2.8 +0.1 2.9 added book to inventory 0345479726 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/05/29
2.7 +0.1 2.8 added book to inventory 0143034901 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/05/29
1.7 +1 2.7 gave points for mooch request 1420103385 Angel (USA: AZ) 2012/05/28
2.7 -1 1.7 deducted points for mooch request 1416547819 smidtb (USA: OR) 2012/05/23
3.7 -1 2.7 deducted points for mooch request 0671673688 Cheryl (USA: CA) 2012/05/22
2.7 +1 3.7 gave points for mooch request 0385474547 Kim Pate (USA: AL) 2012/05/22
3.7 -1 2.7 deducted points for mooch request 0671758896 Sianeka (USA: CA) 2012/05/22
4.7 -1 3.7 deducted points for mooch request 0446612626 Peggy Bird (USA: WA) 2012/05/22
5.7 -1 4.7 deducted points for mooch request 0671004530 Barbara (USA: CA) 2012/05/22
4.7 +1 5.7 gave points for mooch request 0143115626 Stephanie Warren (USA: MN) 2012/05/22
4.6 +0.1 4.7 added book to inventory 0143115626 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/05/22
4.5 +0.1 4.6 added book to inventory 0385474547 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/05/22
3.5 +1 4.5 gave points for mooch request 044661873X Dodie (USA: NC) 2012/05/22
4.5 -1 3.5 deducted points for mooch request 1400082773 Rob (USA: CA) 2012/05/22
3.5 +1 4.5 gave points for mooch request 1594480001 Kim Pate (USA: AL) 2012/05/22
4.5 -1 3.5 deducted points for mooch request 0143114085 Lisa (USA: PA) 2012/05/21
3.5 +1 4.5 gave points for mooch request 0743246071 Bethany (USA: OR) 2012/05/19
2.5 +1 3.5 gave points for mooch request 0385316364 Robyn Anderson (USA: AL) 2012/05/18
1.5 +1 2.5 gave points for mooch request 0679853065 Dan (USA: UT) 2012/05/18
1.4 +0.1 1.5 added book to inventory 1594480001 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/05/17
1.3 +0.1 1.4 added book to inventory 0385316364 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/05/17
1.2 +0.1 1.3 added book to inventory 0142003727 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/05/17
2.2 -1 1.2 deducted points for mooch request 0446602612 Sherrie (USA: CT) 2012/05/17
2.1 +0.1 2.2 added book to inventory 0679853065 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/05/17
2 +0.1 2.1 added book to inventory 0671732471 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/05/17
1.9 +0.1 2 added book to inventory 0743246071 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/05/17
1.8 +0.1 1.9 added book to inventory 1420103385 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/05/17
1.7 +0.1 1.8 added book to inventory 0345345991 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/05/17
1.6 +0.1 1.7 added book to inventory 0440225078 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/05/17
1.5 +0.1 1.6 added book to inventory 0671042858 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/05/17
1.4 +0.1 1.5 added book to inventory 0440241359 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/05/17
1.3 +0.1 1.4 added book to inventory 0752880837 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/05/17
1.2 +0.1 1.3 added book to inventory 0451410718 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/05/11
2.2 -1 1.2 deducted points for mooch request 0060728272 4sons (USA: NY) 2012/05/06
1.2 +1 2.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 1416547819 Chelsea (USA: KS) 2012/05/03
2.2 -1 1.2 deducted points for mooch request 0449227421 meg (USA: CA) 2012/05/03
1.2 +1 2.2 mooch rejected by book owner 0385319479 meg (USA: CA) 2012/05/03
2.2 -1 1.2 deducted points for mooch request 1594480001 MH (USA: VA) 2012/05/01
3.2 -1 2.2 deducted points for mooch request 1594480001 Andi (USA: NM) 2012/04/28
2.2 +1 3.2 gave points for mooch request 0452283396 David (USA: LA) 2012/04/27
3.2 -1 2.2 deducted points for mooch request 0345402510 Starr (USA: MI) 2012/04/23
4.2 -1 3.2 deducted points for mooch request 0385474547 Sharon (USA: NY) 2012/04/23
3.2 +1 4.2 gave points for mooch request 0743454162 mkhunter1 (USA: PA) 2012/04/22
2.2 +1 3.2 gave points for mooch request 0449005836 Nicole Kukla (USA: MI) 2012/04/19
3.2 -1 2.2 deducted points for mooch request 0385319479 meg (USA: CA) 2012/04/14
3.1 +0.1 3.2 added book to inventory 0440224624 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/04/14
2.1 +1 3.1 mooch rejected by book owner 0446602620 delia2 (USA: NY) 2012/04/04
3.1 -1 2.1 deducted points for mooch request 0449223043 Betty White (USA: TN) 2012/04/03
2.1 +1 3.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 0449223043 gail (USA: CA) 2012/04/03
3.1 -1 2.1 deducted points for mooch request 0440241359 shoutscout (USA: CA) 2012/03/24
4.1 -1 3.1 deducted points for mooch request 1416523324 schwip (USA: MN) 2012/03/24
3.1 +1 4.1 gave points for mooch request 0553591703 Susan (USA: CA) 2012/03/24
2.1 +1 3.1 gave points for mooch request 0380789019 Musehere (USA: MO) 2012/03/15
2 +0.1 2.1 added book to inventory 0380789019 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/03/15
1.9 +0.1 2 added book to inventory 044661873X Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/03/15
2.9 -1 1.9 mooch rejected by book owner 0446610224 Karen Stephens (USA: AL) 2012/03/11
3 -0.1 2.9 removing book from inventory 0446610224 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/03/11
2 +1 3 gave points for mooch request 0451173384 wildhart (USA: LA) 2012/03/11
1.9 +0.1 2 added book to inventory 0446199273 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/03/10
2.9 -1 1.9 deducted points for mooch request 2080200739 Melanie Peterson (USA: MI) 2012/03/10
1.9 +1 2.9 gave points for mooch request 0446401307 DOLORES KAJFEZ (USA: IL) 2012/03/08
0.9 +1 1.9 gave points for mooch request 0316058777 J. O. Smith (USA: DC) 2012/03/08
1.9 -1 0.9 deducted points for mooch request 0743246071 Allison (USA: CA) 2012/03/07
1.8 +0.1 1.9 added book to inventory 0425161145 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/03/07
1.7 +0.1 1.8 added book to inventory 0446615641 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/03/07
1.6 +0.1 1.7 added book to inventory 0553591703 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/03/07
2.6 -1 1.6 mooch rejected by book owner 0553275100 Karla (USA: NC) 2012/03/07
2.7 -0.1 2.6 removing book from inventory 0553275100 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/03/07
3.7 -1 2.7 deducted points for mooch request 074349671X 4sons (USA: NY) 2012/03/03
4.7 -1 3.7 deducted points for mooch request 0743454553 KathyWinslow (USA: NJ) 2012/03/03
5.7 -1 4.7 deducted points for mooch request 0060557818 Dani Meow (USA: CA) 2012/03/03
4.7 +1 5.7 gave points for mooch request 0380730820 Asuetoo (USA: FL) 2012/03/02
3.7 +1 4.7 gave points for mooch request 0446610224 Karen Stephens (USA: AL) 2012/02/28
4.7 -1 3.7 deducted points for mooch request 0446614041 Fran (USA: OR) 2012/02/27
5.7 -1 4.7 deducted points for mooch request 0446199273 Tanya Forbes (USA: CA) 2012/02/27
6.7 -1 5.7 deducted points for mooch request 1420103385 Crystal (USA: LA) 2012/02/27
7.7 -1 6.7 deducted points for mooch request 0446602620 delia2 (USA: NY) 2012/02/27
8.7 -1 7.7 deducted points for mooch request 044661873X Dartgirl (USA: KS) 2012/02/27
9.7 -1 8.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0446611476 Karla (USA: NC) 2012/02/26
8.7 +1 9.7 gave points for mooch request 0446699489 Karla (USA: NC) 2012/02/26
7.7 +1 8.7 gave points for mooch request 0446606324 Karla (USA: NC) 2012/02/26
6.7 +1 7.7 gave points for mooch request 0446604844 Karla (USA: NC) 2012/02/26
5.7 +1 6.7 gave points for mooch request 0553275100 Karla (USA: NC) 2012/02/26
4.7 +1 5.7 gave points for mooch request 0380724987 Karla (USA: NC) 2012/02/26
3.7 +1 4.7 gave points for mooch request 0380726254 Karla (USA: NC) 2012/02/26
2.7 +1 3.7 gave points for mooch request 0446611476 Karla (USA: NC) 2012/02/26
1.7 +1 2.7 mooch rejected by book owner 0380810956 Kriti Godey (USA: OH) 2012/02/24
2.7 -1 1.7 deducted points for mooch request 0380810956 Kriti Godey (USA: OH) 2012/02/24
3.7 -1 2.7 deducted points for mooch request 0316096199 Monique (USA: GA) 2012/02/22
2.7 +1 3.7 gave points for mooch request 0425191184 terry dale (USA: IN) 2012/02/21
1.7 +1 2.7 gave points for mooch request 0446603716 terry dale (USA: IN) 2012/02/21
2.7 -1 1.7 deducted points for mooch request 042511984X englisherry (USA: NC) 2012/02/19
3.7 -1 2.7 deducted points for mooch request 0553591703 karen (USA: MD) 2012/02/19
2.7 +1 3.7 gave points for mooch request 0451213599 Lain (USA: CO) 2012/02/17
3.7 -1 2.7 deducted points for mooch request 0440225078 Terrie (USA: TX) 2012/02/16
2.7 +1 3.7 mooch rejected by book owner 074349671X katieguthmiller (USA: SD) 2012/02/13
3.7 -1 2.7 deducted points for mooch request 0446615641 velmarose (USA: WA) 2012/02/13
2.7 +1 3.7 mooch rejected by book owner 0689865600 MrsGriffiths (USA: NJ) 2012/02/13
3.7 -1 2.7 deducted points for mooch request 074349671X katieguthmiller (USA: SD) 2012/02/12
2.7 +1 3.7 gave points for mooch request 0143113496 Heather (USA: CA) 2012/02/09
2.6 +0.1 2.7 added book to inventory 0143113496 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/02/08
3.6 -1 2.6 deducted points for mooch request 0446616494 mtngirl (USA: CA) 2012/02/08
4.6 -1 3.6 deducted points for mooch request 0752880837 Lisa Wenner (USA: PA) 2012/02/08
3.6 +1 4.6 gave points for mooch request 0440236061 Loralee (USA: NV) 2012/02/05
4.6 -1 3.6 deducted points for mooch request 0385316364 Stacey (USA: NJ) 2012/02/04
5.6 -1 4.6 deducted points for mooch request 0689865600 MrsGriffiths (USA: NJ) 2012/02/04
4.6 +1 5.6 gave points for mooch request 0061097861 Sue Carey (USA: UT) 2012/02/04
3.6 +1 4.6 gave points for mooch request 0061000043 Sue Carey (USA: UT) 2012/02/04
2.6 +1 3.6 gave points for mooch request 0425147622 CAT B. (USA: CA) 2012/01/29
1.6 +1 2.6 gave points for mooch request 0446509132 bama girl/Roll Tide (USA: AL) 2012/01/29
1.5 +0.1 1.6 added book to inventory 0061097861 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/01/28
2.5 -1 1.5 deducted points for mooch request 1416547819 Chelsea (USA: KS) 2012/01/27
3.5 -1 2.5 deducted points for mooch request 0143115626 hayzy (USA: OR) 2012/01/27
2.5 +1 3.5 gave points for mooch request 0553208071 johnh (USA: NY) 2012/01/27
2.4 +0.1 2.5 added book to inventory 0553582526 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/01/26
2.3 +0.1 2.4 added book to inventory 0553208071 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/01/26
2.2 +0.1 2.3 added book to inventory 0446401307 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/01/26
3.2 -1 2.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 0553580884 Kevin (USA: FL) 2012/01/24
4.2 -1 3.2 deducted points for mooch request 0143113496 Andrea (USA: MO) 2012/01/19
3.2 +1 4.2 gave points for mooch request 0553580884 Kevin (USA: FL) 2012/01/17
3.1 +0.1 3.2 added book to inventory 0671027972 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/01/17
3 +0.1 3.1 added book to inventory 0316058777 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/01/17
4 -1 3 deducted points for mooch request 0345297709 Christina (USA: KS) 2012/01/14
5 -1 4 deducted points for mooch request 0345345991 Kate (USA: OH) 2012/01/14
6 -1 5 deducted points for mooch request 0374500010 Pam (USA: AL) 2012/01/14
5.9 +0.1 6 added book to inventory 0446539686 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/01/14
4.9 +1 5.9 gave points for mooch request 038572179X Alex (USA: FL) 2012/01/13
4.8 +0.1 4.9 added book to inventory 0446509132 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/01/12
4.7 +0.1 4.8 added book to inventory 1416524541 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/01/12
4.8 -0.1 4.7 removed book from inventory 0451215737 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/01/12
4.7 +0.1 4.8 added book to inventory 0451215737 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/01/12
4.6 +0.1 4.7 added book to inventory 044090837X Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/01/12
5.6 -1 4.6 deducted points for mooch request 0061097861 sheclimber (USA: CO) 2012/01/12
6.6 -1 5.6 deducted points for mooch request 0425161145 Alice (USA: CA) 2012/01/12
5.6 +1 6.6 mooch cancelled by requestor 0061097861 Cara Halstead (USA: NY) 2012/01/12
4.6 +1 5.6 gave points for mooch request 0553586505 John Stites (USA: OK) 2012/01/09
3.6 +1 4.6 gave points for mooch request 0316159360 bama girl/Roll Tide (USA: AL) 2012/01/08
2.6 +1 3.6 gave points for mooch request 0061150142 Julie (USA: MD) 2012/01/06
1.6 +1 2.6 received a smooch Alice (USA: CA) 2012/01/06
2.6 -1 1.6 deducted points for mooch request 0553582526 Alice (USA: CA) 2012/01/05
3.6 -1 2.6 deducted points for mooch request 0316058777 Alice (USA: CA) 2012/01/05
4.6 -1 3.6 deducted points for mooch request 0671027972 thor610 (USA: KY) 2012/01/05
5.6 -1 4.6 deducted points for mooch request 0143034901 Valerie (USA: CA) 2012/01/05
5.5 +0.1 5.6 added book to inventory 0743417682 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/01/05
5.4 +0.1 5.5 added book to inventory 0446604844 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/01/05
5.3 +0.1 5.4 added book to inventory 0345517806 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/01/05
5.2 +0.1 5.3 added book to inventory 0446606324 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/01/05
5.1 +0.1 5.2 added book to inventory 0425161404 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/01/05
5 +0.1 5.1 added book to inventory 0061150142 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/01/05
4.9 +0.1 5 added book to inventory 0446608890 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/01/05
4.8 +0.1 4.9 added book to inventory 0451213599 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/01/05
4.7 +0.1 4.8 added book to inventory 0451173384 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/01/05
3.7 +1 4.7 gave points for mooch request 0553258648 ♥Book_Worm♥ (USA: NY) 2012/01/05
2.7 +1 3.7 gave points for mooch request B002A6VE3O ♥Book_Worm♥ (USA: NY) 2012/01/05
2.6 +0.1 2.7 added book to inventory 038572179X Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/01/03
2.5 +0.1 2.6 added book to inventory 055329170X Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/01/03
2.4 +0.1 2.5 added book to inventory 0446699489 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/01/03
3.4 -1 2.4 deducted points for mooch request 0449223043 gail (USA: CA) 2012/01/03
4.4 -1 3.4 deducted points for mooch request 0743454537 srusso1202 (USA) 2012/01/03
3.4 +1 4.4 gave points for mooch request 0743422449 annieh (USA: WI) 2012/01/03
3.3 +0.1 3.4 added book to inventory 0743422449 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/01/03
3.2 +0.1 3.3 added book to inventory 0451177096 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/01/03
3.1 +0.1 3.2 added book to inventory 0061015733 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/01/03
3 +0.1 3.1 added book to inventory 0449005836 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/01/03
2.9 +0.1 3 added book to inventory 0446610224 Eloise (USA: CA) 2012/01/03
3.9 -1 2.9 deducted points for mooch request 0446401307 Cynthia Harding (USA: CA) 2012/01/02
4.9 -1 3.9 deducted points for mooch request 9780451215734 Bill W (USA: CA) 2012/01/02
3.9 +1 4.9 gave points for mooch request 0425166619 Kathryn Faguy (USA) 2011/12/28
4.9 -1 3.9 deducted points for mooch request 038572179X JessicaM (USA: GA) 2011/12/19
5.9 -1 4.9 deducted points for mooch request 0446610100 Erica (USA: OK) 2011/12/15
6.9 -1 5.9 deducted points for mooch request 0446539686 REINA (USA: CA) 2011/12/15
5.9 +1 6.9 received a smooch merritt (USA: FL) 2011/12/03
4.9 +1 5.9 gave points for mooch request 0553588265 Dave Angerer (USA: DE) 2011/11/30
5.9 -1 4.9 deducted points for mooch request 0671042858 ZippyP99 (USA: PA) 2011/11/30
4.9 +1 5.9 lost in the mail says book owner 0684867621 val (USA: IN) 2011/11/30
3.9 +1 4.9 lost in the mail says book owner 0553272535 mary (USA: AK) 2011/11/25
4.9 -1 3.9 deducted points for mooch request 0316038377 Caroline (USA: CA) 2011/11/23
5.9 -1 4.9 deducted points for mooch request 9780316024969 Caroline (USA: CA) 2011/11/23
6.9 -1 5.9 deducted points for mooch request 0446606324 Deb Bobowski (USA: CO) 2011/11/23
5.9 +1 6.9 received a smooch Sasquatch (USA: CA) 2011/11/19
4.9 +1 5.9 received a smooch Sasquatch (USA: CA) 2011/11/19
3.9 +1 4.9 mooch rejected by book owner 0743428552 Jocelyne (USA: IL) 2011/11/19
4.9 -1 3.9 deducted points for mooch request 044090837X Sasquatch (USA: CA) 2011/11/19
5.9 -1 4.9 deducted points for mooch request 0671755064 Sasquatch (USA: CA) 2011/11/19
6.9 -1 5.9 deducted points for mooch request 055312756X Sasquatch (USA: CA) 2011/11/19
7.9 -1 6.9 deducted points for mooch request 0743271475 Sasquatch (USA: CA) 2011/11/19
8.9 -1 7.9 deducted points for mooch request 0399152288 merritt (USA: FL) 2011/11/19
9.9 -1 8.9 deducted points for mooch request 0451173384 merritt (USA: FL) 2011/11/19
10.9 -1 9.9 deducted points for mooch request 0061097861 Cara Halstead (USA: NY) 2011/11/19
11.9 -1 10.9 mooch rejected by book owner 0684865742 carabosse (USA: NJ) 2011/11/19
12 -0.1 11.9 removing book from inventory 0684865742 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/11/19
11 +1 12 mooch cancelled by requestor 0545158885 Mink (USA: MI) 2011/11/19
12 -1 11 deducted points for mooch request 0425161404 Cynthia Welsh (USA: AZ) 2011/11/15
13 -1 12 deducted points for mooch request 0679853065 cindy jimenez (USA: MA) 2011/11/15
14 -1 13 deducted points for mooch request 0061150142 Maggie (USA: AL) 2011/11/15
13 +1 14 gave points for mooch request 0553584510 angie (USA: FL) 2011/11/14
12.9 +0.1 13 added book to inventory 0553588265 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/11/11
12.8 +0.1 12.9 added book to inventory 0425158616 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/11/11
12.7 +0.1 12.8 added book to inventory 0755342682 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/11/11
12.6 +0.1 12.7 added book to inventory 9780345465283 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/11/11
12.5 +0.1 12.6 added book to inventory 0753813394 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/11/11
13.5 -1 12.5 deducted points for mooch request 0446610224 Joan (USA: AZ) 2011/11/07
14.5 -1 13.5 deducted points for mooch request 0316119709 Margie Neighbors (USA: OR) 2011/11/07
13.5 +1 14.5 mooch rejected by book owner 042520734X Dave (USA: CA) 2011/11/07
12.5 +1 13.5 gave points for mooch request 0312974922 Lou Jones (USA: MI) 2011/11/02
11.5 +1 12.5 gave points for mooch request 0743277201 Diane Spring (USA: TX) 2011/10/27
10.5 +1 11.5 gave points for mooch request 0821775782 Bob (USA: OR) 2011/10/26
9.5 +1 10.5 gave points for mooch request 0449003302 Paul & Janet (USA: CA) 2011/10/25
8.5 +1 9.5 gave points for mooch request 0451181379 terry dale (USA: IN) 2011/10/25
7.5 +1 8.5 gave points for mooch request 0061013315 Lucy S. (USA: NY) 2011/10/24
6.5 +1 7.5 gave points for mooch request 0061000280 Lucy S. (USA: NY) 2011/10/24
5.5 +1 6.5 mooch rejected by book owner 0446610224 paulina (USA: IL) 2011/10/24
6.5 -1 5.5 deducted points for mooch request 0446610224 paulina (USA: IL) 2011/10/24
7.5 -1 6.5 deducted points for mooch request 0446608890 GailB (USA: TX) 2011/10/24
8.5 -1 7.5 deducted points for mooch request 0061015733 Kat (USA) 2011/10/24
9.5 -1 8.5 deducted points for mooch request 0743428552 Jocelyne (USA: IL) 2011/10/23
10.5 -1 9.5 deducted points for mooch request 044041668X Bessie Childers (USA: AZ) 2011/10/23
9.5 +1 10.5 gave points for mooch request 0394825993 Laurel (USA: OH) 2011/10/23
8.5 +1 9.5 gave points for mooch request 0446561975 Greg Buescher (USA: OR) 2011/10/22
7.5 +1 8.5 gave points for mooch request 0446571415 Greg Buescher (USA: OR) 2011/10/22
6.5 +1 7.5 gave points for mooch request 0553212184 Ariel Jiana Fenster (USA: CA) 2011/10/22
5.5 +1 6.5 lost in the mail says book owner 0345404785 Mary & Kristin Bingham (USA: CA) 2011/10/22
5.4 +0.1 5.5 added book to inventory 0375845178 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/10/22
5.3 +0.1 5.4 added book to inventory 0394825993 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/10/22
5.2 +0.1 5.3 added book to inventory 0446571415 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/10/22
5.1 +0.1 5.2 added book to inventory 0553212184 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/10/22
4.1 +1 5.1 gave points for mooch request 0684865742 carabosse (USA: NJ) 2011/10/21
3.1 +1 4.1 gave points for mooch request 0452264464 carabosse (USA: NJ) 2011/10/21
4.1 -1 3.1 deducted points for mooch request 0446604844 Paul & Janet (USA: CA) 2011/10/20
5.1 -1 4.1 deducted points for mooch request 0345495179 candrevas (USA: CA) 2011/10/20
4.1 +1 5.1 gave points for mooch request 0060007788 Renee (USA: FL) 2011/10/18
5.1 -1 4.1 deducted points for mooch request 0553588265 Jeff Williams (USA: CA) 2011/10/17
6.1 -1 5.1 deducted points for mooch request 0553591703 petersoj (USA) 2011/10/17
7.1 -1 6.1 deducted points for mooch request 0451213599 Tara (USA: IL) 2011/10/17
8.1 -1 7.1 deducted points for mooch request 0449005836 Becky (USA: CA) 2011/10/17
9.1 -1 8.1 deducted points for mooch request 0743417682 DebK (USA: MS) 2011/10/17
10.1 -1 9.1 deducted points for mooch request 0451177096 thor610 (USA: KY) 2011/10/17
9.1 +1 10.1 gave points for mooch request 0143116304 jagmuse (USA: MD) 2011/10/13
9 +0.1 9.1 added book to inventory 0143116304 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/10/13
8.9 +0.1 9 added book to inventory 0425214761 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/10/13
8.8 +0.1 8.9 added book to inventory 0061000280 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/10/13
8.7 +0.1 8.8 added book to inventory 0345452585 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/10/13
8.6 +0.1 8.7 added book to inventory 0345465261 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/10/13
7.6 +1 8.6 gave points for mooch request 0449225046 Angel (USA: NM) 2011/10/09
7.5 +0.1 7.6 added book to inventory 0446401617 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/10/07
7.4 +0.1 7.5 added book to inventory 0345452607 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/10/07
6.4 +1 7.4 lost in the mail says book owner 0425144429 Katie30 (USA: CA) 2011/10/05
6.3 +0.1 6.4 added book to inventory 0425198731 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/10/03
6.2 +0.1 6.3 added book to inventory 0345404793 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/10/03
6.1 +0.1 6.2 added book to inventory 0553381032 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/10/03
6 +0.1 6.1 added book to inventory 0345413865 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/10/03
7 -1 6 deducted points for mooch request 0446401617 Cynthia Welsh (USA: AZ) 2011/10/01
8 -1 7 deducted points for mooch request 055329170X Patti (USA: OH) 2011/10/01
9 -1 8 deducted points for mooch request 9780345465283 Paul & Janet (USA: CA) 2011/10/01
10 -1 9 deducted points for mooch request 0345465261 Paul & Janet (USA: CA) 2011/10/01
11 -1 10 deducted points for mooch request 0345452585 Kerry (USA: CA) 2011/10/01
12 -1 11 deducted points for mooch request 0345452607 Bob (USA: OR) 2011/10/01
13 -1 12 deducted points for mooch request 0446571415 trish (USA: VA) 2011/10/01
12 +1 13 gave points for mooch request 9780440244714 Jenni (USA: WY) 2011/09/30
13 -1 12 deducted points for mooch request 0553272535 mary (USA: AK) 2011/09/28
12 +1 13 gave points for mooch request 0440153166 Shaggy Dog (USA: NJ) 2011/09/26
11.9 +0.1 12 added book to inventory 0553579983 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/09/23
11.8 +0.1 11.9 added book to inventory 0553258648 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/09/23
11.7 +0.1 11.8 added book to inventory 0515119644 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/09/23
11.6 +0.1 11.7 added book to inventory 0312974922 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/09/23
11.5 +0.1 11.6 added book to inventory 0452264464 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/09/23
11.4 +0.1 11.5 added book to inventory 0743277201 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/09/23
11.3 +0.1 11.4 added book to inventory 0425191184 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/09/23
12.3 -1 11.3 deducted points for mooch request 0684867621 val (USA: IN) 2011/09/20
13.3 -1 12.3 deducted points for mooch request 0143116304 Dana Harrington (USA: AR) 2011/09/20
12.3 +1 13.3 gave points for mooch request 0553588079 LindseyA (USA: NY) 2011/09/20
11.3 +1 12.3 gave points for mooch request 0843961449 Robbyn (USA: OH) 2011/09/20
10.3 +1 11.3 mooch rejected by book owner 0785762884 Ruby (USA: OR) 2011/09/15
9.3 +1 10.3 gave points for mooch request 0452282195 Sheila (USA: CA) 2011/09/14
10.3 -1 9.3 deducted points for mooch request 0545158885 Mink (USA: MI) 2011/09/11
11.3 -1 10.3 deducted points for mooch request 0785762884 Ruby (USA: OR) 2011/09/11
12.3 -1 11.3 deducted points for mooch request B001NX58KK Sharon (USA: IL) 2011/09/11
11.3 +1 12.3 gave points for mooch request 0345386132 Wayne M. Rapozo (USA: HI) 2011/09/06
10.3 +1 11.3 gave points for mooch request 0425175405 Emily (USA: CA) 2011/09/06
9.3 +1 10.3 gave points for mooch request 0425154092 Emily (USA: CA) 2011/09/06
8.3 +1 9.3 gave points for mooch request 0380718332 Emily (USA: CA) 2011/09/06
7.3 +1 8.3 gave points for mooch request 0380710218 Emily (USA: CA) 2011/09/06
6.3 +1 7.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0684867621 annie (USA: CA) 2011/09/06
5.3 +1 6.3 gave points for mooch request 0061000027 Xenia (USA: CA) 2011/09/04
5.2 +0.1 5.3 added book to inventory 0684865742 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/09/03
5.1 +0.1 5.2 added book to inventory 0060873167 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/09/03
5 +0.1 5.1 added book to inventory 0553571885 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/09/03
4.9 +0.1 5 added book to inventory 0553584510 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/09/03
4.8 +0.1 4.9 added book to inventory 0345386132 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/09/03
4.7 +0.1 4.8 added book to inventory 0843961449 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/09/03
3.7 +1 4.7 gave points for mooch request 006109918X Monica (USA: CA) 2011/08/31
4.7 -1 3.7 deducted points for mooch request 0399154256 mikecounselman (USA: CA) 2011/08/29
5.7 -1 4.7 deducted points for mooch request 0440213576 LarryB (USA: OR) 2011/08/29
6.7 -1 5.7 deducted points for mooch request 0312974922 mikecounselman (USA: CA) 2011/08/29
5.7 +1 6.7 gave points for mooch request 0446611611 Michelle (USA: MA) 2011/08/27
4.7 +1 5.7 gave points for mooch request 0446611638 Cynthia Harding (USA: CA) 2011/08/26
4.6 +0.1 4.7 added book to inventory 0553251139 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/08/24
4.5 +0.1 4.6 added book to inventory 0091791553 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/08/24
4.4 +0.1 4.5 added book to inventory 0449225046 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/08/24
4.3 +0.1 4.4 added book to inventory 0425100650 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/08/24
5.3 -1 4.3 deducted points for mooch request 0345404793 B Tobias (USA: FL) 2011/08/24
6.3 -1 5.3 deducted points for mooch request 0345404785 Mary & Kristin Bingham (USA: CA) 2011/08/24
7.3 -1 6.3 deducted points for mooch request 0345386132 Pat (USA: OR) 2011/08/24
6.3 +1 7.3 gave points for mooch request 0520222806 John (USA: KY) 2011/08/24
5.3 +1 6.3 gave points for mooch request 0446606383 Debi (USA: UT) 2011/08/24
6.3 -1 5.3 deducted points for mooch request 1416549986 mikecounselman (USA: CA) 2011/08/23
7.3 -1 6.3 deducted points for mooch request 042520734X Dave (USA: CA) 2011/08/23
6.3 +1 7.3 gave points for mooch request 034541389X Amy V (USA: PA) 2011/08/23
5.3 +1 6.3 gave points for mooch request 0345467078 Amy V (USA: PA) 2011/08/23
4.3 +1 5.3 gave points for mooch request 0345439279 Amy V (USA: PA) 2011/08/23
5.3 -1 4.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0449005615 Jacque (USA: MO) 2011/08/20
4.3 +1 5.3 gave points for mooch request 0449005615 Jacque (USA: MO) 2011/08/19
3.3 +1 4.3 mooch rejected by book owner 0440225701 Clementine (USA: CA) 2011/08/19
2.3 +1 3.3 gave points for mooch request 0060598891 Melissa (USA: NY) 2011/08/19
1.3 +1 2.3 gave points for mooch request 1594483299 Jonathan May (USA: AL) 2011/08/18
1.2 +0.1 1.3 added book to inventory 0060598891 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/08/17
1.1 +0.1 1.2 added book to inventory 1594483299 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/08/17
1 +0.1 1.1 added book to inventory 006109918X Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/08/17
0.9 +0.1 1 added book to inventory 055357227X Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/08/17
0.8 +0.1 0.9 added book to inventory 0316159360 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/08/17
0.7 +0.1 0.8 added book to inventory 0345378490 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/08/17
1.7 -1 0.7 deducted points for mooch request 0553571885 Kristin (USA: CA) 2011/08/17
2.7 -1 1.7 deducted points for mooch request 0345452607 maryalice28 (USA: CA) 2011/08/17
3.7 -1 2.7 deducted points for mooch request 0060873167 LarryB (USA: OR) 2011/08/17
4.7 -1 3.7 deducted points for mooch request 0553584510 Crystal (USA: LA) 2011/08/17
4.6 +0.1 4.7 added book to inventory 0452282195 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/08/17
4.5 +0.1 4.6 added book to inventory 0821775782 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/08/17
4.6 -0.1 4.5 removed book from inventory 0821775782 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/08/17
4.5 +0.1 4.6 added book to inventory 0380724987 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/08/17
4.4 +0.1 4.5 added book to inventory 0440153166 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/08/16
4.3 +0.1 4.4 added book to inventory 0446611638 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/08/16
4.2 +0.1 4.3 added book to inventory 0786865636 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/08/16
4.1 +0.1 4.2 added book to inventory 0399138250 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/08/16
4 +0.1 4.1 added book to inventory 0156011042 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/08/16
3.9 +0.1 4 added book to inventory 0553299506 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/08/16
3.8 +0.1 3.9 added book to inventory 0446611611 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/08/16
2.8 +1 3.8 gave points for mooch request 0446359750 Jean (USA: MN) 2011/08/12
3.8 -1 2.8 deducted points for mooch request 0440225701 Clementine (USA: CA) 2011/08/11
2.8 +1 3.8 mooch rejected by book owner 0821775774 Clementine (USA: CA) 2011/08/11
3.8 -1 2.8 deducted points for mooch request 006109918X Maryanne (USA: AR) 2011/08/03
4.8 -1 3.8 deducted points for mooch request 0425158616 Clementine (USA: CA) 2011/08/03
5.8 -1 4.8 deducted points for mooch request 0060598891 karonwalsh (USA: TX) 2011/08/03
6.8 -1 5.8 deducted points for mooch request 0446611638 Joan Adler (USA: WI) 2011/08/03
7.8 -1 6.8 deducted points for mooch request 0380724987 Linda Williams (USA: CA) 2011/08/03
8.8 -1 7.8 deducted points for mooch request 0821775774 Clementine (USA: CA) 2011/08/03
9.8 -1 8.8 deducted points for mooch request 1594483299 Sherrie (USA: NC) 2011/08/03
8.8 +1 9.8 gave points for mooch request 0316018708 Anne Good (USA: MI) 2011/07/30
7.8 +1 8.8 gave points for mooch request 0380703122 mtdoran (USA: MT) 2011/07/28
6.8 +1 7.8 gave points for mooch request 0140122060 Nicki (USA: TN) 2011/07/27
7.8 -1 6.8 deducted points for mooch request 055357227X Kevin Schultz (USA: CA) 2011/07/26
8.8 -1 7.8 deducted points for mooch request 0345378490 Kevin Schultz (USA: CA) 2011/07/26
9.8 -1 8.8 deducted points for mooch request 0440153166 Cory (USA: NY) 2011/07/26
10.8 -1 9.8 deducted points for mooch request 0684867621 annie (USA: CA) 2011/07/26
10.9 -0.1 10.8 removed book from inventory 0446611212 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/07/26
10.8 +0.1 10.9 added book to inventory 0520222806 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/07/26
10.7 +0.1 10.8 added book to inventory 0451137531 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/07/26
10.6 +0.1 10.7 added book to inventory 0345412214 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/07/26
10.7 -0.1 10.6 removed book from inventory 0345412214 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/07/26
10.6 +0.1 10.7 added book to inventory 0425166619 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/07/26
10.5 +0.1 10.6 added book to inventory 0449005615 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/07/26
10.6 -0.1 10.5 removed book from inventory 0452282195 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/07/26
9.6 +1 10.6 gave points for mooch request 0425107469 Terryz (USA) 2011/07/22
8.6 +1 9.6 gave points for mooch request 1400096723 Shannon (USA: KS) 2011/07/22
7.6 +1 8.6 gave points for mooch request 0553580191 Scott Kinney (USA: TX) 2011/07/21
6.6 +1 7.6 gave points for mooch request 1416562605 Sandy McCullough (USA: OH) 2011/07/21
6.5 +0.1 6.6 added book to inventory 1400096723 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/07/21
6.4 +0.1 6.5 added book to inventory 0452282195 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/07/21
6.3 +0.1 6.4 added book to inventory 0345412214 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/07/21
6.2 +0.1 6.3 added book to inventory 0821775782 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/07/21
6.1 +0.1 6.2 added book to inventory 0345467078 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/07/21
6 +0.1 6.1 added book to inventory 1416562605 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/07/21
5.9 +0.1 6 added book to inventory 0425107469 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/07/21
5.8 +0.1 5.9 added book to inventory 0316018708 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/07/21
5.7 +0.1 5.8 added book to inventory 0061013315 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/07/21
4.7 +1 5.7 gave points for mooch request 0446611646 Jim Keehn (USA: MO) 2011/07/17
3.7 +1 4.7 gave points for mooch request 0446616443 Jim Keehn (USA: MO) 2011/07/17
2.7 +1 3.7 gave points for mooch request 0778324133 Kelly (USA: FL) 2011/07/17
1.7 +1 2.7 mooch rejected by book owner 055359172X cgulley (USA: CA) 2011/07/16
2.7 -1 1.7 deducted points for mooch request 0425166619 Rodz (USA: OH) 2011/07/11
2.6 +0.1 2.7 added book to inventory 0060007788 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/07/11
2.5 +0.1 2.6 added book to inventory 0393324206 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/07/11
2.4 +0.1 2.5 added book to inventory 0446611646 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/07/11
2.3 +0.1 2.4 added book to inventory 0380817446 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/07/11
1.3 +1 2.3 gave points for mooch request 0446544884 Sam (USA: SC) 2011/07/11
2.3 -1 1.3 deducted points for mooch request 055359172X cgulley (USA: CA) 2011/07/06
3.3 -1 2.3 deducted points for mooch request 0425107469 Kerry (USA: CA) 2011/07/06
4.3 -1 3.3 deducted points for mooch request 0425144429 Katie30 (USA: CA) 2011/07/06
3.3 +1 4.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0449005860 Harriet Klontz (USA: DC) 2011/07/05
2.3 +1 3.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0425166619 Neigh's Corner (USA: NJ) 2011/07/05
1.3 +1 2.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0553584510 Neigh's Corner (USA: NJ) 2011/07/05
2.3 -1 1.3 deducted points for mooch request 0142414123 Lee Anne (USA) 2011/06/28
3.3 -1 2.3 deducted points for mooch request 0345413865 Paul & Janet (USA: CA) 2011/06/16
4.3 -1 3.3 deducted points for mooch request 0345467078 LaraD123 (USA: CA) 2011/06/16
5.3 -1 4.3 deducted points for mooch request 0821775782 JoroFlor (USA: CA) 2011/06/16
6.3 -1 5.3 deducted points for mooch request 0446611646 Janice Blevins (USA: AR) 2011/06/16
7.3 -1 6.3 deducted points for mooch request 044661646X PAT (USA: SC) 2011/06/16
6.3 +1 7.3 gave points for mooch request 0425097773 Denise (USA: AR) 2011/06/10
5.3 +1 6.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0553061739 breezy (USA: CA) 2011/06/10
4.3 +1 5.3 gave points for mooch request 0446605506 jpri (USA: CA) 2011/06/01
3.3 +1 4.3 gave points for mooch request 0380817691 Deborah Bertschi (USA: IL) 2011/05/31
4.3 -1 3.3 deducted points for mooch request 0553212184 vrtikapa (USA: FL) 2011/05/28
4.2 +0.1 4.3 added book to inventory 0452283396 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/05/24
3.2 +1 4.2 mooch rejected by book owner 0553589776 Tracy Gaestel (USA: CA) 2011/05/21
3.1 +0.1 3.2 added book to inventory 0140122060 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/05/18
3 +0.1 3.1 added book to inventory 0553588079 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/05/15
4 -1 3 deducted points for mooch request B000H2N38C babyj1025 (USA) 2011/05/13
5 -1 4 deducted points for mooch request 0449005860 Harriet Klontz (USA: DC) 2011/05/13
4.9 +0.1 5 added book to inventory 0380703122 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/05/13
4.8 +0.1 4.9 added book to inventory 9780440244714 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/05/13
3.8 +1 4.8 gave points for mooch request 0312941463 Brianna (USA: OH) 2011/05/10
4.8 -1 3.8 mooch cancelled by requestor 0446359750 Jesse Reeves (USA: TX) 2011/05/10
3.8 +1 4.8 gave points for mooch request 0446359750 Jesse Reeves (USA: TX) 2011/05/10
4.8 -1 3.8 deducted points for mooch request 0425166619 Neigh's Corner (USA: NJ) 2011/05/04
5.8 -1 4.8 deducted points for mooch request 0553584510 Neigh's Corner (USA: NJ) 2011/05/04
4.8 +1 5.8 gave points for mooch request 1400032717 Devi (USA: PA) 2011/05/03
4.7 +0.1 4.8 added book to inventory 1400032717 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/05/03
3.7 +1 4.7 gave points for mooch request 0380732688 KathyP (USA: MN) 2011/05/01
2.7 +1 3.7 gave points for mooch request 0440122147 Tricia (USA: CA) 2011/04/30
3.7 -1 2.7 deducted points for mooch request 0156011042 Elisabeth (USA: OR) 2011/04/29
4.7 -1 3.7 deducted points for mooch request 0440244714 Tracie (USA: CA) 2011/04/29
5.7 -1 4.7 deducted points for mooch request 0452285216 Letitia (USA: CA) 2011/04/29
4.7 +1 5.7 gave points for mooch request 141652455X grandaughter (USA: IN) 2011/04/29
4.6 +0.1 4.7 added book to inventory 0380718340 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/04/25
5.6 -1 4.6 deducted points for mooch request 0140122060 Jerry Lincecum (USA: TX) 2011/04/23
6.6 -1 5.6 deducted points for mooch request 0553589776 Tracy Gaestel (USA: CA) 2011/04/23
5.6 +1 6.6 mooch rejected by book owner 073932828X Willie (USA: CA) 2011/04/23
4.6 +1 5.6 mooch rejected by book owner 0821775790 Willie (USA: CA) 2011/04/23
3.6 +1 4.6 gave points for mooch request 0345386108 Robyn Anderson (USA: AL) 2011/04/23
3.5 +0.1 3.6 added book to inventory 0345452569 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/04/22
2.5 +1 3.5 gave points for mooch request 0553591908 Diane (USA: CT) 2011/04/20
1.5 +1 2.5 mooch cancelled by requestor 044661646X roxanne (USA: OR) 2011/04/17
2.5 -1 1.5 deducted points for mooch request 1416505407 sydney (USA: CO) 2011/04/17
2.4 +0.1 2.5 added book to inventory 0380718332 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/04/17
1.4 +1 2.4 gave points for mooch request B001HQ6D9S ladymagritte (USA: NC) 2011/04/15
2.4 -1 1.4 deducted points for mooch request 0505528258 Joya (USA: CA) 2011/04/14
3.4 -1 2.4 deducted points for mooch request 0553061739 breezy (USA: CA) 2011/04/14
4.4 -1 3.4 deducted points for mooch request 0380703122 idyll (USA: CA) 2011/04/14
5.4 -1 4.4 deducted points for mooch request 073932828X Willie (USA: CA) 2011/04/14
6.4 -1 5.4 deducted points for mooch request 0821775790 Willie (USA: CA) 2011/04/14
6.3 +0.1 6.4 added book to inventory 0553285920 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/04/13
7.3 -1 6.3 deducted points for mooch request 0553299506 Cecily (USA: CT) 2011/04/13
8.3 -1 7.3 deducted points for mooch request 0553588079 geri (USA: WA) 2011/04/13
8.2 +0.1 8.3 added book to inventory 0440122147 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/04/11
8.1 +0.1 8.2 added book to inventory 0380726254 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/04/11
8 +0.1 8.1 added book to inventory 0446561975 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/04/11
7 +1 8 gave points for mooch request 0446360325 Anna (USA: IA) 2011/04/10
6.9 +0.1 7 added book to inventory 0440212626 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/04/07
5.9 +1 6.9 gave points for mooch request 0373243286 Neigh's Corner (USA: NJ) 2011/04/07
4.9 +1 5.9 gave points for mooch request B002YNS0QC Claire (USA: CA) 2011/04/04
4.8 +0.1 4.9 added book to inventory B002YNS0QC Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/04/04
4.7 +0.1 4.8 added book to inventory 0553089226 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/04/02
4.6 +0.1 4.7 added book to inventory 0553586505 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/04/02
4.5 +0.1 4.6 added book to inventory 0553275100 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/04/02
5.5 -1 4.5 deducted points for mooch request 0380726254 Turtle (USA: CA) 2011/04/02
6.5 -1 5.5 deducted points for mooch request 0440122147 berrynat (USA) 2011/04/02
7.5 -1 6.5 deducted points for mooch request 0316018708 Michelle (USA: MA) 2011/04/02
7.4 +0.1 7.5 added book to inventory 0380710218 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/04/02
6.4 +1 7.4 mooch cancelled by requestor 0553804316 qrockbooks (USA: CA) 2011/04/02
7.4 -1 6.4 deducted points for mooch request 0553285920 Kerry (USA: CO) 2011/04/02
8.4 -1 7.4 deducted points for mooch request 0380718332 CJ Star (USA: CA) 2011/04/02
7.4 +1 8.4 gave points for mooch request 9780553578690 Wayne M. Rapozo (USA: HI) 2011/04/02
8.4 -1 7.4 deducted points for mooch request 0345452569 LarryB (USA: OR) 2011/03/30
8.3 +0.1 8.4 added book to inventory 034541389X Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/03/28
9.3 -1 8.3 deducted points for mooch request 0446561975 Katie (USA: TX) 2011/03/24
9.2 +0.1 9.3 added book to inventory 0446544884 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/03/24
9.1 +0.1 9.2 added book to inventory 0553591908 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/03/23
8.1 +1 9.1 gave points for mooch request 0786889608 Susan (USA: CA) 2011/03/21
8 +0.1 8.1 added book to inventory 0312944926 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/03/20
7.9 +0.1 8 added book to inventory B0016EE2QC Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/03/20
7.8 +0.1 7.9 added book to inventory 0380732688 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/03/19
8.8 -1 7.8 deducted points for mooch request 1400032717 Lisa (USA: IL) 2011/03/19
7.8 +1 8.8 gave points for mooch request 0451213181 Russ (USA: IN) 2011/03/19
6.8 +1 7.8 gave points for mooch request 0449225313 Russ (USA: IN) 2011/03/19
5.8 +1 6.8 gave points for mooch request 0451221729 Russ (USA: IN) 2011/03/19
5.7 +0.1 5.8 added book to inventory 0440224608 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/03/18
5.6 +0.1 5.7 added book to inventory 0451213181 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/03/18
6.6 -1 5.6 mooch cancelled by requestor 0061000027 john pereira (USA: CA) 2011/03/14
5.6 +1 6.6 gave points for mooch request 0061000027 john pereira (USA: CA) 2011/03/14
5.5 +0.1 5.6 added book to inventory 9780553578690 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/03/12
5.4 +0.1 5.5 added book to inventory 0446616443 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/03/10
4.4 +1 5.4 mooch cancelled by requestor 0446616451 Masala Tea (USA: CA) 2011/03/10
5.4 -1 4.4 deducted points for mooch request 0553381032 Rich (USA: OH) 2011/03/08
4.4 +1 5.4 gave points for mooch request 0061809047 Carrie (USA: CT) 2011/03/08
4.3 +0.1 4.4 added book to inventory 0061809047 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/03/08
4.2 +0.1 4.3 added book to inventory 0345439279 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/03/08
4.1 +0.1 4.2 added book to inventory 0425193861 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/03/04
5.1 -1 4.1 deducted points for mooch request 0525945938 Nisha (USA: NE) 2011/03/04
6.1 -1 5.1 deducted points for mooch request B002BS04F0 Deb Dettman (USA: WA) 2011/03/04
7.1 -1 6.1 deducted points for mooch request 9780553578690 jennifer (USA: AZ) 2011/03/03
8.1 -1 7.1 deducted points for mooch request 044661646X roxanne (USA: OR) 2011/03/03
9.1 -1 8.1 deducted points for mooch request 0679459626 Bargnhtr (USA: AZ) 2011/03/03
8.1 +1 9.1 gave points for mooch request 0446611611 Robin (USA: GA) 2011/03/03
9.1 -1 8.1 deducted points for mooch request 0553275100 Gary (USA: CA) 2011/03/02
8.1 +1 9.1 gave points for mooch request 0671250671 LeslieKatelynn (USA: TN) 2011/03/02
7.1 +1 8.1 gave points for mooch request 0380726246 neva (USA: MI) 2011/03/01
8.1 -1 7.1 deducted points for mooch request 0553591908 Joyce Biery (USA: AR) 2011/02/28
7.1 +1 8.1 gave points for mooch request 0451231740 AZLori (USA: AZ) 2011/02/28
7 +0.1 7.1 added book to inventory 9780345458841 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/02/28
6.9 +0.1 7 added book to inventory 0451231740 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/02/28
5.9 +1 6.9 gave points for mooch request 0446618829 Juneann (USA: FL) 2011/02/25
4.9 +1 5.9 gave points for mooch request 1400095476 surfette (USA: CA) 2011/02/24
4.8 +0.1 4.9 added book to inventory B001RVB0A0 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/02/24
4.7 +0.1 4.8 added book to inventory 0425192725 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/02/24
3.7 +1 4.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 9780451215734 Nancy (USA: PA) 2011/02/24
3.6 +0.1 3.7 added book to inventory 1400095476 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/02/24
3.5 +0.1 3.6 added book to inventory 0446611611 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/02/24
3.4 +0.1 3.5 added book to inventory 0446618829 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/02/24
3.3 +0.1 3.4 added book to inventory 0345413881 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/02/24
3.2 +0.1 3.3 added book to inventory 141652455X Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/02/24
2.2 +1 3.2 gave points for mooch request 0425140032 Becky (USA: FL) 2011/02/24
3.2 -1 2.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 0671250671 deb (USA: CA) 2011/02/14
2.2 +1 3.2 gave points for mooch request 0445406259 Chuck (USA: UT) 2011/02/13
3.2 -1 2.2 mooch rejected by book owner 0060740450 Mei (USA: CA) 2011/02/13
3.3 -0.1 3.2 removing book from inventory 0060740450 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/02/13
2.3 +1 3.3 gave points for mooch request 0060740450 Mei (USA: CA) 2011/02/13
3.3 -1 2.3 deducted points for mooch request 0345458842 mabeylauren (USA: CA) 2011/02/12
4.3 -1 3.3 deducted points for mooch request 0553089226 Able (USA: CA) 2011/02/12
5.3 -1 4.3 deducted points for mooch request 0345439279 Kate B (USA: PA) 2011/02/12
6.3 -1 5.3 deducted points for mooch request 0446611611 Betty (USA: WA) 2011/02/12
7.3 -1 6.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0060740450 Jenny (USA: PA) 2011/02/12
6.3 +1 7.3 gave points for mooch request 0060740450 Jenny (USA: PA) 2011/02/12
5.3 +1 6.3 gave points for mooch request 0671250671 deb (USA: CA) 2011/02/11
5.4 -0.1 5.3 removed book from inventory 0345413903 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/02/11
5.3 +0.1 5.4 added book to inventory 0345413903 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/02/11
5.2 +0.1 5.3 added book to inventory 0743454162 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/02/11
5.1 +0.1 5.2 added book to inventory 0060740450 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/02/11
5 +0.1 5.1 added book to inventory 0671250671 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/02/11
4 +1 5 gave points for mooch request 0743454146 David & Judy (USA: WA) 2011/02/11
3 +1 4 gave points for mooch request 0380807408 Karla (USA: NC) 2011/02/10
2 +1 3 gave points for mooch request 0380977796 Karla (USA: NC) 2011/02/10
1 +1 2 gave points for mooch request 1599953145 twilightgirl (USA: LA) 2011/02/09
2 -1 1 deducted points for mooch request 0345413881 Bargnhtr (USA: AZ) 2011/02/08
3 -1 2 deducted points for mooch request 0553804316 qrockbooks (USA: CA) 2011/02/08
4 -1 3 deducted points for mooch request 0446611611 Sasha (USA: CA) 2011/02/08
3.9 +0.1 4 added book to inventory 1599953145 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/02/08
2.9 +1 3.9 gave points for mooch request 0060740450 bjstrande (USA: MN) 2011/02/07
2.8 +0.1 2.9 added book to inventory 0446359750 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/02/07
1.8 +1 2.8 gave points for mooch request 0449002128 debra (USA: AZ) 2011/02/07
1.7 +0.1 1.8 added book to inventory 0060740450 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/02/06
1.6 +0.1 1.7 added book to inventory 0449225313 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/02/06
1.5 +0.1 1.6 added book to inventory 0451221729 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/02/06
1.4 +0.1 1.5 added book to inventory 0449002128 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/02/06
1.3 +0.1 1.4 added book to inventory 1416524886 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/01/31
2.3 -1 1.3 deducted points for mooch request 0446616443 Katherine Tessier (USA: MD) 2011/01/25
1.3 +1 2.3 gave points for mooch request 0553589091 Grandmom3 (USA: AZ) 2011/01/25
1.2 +0.1 1.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553584537 Dalene (USA: UT) 2011/01/24
2.2 -1 1.2 deducted points for mooch request 0446616451 Masala Tea (USA: CA) 2011/01/24
3.2 -1 2.2 deducted points for mooch request 0380732688 Andrea (USA: NV) 2011/01/24
4.2 -1 3.2 deducted points for mooch request 1400095476 PattiM (USA: VA) 2011/01/24
3.2 +1 4.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 0449147282 Carol (USA: IL) 2011/01/24
3.1 +0.1 3.2 added book to inventory 1416524797 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/01/23
3 +0.1 3.1 added book to inventory 0307474275 Eloise (USA: CA) 2011/01/23
2 +1 3 gave points for mooch request 0061000035 Denise (USA: FL) 2011/01/21
1.9 +0.1 2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1565125606 V (USA: NM) 2011/01/18
2.9 -1 1.9 deducted points for mooch request 0553584537 Dalene (USA: UT) 2011/01/08
3.9 -1 2.9 deducted points for mooch request 1565125606 V (USA: NM) 2011/01/08
3.8 +0.1 3.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0449002128 buenker (USA: AZ) 2011/01/08
3.7 +0.1 3.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451221729 BRYANT (USA: ME) 2011/01/06
3.6 +0.1 3.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060740450 Julia C. (USA: MO) 2011/01/06
2.6 +1 3.6 gave points for mooch request 0446611085 Caitlin (USA: OK) 2011/01/04
2.5 +0.1 2.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0449225313 Linda (USA: FL) 2011/01/03
2.4 +0.1 2.5 added book to inventory 0446360325 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/12/31
1.4 +1 2.4 mooch cancelled by requestor 0140278761 amina1000 (USA: IL) 2010/12/31
0.4 +1 1.4 gave points for mooch request 0778324656 Jan (USA: WA) 2010/12/30
1.4 -1 0.4 deducted points for mooch request 0451221729 BRYANT (USA: ME) 2010/12/29
2.4 -1 1.4 deducted points for mooch request 9780451215734 Nancy (USA: PA) 2010/12/28
3.4 -1 2.4 deducted points for mooch request 0060740450 Julia C. (USA: MO) 2010/12/28
3.3 +0.1 3.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0671250671 wwallet (USA: NJ) 2010/12/28
4.3 -1 3.3 deducted points for mooch request 0449002128 buenker (USA: AZ) 2010/12/27
5.3 -1 4.3 deducted points for mooch request 0140278761 amina1000 (USA: IL) 2010/12/27
4.3 +1 5.3 gave points for mooch request 0786890169 Michael (USA: ME) 2010/12/26
3.3 +1 4.3 gave points for mooch request 067102423X Shelly Downes (USA: OK) 2010/12/26
2.3 +1 3.3 gave points for mooch request 0425238113 Carrie Ansell (USA: DC) 2010/12/22
2.2 +0.1 2.3 added book to inventory 0449003302 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/12/22
2.1 +0.1 2.2 added book to inventory 0446606383 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/12/22
2 +0.1 2.1 added book to inventory 0425238113 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/12/22
1.9 +0.1 2 added book to inventory 0778324656 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/12/22
1.8 +0.1 1.9 added book to inventory 0743454146 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/12/22
2.8 -1 1.8 deducted points for mooch request 0449225313 Linda (USA: FL) 2010/12/22
1.8 +1 2.8 gave points for mooch request 0446400335 laura (USA: SC) 2010/12/22
1.7 +0.1 1.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0778324656 Joan (USA: AZ) 2010/12/15
1.6 +0.1 1.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425192725 Glen (United Kingdom) 2010/12/15
1.5 +0.1 1.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0446606383 thebookie (USA) 2010/12/10
1.4 +0.1 1.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0743454146 Jane (USA: NC) 2010/12/09
1.3 +0.1 1.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0446360325 algybear (USA: MI) 2010/12/09
1.2 +0.1 1.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0449003302 Carla (USA: WA) 2010/12/09
2.2 -1 1.2 deducted points for mooch request 0778324656 Joan (USA: AZ) 2010/12/06
3.2 -1 2.2 deducted points for mooch request 0425192725 Glen (United Kingdom) 2010/12/06
4.2 -1 3.2 deducted points for mooch request 0446606383 thebookie (USA) 2010/12/06
5.2 -1 4.2 deducted points for mooch request 0743454146 Jane (USA: NC) 2010/12/06
5.1 +0.1 5.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425180905 Bonnie (USA) 2010/12/06
5 +0.1 5.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0375502238 Tia (USA: CO) 2010/12/06
4 +1 5 gave points for mooch request 0445409029 Turtle (USA: CA) 2010/12/05
3 +1 4 gave points for mooch request 039914157X Turtle (USA: CA) 2010/12/05
2 +1 3 gave points for mooch request B0027NZVPW sharonsqi (USA: MD) 2010/11/30
1 +1 2 mooch rejected by book owner 9781565125605 reader2222 (USA: NY) 2010/11/29
2 -1 1 deducted points for mooch request 0446360325 algybear (USA: MI) 2010/11/29
3 -1 2 deducted points for mooch request 0449003302 Carla (USA: WA) 2010/11/29
4 -1 3 deducted points for mooch request 0425180905 Bonnie (USA) 2010/11/29
5 -1 4 deducted points for mooch request 0671250671 wwallet (USA: NJ) 2010/11/29
6 -1 5 deducted points for mooch request 9781565125605 reader2222 (USA: NY) 2010/11/29
5.9 +0.1 6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0307264556 veranaz22 (USA: HI) 2010/11/29
5.8 +0.1 5.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0446690309 Scotty G (USA: RI) 2010/11/29
5.7 +0.1 5.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1568849036 Macie Anderson (USA: FL) 2010/11/29
5.6 +0.1 5.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0671884484 babbs (USA: MI) 2010/11/29
5.5 +0.1 5.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0449215024 Linda Williams (USA: CA) 2010/11/29
5.4 +0.1 5.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553586505 Kim Welliver (USA: UT) 2010/11/29
5.3 +0.1 5.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0375707972 Library Elf (USA: FL) 2010/11/29
4.3 +1 5.3 gave points for mooch request 0312976275 Heather (USA: UT) 2010/11/15
5.3 -1 4.3 deducted points for mooch request 1568849036 Macie Anderson (USA: FL) 2010/11/13
4.3 +1 5.3 gave points for mooch request 0446615757 jolene (USA: NY) 2010/11/11
4.2 +0.1 4.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061098795 shoutscout (USA: CA) 2010/11/10
5.2 -1 4.2 deducted points for mooch request 0449147282 Carol (USA: IL) 2010/11/08
6.2 -1 5.2 deducted points for mooch request 0307264556 veranaz22 (USA: HI) 2010/11/08
6.1 +0.1 6.2 added book to inventory 0446611212 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/11/08
5.1 +1 6.1 gave points for mooch request 0451208765 Janna (USA: TX) 2010/11/08
4.1 +1 5.1 mooch rejected by book owner 0380732688 TINADOLL99 (USA: CA) 2010/11/07
5.1 -1 4.1 deducted points for mooch request 0446690309 Scotty G (USA: RI) 2010/11/05
6.1 -1 5.1 deducted points for mooch request 0671884484 babbs (USA: MI) 2010/11/05
7.1 -1 6.1 deducted points for mooch request 0375502238 Tia (USA: CO) 2010/11/05
8.1 -1 7.1 deducted points for mooch request 0449215024 Linda Williams (USA: CA) 2010/11/05
9.1 -1 8.1 deducted points for mooch request 0553586505 Kim Welliver (USA: UT) 2010/11/05
10.1 -1 9.1 deducted points for mooch request 0380732688 TINADOLL99 (USA: CA) 2010/11/05
11.1 -1 10.1 deducted points for mooch request 0061098795 shoutscout (USA: CA) 2010/11/05
10.1 +1 11.1 lost in the mail says book owner 1416524533 Naomi (USA: CO) 2010/11/05
9.1 +1 10.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 0451185196 Jo (USA: PA) 2010/11/05
9 +0.1 9.1 added book to inventory 0446611085 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/11/05
8 +1 9 gave points for mooch request 0425067963 Stacy (USA: CA) 2010/11/04
7.9 +0.1 8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0446611085 amifer (USA: CO) 2010/11/03
6.9 +1 7.9 gave points for mooch request 0062554182 Mommie Dearest (USA: ME) 2010/11/03
5.9 +1 6.9 gave points for mooch request 0345515471 thebookie (USA) 2010/11/03
5.8 +0.1 5.9 added book to inventory 0345515471 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/11/02
5.7 +0.1 5.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451203593 Jane (USA: NC) 2010/11/02
5.6 +0.1 5.7 added book to inventory 039914157X Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/11/01
5.5 +0.1 5.6 added book to inventory 0380977796 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/11/01
4.5 +1 5.5 gave points for mooch request 0553578685 Paul & Janet (USA: CA) 2010/11/01
4.4 +0.1 4.5 added book to inventory 0312976275 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/10/31
4.3 +0.1 4.4 added book to inventory 067102423X Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/10/31
4.2 +0.1 4.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553578693 Bea Thompson (USA: IL) 2010/10/27
4.1 +0.1 4.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0520222806 Lucy (USA: FL) 2010/10/25
5.1 -1 4.1 deducted points for mooch request 0451203593 Jane (USA: NC) 2010/10/21
4.1 +1 5.1 gave points for mooch request 0440111323 Karen Soohy (USA: AZ) 2010/10/21
3.1 +1 4.1 gave points for mooch request 0380794241 Chuck (USA: UT) 2010/10/19
4.1 -1 3.1 deducted points for mooch request 0446611085 amifer (USA: CO) 2010/10/19
5.1 -1 4.1 deducted points for mooch request 0375707972 Library Elf (USA: FL) 2010/10/19
6.1 -1 5.1 deducted points for mooch request 0553578693 Bea Thompson (USA: IL) 2010/10/19
6 +0.1 6.1 added book to inventory 0553578685 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/10/19
5.9 +0.1 6 added book to inventory 0445409029 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/10/18
5.8 +0.1 5.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553578685 sheclimber (USA: CO) 2010/10/18
5.7 +0.1 5.8 added book to inventory 0061000035 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/10/18
6.7 -1 5.7 deducted points for mooch request 0520222806 Lucy (USA: FL) 2010/10/18
5.7 +1 6.7 gave points for mooch request 0399149309 Susan (USA: CA) 2010/10/18
5.6 +0.1 5.7 added book to inventory 0446603716 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/10/16
5.5 +0.1 5.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0446536318 Shelley (USA: GA) 2010/10/15
5.4 +0.1 5.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061000035 lisad (USA: TX) 2010/10/15
5.3 +0.1 5.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312976275 Angie (USA: WV) 2010/10/14
5.2 +0.1 5.3 added book to inventory 0446615757 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/10/14
5.1 +0.1 5.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380977796 Adrien I. (USA: NY) 2010/10/13
5 +0.1 5.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 067102423X Sarah (USA: TX) 2010/10/09
4.9 +0.1 5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0446615757 dnichols (USA: TX) 2010/10/09
4.8 +0.1 4.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0345502736 Ron C (USA: CA) 2010/10/08
4.7 +0.1 4.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0445409029 Bonnie (USA) 2010/10/08
4.6 +0.1 4.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 042513525X Glen (USA: MA) 2010/10/07
4.5 +0.1 4.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416524541 Ronda (USA: CA) 2010/10/07
4.4 +0.1 4.5 added book to inventory 1416593527 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/10/07
5.4 -1 4.4 deducted points for mooch request 0446536318 Shelley (USA: GA) 2010/10/05
6.4 -1 5.4 deducted points for mooch request 067102423X Sarah (USA: TX) 2010/10/04
7.4 -1 6.4 deducted points for mooch request 042513525X Glen (USA: MA) 2010/10/04
8.4 -1 7.4 deducted points for mooch request 0345502736 Ron C (USA: CA) 2010/10/04
9.4 -1 8.4 deducted points for mooch request 0446615757 dnichols (USA: TX) 2010/10/04
10.4 -1 9.4 deducted points for mooch request 0061000035 lisad (USA: TX) 2010/10/04
11.4 -1 10.4 deducted points for mooch request 1416524541 Ronda (USA: CA) 2010/10/04
12.4 -1 11.4 deducted points for mooch request 0445409029 Bonnie (USA) 2010/10/04
13.4 -1 12.4 deducted points for mooch request 0553578685 sheclimber (USA: CO) 2010/10/04
14.4 -1 13.4 deducted points for mooch request 0312976275 Angie (USA: WV) 2010/10/04
13.4 +1 14.4 mooch cancelled by requestor 1568849036 jared (USA: VA) 2010/10/02
12.4 +1 13.4 gave points for mooch request 0451180410 Chris (USA: MO) 2010/10/02
11.4 +1 12.4 gave points for mooch request 9780307476159 Patricia (USA: UT) 2010/10/01
11.3 +0.1 11.4 added book to inventory 9780307476159 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/09/30
11.2 +0.1 11.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 039914157X J. O. Smith (USA: DC) 2010/09/28
10.2 +1 11.2 gave points for mooch request 9780307473479 Tad Waddington (USA: IL) 2010/09/27
10.1 +0.1 10.2 added book to inventory 9780307473479 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/09/27
10 +0.1 10.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0515123498 Sandy (USA: TN) 2010/09/27
9.9 +0.1 10 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0895775123 MaryV (USA: VT) 2010/09/27
8.9 +1 9.9 mooch cancelled by requestor 0451179803 lsepplin (USA: SD) 2010/09/27
7.9 +1 8.9 gave points for mooch request 0446604100 Judy Zacharias (USA: CA) 2010/09/26
6.9 +1 7.9 gave points for mooch request 0425211347 Ann Zimrin (USA: MD) 2010/09/26
6.8 +0.1 6.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416593527 Tracie (USA: CA) 2010/09/24
6.7 +0.1 6.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451206525 Tracie (USA: CA) 2010/09/24
5.7 +1 6.7 gave points for mooch request 159995317X Lorfun (USA: TN) 2010/09/24
5.6 +0.1 5.7 added book to inventory 159995317X Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/09/24
4.6 +1 5.6 gave points for mooch request 0446561347 Melissa (USA: NH) 2010/09/23
5.6 -1 4.6 mooch rejected by book owner 0060927569 Jillian Early (USA: CO) 2010/09/22
5.7 -0.1 5.6 removing book from inventory 0060927569 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/09/22
5.6 +0.1 5.7 added book to inventory 0446561347 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/09/22
5.5 +0.1 5.6 added book to inventory 0380794241 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/09/21
4.5 +1 5.5 gave points for mooch request 0743260945 Anita B (USA: NV) 2010/09/21
3.5 +1 4.5 gave points for mooch request 0743454154 Anita B (USA: NV) 2010/09/21
3.4 +0.1 3.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380794241 bucmjt (USA: FL) 2010/09/20
3.3 +0.1 3.4 added book to inventory 0380807408 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/09/20
2.3 +1 3.3 gave points for mooch request 0375724400 Rolinda (USA: WA) 2010/09/19
2.2 +0.1 2.3 added book to inventory 0375724400 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/09/19
2.1 +0.1 2.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380807408 thezerostone (USA: OH) 2010/09/16
2 +0.1 2.1 added book to inventory 0778324133 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/09/15
1.9 +0.1 2 added book to inventory 0062554182 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/09/15
1.8 +0.1 1.9 added book to inventory 0743454154 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/09/15
2.8 -1 1.8 deducted points for mooch request 1416593527 Tracie (USA: CA) 2010/09/14
3.8 -1 2.8 deducted points for mooch request 0451206525 Tracie (USA: CA) 2010/09/14
4.8 -1 3.8 deducted points for mooch request 0515123498 Sandy (USA: TN) 2010/09/14
5.8 -1 4.8 deducted points for mooch request 0380794241 bucmjt (USA: FL) 2010/09/14
6.8 -1 5.8 deducted points for mooch request 039914157X J. O. Smith (USA: DC) 2010/09/14
7.8 -1 6.8 deducted points for mooch request 0895775123 MaryV (USA: VT) 2010/09/14
8.8 -1 7.8 deducted points for mooch request 0451185196 Jo (USA: PA) 2010/09/14
8.7 +0.1 8.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0743454154 bookish_cutie (USA: OR) 2010/09/14
7.7 +1 8.7 gave points for mooch request 006056346X thezerostone (USA: OH) 2010/09/13
6.7 +1 7.7 gave points for mooch request 0060927569 Jillian Early (USA: CO) 2010/09/10
6.6 +0.1 6.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0778324133 jen121475 (USA: AR) 2010/09/10
5.6 +1 6.6 gave points for mooch request 0671001795 Mark (USA: WA) 2010/09/07
6.6 -1 5.6 deducted points for mooch request 0380807408 thezerostone (USA: OH) 2010/09/05
7.6 -1 6.6 deducted points for mooch request 0380977796 Adrien I. (USA: NY) 2010/09/05
7.5 +0.1 7.6 added book to inventory 0671001795 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/08/31
6.5 +1 7.5 gave points for mooch request 0312944926 Anne (USA: MI) 2010/08/31
6.4 +0.1 6.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0671001795 feedtheneed2read (USA: NC) 2010/08/30
6.3 +0.1 6.4 added book to inventory 0451180410 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/08/28
6.2 +0.1 6.3 added book to inventory 0451208765 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/08/26
6.1 +0.1 6.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451180410 John Stites (USA: OK) 2010/08/26
5.1 +1 6.1 gave points for mooch request 033031582X Shelly Dechert (USA: NJ) 2010/08/23
6.1 -1 5.1 deducted points for mooch request 0671001795 feedtheneed2read (USA: NC) 2010/08/23
6 +0.1 6.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451208765 Sarah (USA: FL) 2010/08/22
5.9 +0.1 6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0743454162 Kerry (USA: CO) 2010/08/22
5.8 +0.1 5.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553586122 Betty B (USA: AZ) 2010/08/22
5.7 +0.1 5.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0465027407 Loretta (USA: OK) 2010/08/22
5.6 +0.1 5.7 added book to inventory 0553586122 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/08/22
6.6 -1 5.6 deducted points for mooch request 0451180410 John Stites (USA: OK) 2010/08/21
5.6 +1 6.6 gave points for mooch request 0671047507 Karen Diegelman (USA: MO) 2010/08/21
6.6 -1 5.6 mooch rejected by book owner 0671047507 Quinlan Community Library (USA: TX) 2010/08/20
5.6 +1 6.6 gave points for mooch request 0446556998 Lori (USA: MN) 2010/08/20
6.6 -1 5.6 deducted points for mooch request 1416524533 Naomi (USA: CO) 2010/08/20
7.6 -1 6.6 mooch cancelled by requestor 0399149309 jpri (USA: CA) 2010/08/19
8.6 -1 7.6 mooch rejected by book owner 0061000027 alfette (USA: CA) 2010/08/19
7.6 +1 8.6 gave points for mooch request 0399149309 jpri (USA: CA) 2010/08/19
6.6 +1 7.6 gave points for mooch request 0399153519 jpri (USA: CA) 2010/08/19
6.5 +0.1 6.6 added book to inventory 0446556998 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/08/17
6.4 +0.1 6.5 added book to inventory 0425175405 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/08/17
7.4 -1 6.4 deducted points for mooch request 0451179803 lsepplin (USA: SD) 2010/08/15
6.4 +1 7.4 gave points for mooch request 0446611360 Mayra (USA: UT) 2010/08/15
6.3 +0.1 6.4 added book to inventory 0440111323 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/08/14
5.3 +1 6.3 gave points for mooch request 0061000027 alfette (USA: CA) 2010/08/14
4.3 +1 5.3 gave points for mooch request 0743233476 Christi (USA: IL) 2010/08/14
4.2 +0.1 4.3 added book to inventory 0060927569 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/08/14
4.1 +0.1 4.2 added book to inventory 0446605506 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/08/14
4 +0.1 4.1 added book to inventory 0743233476 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/08/13
3.9 +0.1 4 added book to inventory 0399149309 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/08/13
4.9 -1 3.9 deducted points for mooch request 0743454154 bookish_cutie (USA: OR) 2010/08/13
5.9 -1 4.9 deducted points for mooch request 0451208765 Sarah (USA: FL) 2010/08/13
6.9 -1 5.9 deducted points for mooch request 0743454162 Kerry (USA: CO) 2010/08/13
5.9 +1 6.9 gave points for mooch request 042518109X Maripat (USA: MA) 2010/08/13
4.9 +1 5.9 gave points for mooch request 0553584480 Maripat (USA: MA) 2010/08/13
3.9 +1 4.9 gave points for mooch request 0553582909 Maripat (USA: MA) 2010/08/13
2.9 +1 3.9 gave points for mooch request 0553582895 Maripat (USA: MA) 2010/08/13
2.8 +0.1 2.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425175405 Laura (USA: CA) 2010/08/12
2.7 +0.1 2.8 added book to inventory 0345386108 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/08/12
3.7 -1 2.7 deducted points for mooch request 0553586122 Betty B (USA: AZ) 2010/08/12
2.7 +1 3.7 gave points for mooch request 0671047507 Quinlan Community Library (USA: TX) 2010/08/12
3.7 -1 2.7 deducted points for mooch request 1568849036 jared (USA: VA) 2010/08/11
4.7 -1 3.7 deducted points for mooch request 0778324133 jen121475 (USA: AR) 2010/08/11
3.7 +1 4.7 mooch rejected by book owner 0764504185 Angela N (USA: AL) 2010/08/11
2.7 +1 3.7 gave points for mooch request 0345438329 Helena (USA: IL) 2010/08/11
2.6 +0.1 2.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451180429 Susan H (USA: NY) 2010/08/08
2.5 +0.1 2.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0440111323 Heather (USA: TX) 2010/08/08
2.4 +0.1 2.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book B000NMDP6G Laurel Busby (USA: CA) 2010/08/08
2.3 +0.1 2.4 added book to inventory 0061000027 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/08/07
2.2 +0.1 2.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061000027 Lori (USA: AZ) 2010/08/06
2.1 +0.1 2.2 added book to inventory B003X82FYU Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/08/05
2 +0.1 2.1 added book to inventory 033031582X Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/08/04
3 -1 2 deducted points for mooch request 0465027407 Loretta (USA: OK) 2010/08/01
4 -1 3 deducted points for mooch request 0764504185 Angela N (USA: AL) 2010/07/31
5 -1 4 deducted points for mooch request 0425175405 Laura (USA: CA) 2010/07/30
6 -1 5 deducted points for mooch request 0451180429 Susan H (USA: NY) 2010/07/30
7 -1 6 deducted points for mooch request 0061000027 Lori (USA: AZ) 2010/07/30
8 -1 7 deducted points for mooch request 0440111323 Heather (USA: TX) 2010/07/30
7.9 +0.1 8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0446605506 Connie (USA: AR) 2010/07/30
7.8 +0.1 7.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425201384 Lisa Wenner (USA: PA) 2010/07/30
7.7 +0.1 7.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0399149309 Geoff and Michelle (USA: TX) 2010/07/30
7.6 +0.1 7.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 033031582X Wendy (USA: OK) 2010/07/25
6.6 +1 7.6 gave points for mooch request 0446612529 Joy (USA: IL) 2010/07/25
5.6 +1 6.6 mooch rejected by book owner 0449219364 theresa (USA: SC) 2010/07/25
6.6 -1 5.6 deducted points for mooch request 0446605506 Connie (USA: AR) 2010/07/24
7.6 -1 6.6 deducted points for mooch request 0425201384 Lisa Wenner (USA: PA) 2010/07/24
8.6 -1 7.6 deducted points for mooch request 0399149309 Geoff and Michelle (USA: TX) 2010/07/24
7.6 +1 8.6 gave points for mooch request 0385092040 Katbook (USA: CA) 2010/07/23
6.6 +1 7.6 gave points for mooch request 0425234606 cjray (USA: CA) 2010/07/23
6.5 +0.1 6.6 added book to inventory 0061000043 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/07/22
6.4 +0.1 6.5 added book to inventory 0425234606 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/07/22
6.3 +0.1 6.4 added book to inventory 0671047507 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/07/22
7.3 -1 6.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0345438329 kickee (USA: MD) 2010/07/19
6.3 +1 7.3 gave points for mooch request 0345438329 kickee (USA: MD) 2010/07/17
6.2 +0.1 6.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061099325 Soule (USA) 2010/07/16
6.1 +0.1 6.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0671047507 Jill G. (USA) 2010/07/13
6 +0.1 6.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0061000043 Swift (USA: CO) 2010/07/13
5.9 +0.1 6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553278029 Destiny (USA: NJ) 2010/07/13
4.9 +1 5.9 gave points for mooch request 006100345X shirley (USA: TX) 2010/07/07
4.8 +0.1 4.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 9780312990459 Ben Johnson (USA: KY) 2010/07/06
4.7 +0.1 4.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060563478 Teresa S. (USA: TN) 2010/07/06
3.7 +1 4.7 lost in the mail says book owner 0553587900 smithla8 (USA: WA) 2010/07/06
3.6 +0.1 3.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0062554182 Miss Bella (USA: GA) 2010/07/04
4.6 -1 3.6 deducted points for mooch request 9780312990459 Ben Johnson (USA: KY) 2010/07/02
3.6 +1 4.6 gave points for mooch request 0312306261 Melissa Stinson (USA: FL) 2010/07/02
4.6 -1 3.6 deducted points for mooch request B000NMDP6G Laurel Busby (USA: CA) 2010/07/01
5.6 -1 4.6 deducted points for mooch request 033031582X Wendy (USA: OK) 2010/07/01
6.6 -1 5.6 deducted points for mooch request 0449219364 theresa (USA: SC) 2010/07/01
7.6 -1 6.6 deducted points for mooch request 0671047507 Jill G. (USA) 2010/07/01
7.5 +0.1 7.6 added book to inventory 0425147622 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/07/01
7.4 +0.1 7.5 added book to inventory 006100345X Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/07/01
7.3 +0.1 7.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060927569 taylorschott (USA: CA) 2010/07/01
7.2 +0.1 7.3 added book to inventory 0446360589 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/06/30
7.1 +0.1 7.2 added book to inventory 0446359866 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/06/30
8.1 -1 7.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 0312306261 scubagal (USA: IN) 2010/06/29
7.1 +1 8.1 gave points for mooch request 0451131568 A S Kirker (USA: MA) 2010/06/27
7 +0.1 7.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 006100345X Lucy S. (USA: NY) 2010/06/27
6.9 +0.1 7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425182150 Geoff and Michelle (USA: TX) 2010/06/27
6.8 +0.1 6.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425147622 thinkPhD (USA: VA) 2010/06/27
5.8 +1 6.8 gave points for mooch request 0812507568 Ilene Simon (USA: CA) 2010/06/27
4.8 +1 5.8 gave points for mooch request 0312306261 scubagal (USA: IN) 2010/06/25
3.8 +1 4.8 gave points for mooch request 0821772961 Lisa (USA: SC) 2010/06/25
2.8 +1 3.8 gave points for mooch request 0515119520 Lisa (USA: SC) 2010/06/25
3.8 -1 2.8 deducted points for mooch request 0060563478 Teresa S. (USA: TN) 2010/06/23
4.8 -1 3.8 deducted points for mooch request 0061099325 Soule (USA) 2010/06/23
5.8 -1 4.8 deducted points for mooch request 0062554182 Miss Bella (USA: GA) 2010/06/23
6.8 -1 5.8 deducted points for mooch request 0061000043 Swift (USA: CO) 2010/06/23
5.8 +1 6.8 gave points for mooch request 0553582755 Kathy Harvey Nelson (USA: PA) 2010/06/23
4.8 +1 5.8 mooch rejected by book owner 0446691798 Bertha (USA: FL) 2010/06/22
3.8 +1 4.8 mooch rejected by book owner 042522192X Lou Ann (USA) 2010/06/22
3.7 +0.1 3.8 added book to inventory 0425154092 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/06/21
3.6 +0.1 3.7 added book to inventory 006056346X Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/06/21
3.5 +0.1 3.6 added book to inventory 0312306261 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/06/21
2.5 +1 3.5 gave points for mooch request 0812509145 Molly Tavern (USA: CA) 2010/06/21
3.5 -1 2.5 deducted points for mooch request 006100345X Lucy S. (USA: NY) 2010/06/21
4.5 -1 3.5 deducted points for mooch request 0425147622 thinkPhD (USA: VA) 2010/06/21
5.5 -1 4.5 deducted points for mooch request 0553278029 Destiny (USA: NJ) 2010/06/20
6.5 -1 5.5 deducted points for mooch request 0446691798 Bertha (USA: FL) 2010/06/20
6.4 +0.1 6.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425154092 jen (USA: CA) 2010/06/16
5.4 +1 6.4 gave points for mooch request 0786889047 Diane Spring (USA: TX) 2010/06/15
4.4 +1 5.4 gave points for mooch request 0743411447 Diane Spring (USA: TX) 2010/06/15
5.4 -1 4.4 deducted points for mooch request 042522192X Lou Ann (USA) 2010/06/14
6.4 -1 5.4 deducted points for mooch request 0425182150 Geoff and Michelle (USA: TX) 2010/06/14
7.4 -1 6.4 mooch cancelled by requestor 0345438329 Beth (USA: GA) 2010/06/14
6.4 +1 7.4 gave points for mooch request 0345438329 Beth (USA: GA) 2010/06/11
6.3 +0.1 6.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 006056346X EFGuth (USA: TN) 2010/06/11
5.3 +1 6.3 gave points for mooch request 0440193281 Julie (USA: IL) 2010/06/10
5.2 +0.1 5.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0446359866 Deanne G (USA: CA) 2010/06/10
4.2 +1 5.2 gave points for mooch request 0553587897 Terynn (USA: WY) 2010/06/09
4.1 +0.1 4.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0316067369 Amy (USA: IL) 2010/06/07
4 +0.1 4.1 added book to inventory 0440193281 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/06/06
3 +1 4 gave points for mooch request 0743453034 Christina Larson (USA: KS) 2010/06/06
2 +1 3 gave points for mooch request 0445409010 Connie (USA: AR) 2010/06/05
1.9 +0.1 2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312306261 Sandra (USA: CA) 2010/06/05
0.9 +1 1.9 gave points for mooch request 0786889187 Joan Little (USA: MI) 2010/06/05
1.9 -1 0.9 deducted points for mooch request 006056346X EFGuth (USA: TN) 2010/06/04
2.9 -1 1.9 deducted points for mooch request 0060927569 taylorschott (USA: CA) 2010/06/04
1.9 +1 2.9 gave points for mooch request 0425204219 frank (USA: SC) 2010/06/04
2.9 -1 1.9 deducted points for mooch request 0312306261 Sandra (USA: CA) 2010/06/02
1.9 +1 2.9 gave points for mooch request 0380731207 Jessie Spero (USA: OR) 2010/06/02
0.9 +1 1.9 gave points for mooch request 0446400394 Jessie Spero (USA: OR) 2010/06/02
0.8 +0.1 0.9 added book to inventory 0743453034 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/05/31
0.7 +0.1 0.8 added book to inventory 0821772961 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/05/31
1.7 -1 0.7 deducted points for mooch request 0316067369 Amy (USA: IL) 2010/05/31
1.6 +0.1 1.7 added book to inventory 0380726246 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/05/25
1.5 +0.1 1.6 added book to inventory 0446611476 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/05/25
2.5 -1 1.5 deducted points for mooch request 0425154092 jen (USA: CA) 2010/05/25
1.5 +1 2.5 gave points for mooch request 0345385764 Aisha (USA: CA) 2010/05/25
0.5 +1 1.5 gave points for mooch request 031234953X Susan (USA: CA) 2010/05/18
0.4 +0.1 0.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0743233476 karen (USA: GA) 2010/05/18
0.3 +0.1 0.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0821772961 Jaclyn (USA: CA) 2010/05/15
1.3 -1 0.3 deducted points for mooch request 0553587900 smithla8 (USA: WA) 2010/05/15
0.3 +1 1.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0425120015 Pattih1947 (USA: PA) 2010/05/15
0.2 +0.1 0.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0446360589 Holly Pelka (USA: NV) 2010/05/13
1.2 -1 0.2 donated points to charity Ann (USA: NY) 2010/05/13
1.1 +0.1 1.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425132951 Julie (USA: UT) 2010/05/12
2.1 -1 1.1 deducted points for mooch request 0425120015 Pattih1947 (USA: PA) 2010/05/12
2 +0.1 2.1 added book to inventory 0312941463 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/05/12
1.9 +0.1 2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0778325202 Nina (USA: MA) 2010/05/11
1.8 +0.1 1.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380726246 Jere Newton (USA: CA) 2010/05/11
1.7 +0.1 1.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0440193281 Paula (USA: FL) 2010/05/11
1.6 +0.1 1.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312265867 TJac (USA: NJ) 2010/05/11
1.5 +0.1 1.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 031234953X feedtheneed2read (USA: NC) 2010/05/11
2.5 -1 1.5 deducted points for mooch request 0446360589 Holly Pelka (USA: NV) 2010/05/10
2.4 +0.1 2.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312941463 Lorilyn (USA: WA) 2010/05/10
2.3 +0.1 2.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553589105 Donna (USA) 2010/05/10
2.2 +0.1 2.3 added book to inventory 031234953X Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/05/10
1.2 +1 2.2 gave points for mooch request 1416525661 Kwinters148 (USA: CA) 2010/05/09
0.2 +1 1.2 gave points for mooch request 0671011375 Jess (USA: NC) 2010/05/07
0.1 +0.1 0.2 added book to inventory 0671011375 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/05/07
0 +0.1 0.1 added book to inventory 1416525661 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/05/07
1 -1 0 deducted points for mooch request 0446359866 Deanne G (USA: CA) 2010/05/06
2 -1 1 deducted points for mooch request 0778325202 Nina (USA: MA) 2010/05/05
3 -1 2 deducted points for mooch request 0380726246 Jere Newton (USA: CA) 2010/05/05
4 -1 3 deducted points for mooch request 0425132951 Julie (USA: UT) 2010/05/05
5 -1 4 deducted points for mooch request 0440193281 Paula (USA: FL) 2010/05/05
6 -1 5 deducted points for mooch request 0743233476 karen (USA: GA) 2010/05/05
5 +1 6 gave points for mooch request 0425127230 Karen Soohy (USA: AZ) 2010/05/05
4 +1 5 gave points for mooch request 042516828X Karen Soohy (USA: AZ) 2010/05/05
3 +1 4 gave points for mooch request 0425179559 Karen Soohy (USA: AZ) 2010/05/05
2 +1 3 gave points for mooch request 0425182886 Karen Soohy (USA: AZ) 2010/05/05
1 +1 2 gave points for mooch request 0425224147 Karen Soohy (USA: AZ) 2010/05/05
2 -1 1 deducted points for mooch request 0312265867 TJac (USA: NJ) 2010/05/05
1.9 +0.1 2 added book to inventory 0445409010 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/05/03
1.8 +0.1 1.9 added book to inventory 0446400394 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/05/03
1.7 +0.1 1.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0743453034 buffalogal (USA: CO) 2010/05/03
1.6 +0.1 1.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book B001C64QZ6 buffalogal (USA: CO) 2010/05/03
1.5 +0.1 1.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416525661 buffalogal (USA: CO) 2010/05/03
2.5 -1 1.5 deducted points for mooch request 031234953X feedtheneed2read (USA: NC) 2010/05/03
3.5 -1 2.5 deducted points for mooch request 0312941463 Lorilyn (USA: WA) 2010/05/03
3.4 +0.1 3.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312985363 feedtheneed2read (USA: NC) 2010/05/03
2.4 +1 3.4 gave points for mooch request 0743453026 Tracy Willis (USA: WI) 2010/05/03
2.3 +0.1 2.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0445409010 Jennifer (USA: AZ) 2010/05/01
2.2 +0.1 2.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0446400394 Jennifer (USA: AZ) 2010/05/01
2.1 +0.1 2.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0446611476 Chas (USA: CA) 2010/05/01
1.1 +1 2.1 gave points for mooch request B000UV6GDE Margie Neighbors (USA: OR) 2010/05/01
1 +0.1 1.1 added book to inventory 0553587897 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/04/29
0 +1 1 received a smooch Matt McCoog (USA: NJ) 2010/04/27
1 -1 0 deducted points for mooch request 0743453034 buffalogal (USA: CO) 2010/04/27
0.9 +0.1 1 added book to inventory 0743453026 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/04/27
0.8 +0.1 0.9 added book to inventory 0446604100 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/04/27
1.8 -1 0.8 deducted points for mooch request 0553589105 Donna (USA) 2010/04/26
2.8 -1 1.8 deducted points for mooch request 0312985363 feedtheneed2read (USA: NC) 2010/04/26
1.8 +1 2.8 mooch cancelled by requestor 0316014508 Matt McCoog (USA: NJ) 2010/04/26
2.8 -1 1.8 deducted points for mooch request 0445409010 Jennifer (USA: AZ) 2010/04/26
3.8 -1 2.8 deducted points for mooch request 0446400394 Jennifer (USA: AZ) 2010/04/26
4.8 -1 3.8 deducted points for mooch request B001C64QZ6 buffalogal (USA: CO) 2010/04/26
5.8 -1 4.8 deducted points for mooch request 1416525661 buffalogal (USA: CO) 2010/04/26
5.7 +0.1 5.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553587897 Rebecca (USA: AR) 2010/04/26
4.7 +1 5.7 gave points for mooch request 0425177068 Ann (USA: NY) 2010/04/26
3.7 +1 4.7 gave points for mooch request 0425098648 Cathleen (USA: IL) 2010/04/26
2.7 +1 3.7 lost in the mail says book owner 0440188415 Becky K. (USA: IL) - heavenlyhairbows (USA: GA) 2010/04/24
1.7 +1 2.7 gave points for mooch request 0446603023 Connie (USA: AR) 2010/04/21
0.7 +1 1.7 gave points for mooch request 0671024108 Jennifer M. (USA: CA) 2010/04/20
0.6 +0.1 0.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0446604100 Pat (USA: UT) 2010/04/19
1.6 -1 0.6 deducted points for mooch request 0821772961 Jaclyn (USA: CA) 2010/04/19
0.6 +1 1.6 gave points for mooch request 0553587889 Hercules40 (a.k.a. PapaG) (USA: AL) 2010/04/19
1.6 -1 0.6 deducted points for mooch request 0553587897 Rebecca (USA: AR) 2010/04/18
0.6 +1 1.6 gave points for mooch request 0312983271 tish (USA: NV) 2010/04/18
0.5 +0.1 0.6 added book to inventory 0553587889 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/04/18
0.4 +0.1 0.5 added book to inventory B000UV6GDE Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/04/17
0.3 +0.1 0.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553588249 Kathy (USA: OR) 2010/04/17
0.2 +0.1 0.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0743453026 teethnclaws (USA: KY) 2010/04/17
0.1 +0.1 0.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425214427 franchise3 (USA: VA) 2010/04/16
1.1 -1 0.1 deducted points for mooch request 0446611476 Chas (USA: CA) 2010/04/15
2.1 -1 1.1 deducted points for mooch request 0446604100 Pat (USA: UT) 2010/04/15
1.1 +1 2.1 gave points for mooch request 042518904X Ann (USA: NY) 2010/04/15
0.1 +1 1.1 gave points for mooch request 0446400513 Christina (USA: NY) 2010/04/14
0 +0.1 0.1 added book to inventory 0553580191 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/04/12
1 -1 0 deducted points for mooch request 0425214427 franchise3 (USA: VA) 2010/04/11
0.9 +0.1 1 added book to inventory 0425182886 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/04/11
0.8 +0.1 0.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553580191 April D (USA: CO) 2010/04/10
0.7 +0.1 0.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312349491 tera (USA: NY) 2010/04/05
0.6 +0.1 0.7 added book to inventory 0786889187 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/04/03
0.5 +0.1 0.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 006058405X Greg Buescher (USA: OR) 2010/04/02
0.4 +0.1 0.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425182886 Ti99er (USA: MA) 2010/04/02
0.3 +0.1 0.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553593323 Naomi (USA: CO) 2010/04/02
1.3 -1 0.3 deducted points for mooch request 006058405X Greg Buescher (USA: OR) 2010/03/29
2.3 -1 1.3 deducted points for mooch request 0743453026 teethnclaws (USA: KY) 2010/03/29
1.3 +1 2.3 gave points for mooch request 0446401617 Jean C (USA: ME) 2010/03/29
0.3 +1 1.3 gave points for mooch request 0446403830 Jean C (USA: ME) 2010/03/29
0.2 +0.1 0.3 added book to inventory 0671024108 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/03/28
0.1 +0.1 0.2 added book to inventory 0446400513 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/03/27
0 +0.1 0.1 added book to inventory 0425211347 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/03/27
1 -1 0 deducted points for mooch request 0553580191 April D (USA: CO) 2010/03/27
2 -1 1 deducted points for mooch request 0316014508 Matt McCoog (USA: NJ) 2010/03/27
1.9 +0.1 2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425211347 Hal (USA: OR) 2010/03/27
1.8 +0.1 1.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0786889187 Teacher2 (USA: TN) 2010/03/27
0.8 +1 1.8 gave points for mooch request 0380730847 Eva (USA: CA) 2010/03/24
0.7 +0.1 0.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060584025 mikecounselman (USA: CA) 2010/03/22
1.7 -1 0.7 deducted points for mooch request 0425182886 Ti99er (USA: MA) 2010/03/21
1.6 +0.1 1.7 added book to inventory 0312983271 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/03/21
0.6 +1 1.6 gave points for mooch request 0425147746 joan voigt (USA: TX) 2010/03/21
0.5 +0.1 0.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0440141966 Kara (USA: CA) 2010/03/21
1.5 -1 0.5 deducted points for mooch request 0553588249 Kathy (USA: OR) 2010/03/21
0.5 +1 1.5 gave points for mooch request 0425101452 Cathleen (USA: IL) 2010/03/21
1.5 -1 0.5 deducted points for mooch request 0425211347 Hal (USA: OR) 2010/03/19
1.4 +0.1 1.5 added book to inventory 0446403830 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/03/19
0.4 +1 1.4 gave points for mooch request 0812967801 LFranzen (USA: CA) 2010/03/19
0.3 +0.1 0.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0446403830 Jennifer (USA: AZ) 2010/03/18
0.2 +0.1 0.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0671024108 RichardMiller (USA: NC) 2010/03/17
0.1 +0.1 0.2 added book to inventory 0451131568 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/03/16
0 +0.1 0.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0312983271 Cricket (USA: CA) 2010/03/15
1 -1 0 deducted points for mooch request 0440188415 heavenlyhairbows (USA: GA) 2010/03/14
0 +1 1 gave points for mooch request 0425141551 joan voigt (USA: TX) 2010/03/14
1 -1 0 deducted points for mooch request 0671024108 RichardMiller (USA: NC) 2010/03/11
2 -1 1 deducted points for mooch request 0312349491 tera (USA: NY) 2010/03/11
1.9 +0.1 2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0446400513 Dan & Tammy (USA: MI) 2010/03/11
1.8 +0.1 1.9 added book to inventory 0812967801 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/03/11
0.8 +1 1.8 gave points for mooch request 0446699314 feedtheneed2read (USA: NC) 2010/03/11
1.8 -1 0.8 deducted points for mooch request 0446403830 Jennifer (USA: AZ) 2010/03/09
2.8 -1 1.8 deducted points for mooch request 0440141966 Kara (USA: CA) 2010/03/09
3.8 -1 2.8 deducted points for mooch request 0312983271 Cricket (USA: CA) 2010/03/09
4.8 -1 3.8 deducted points for mooch request 0060584025 mikecounselman (USA: CA) 2010/03/09
3.8 +1 4.8 mooch cancelled by requestor 0345480139 Kristin Thibodeau (USA: ID) 2010/03/09
2.8 +1 3.8 gave points for mooch request 0446609323 jkw11117 (USA: TX) 2010/03/03
3.8 -1 2.8 deducted points for mooch request 0553593323 Naomi (USA: CO) 2010/03/02
2.8 +1 3.8 gave points for mooch request 0671047485 Donna (USA: TX) 2010/03/02
1.8 +1 2.8 gave points for mooch request 0743491572 mallory (USA: CO) 2010/03/01
0.8 +1 1.8 gave points for mooch request 0345456939 demgator (USA: DC) 2010/02/28
0.7 +0.1 0.8 added book to inventory 0786889047 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/02/27
1.7 -1 0.7 deducted points for mooch request 0786889187 Teacher2 (USA: TN) 2010/02/26
1.6 +0.1 1.7 added book to inventory 0812509145 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/02/24
1.5 +0.1 1.6 added book to inventory 0380731207 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/02/22
1.4 +0.1 1.5 added book to inventory 0446603023 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/02/21
2.4 -1 1.4 deducted points for mooch request 0446400513 Dan & Tammy (USA: MI) 2010/02/21
2.3 +0.1 2.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0812967801 dawnie (USA: NY) 2010/02/20
1.3 +1 2.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0451156315 Laura Chierchia (USA: NY) 2010/02/20
1.2 +0.1 1.3 added book to inventory 0345438329 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/02/17
1.1 +0.1 1.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0345438329 Rebecca Ann Fontaine (USA: CA) 2010/02/14
1 +0.1 1.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0812509145 Chrisadeline (USA: VA) 2010/02/14
0.9 +0.1 1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0812507509 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2010/02/14
0.8 +0.1 0.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380731207 Clementine (USA: CA) 2010/02/14
0.7 +0.1 0.8 added book to inventory 0812507568 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/02/14
0.6 +0.1 0.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0446603023 Michelle (USA: ME) 2010/02/09
0.5 +0.1 0.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060959037 Janice&George (USA: MD) 2010/02/09
0.4 +0.1 0.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0786889047 Mary Luken-Tazari (USA: OH) 2010/02/09
0.3 +0.1 0.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0812507568 peachfuzz (USA: GA) 2010/02/09
1.3 -1 0.3 deducted points for mooch request 0812967801 dawnie (USA: NY) 2010/02/09
2.3 -1 1.3 deducted points for mooch request 0345438329 Rebecca Ann Fontaine (USA: CA) 2010/02/09
1.3 +1 2.3 gave points for mooch request 0440242703 laura (USA: NC) 2010/02/08
1.2 +0.1 1.3 added book to inventory 0446400335 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/02/07
2.2 -1 1.2 deducted points for mooch request 0812507509 Lyn McCreary (USA: NH) 2010/02/05
3.2 -1 2.2 deducted points for mooch request 0812507568 peachfuzz (USA: GA) 2010/02/05
4.2 -1 3.2 deducted points for mooch request 0380731207 Clementine (USA: CA) 2010/02/05
5.2 -1 4.2 deducted points for mooch request 0812509145 Chrisadeline (USA: VA) 2010/02/05
5.1 +0.1 5.2 added book to inventory 0451141512 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/02/05
5 +0.1 5.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0446400335 Linda (USA: ME) 2010/02/04
4.9 +0.1 5 added book to inventory 0671047485 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/02/02
4.8 +0.1 4.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553077724 Chris (USA: VA) 2010/02/02
4.7 +0.1 4.8 added book to inventory 0446611360 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/02/01
3.7 +1 4.7 gave points for mooch request 0425121259 Missy (USA: IL) 2010/02/01
2.7 +1 3.7 gave points for mooch request 0425224864 Missy (USA: IL) 2010/02/01
2.6 +0.1 2.7 added book to inventory 0446401617 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/01/31
2.5 +0.1 2.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0446611360 Marinda (USA: LA) 2010/01/31
2.4 +0.1 2.5 added book to inventory 0445406259 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/01/29
3.4 -1 2.4 deducted points for mooch request 0060959037 Janice&George (USA: MD) 2010/01/29
4.4 -1 3.4 deducted points for mooch request 0446603023 Michelle (USA: ME) 2010/01/29
5.4 -1 4.4 deducted points for mooch request 0446400335 Linda (USA: ME) 2010/01/29
5.3 +0.1 5.4 added book to inventory 0345456939 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/01/29
5.2 +0.1 5.3 added book to inventory 0446612529 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/01/25
4.2 +1 5.2 gave points for mooch request 0446536105 Gina (USA: ID) 2010/01/25
4.1 +0.1 4.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0445406259 Margaret (USA: CA) 2010/01/23
4 +0.1 4.1 added book to inventory 0380730820 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/01/22
3.9 +0.1 4 added book to inventory 0446609757 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/01/22
4.9 -1 3.9 deducted points for mooch request 0446611360 Marinda (USA: LA) 2010/01/22
3.9 +1 4.9 gave points for mooch request 0553804812 mike wallis (USA: OH) 2010/01/20
3.8 +0.1 3.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0399155198 JJ (USA: AZ) 2010/01/19
3.7 +0.1 3.8 added book to inventory 0380817691 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/01/19
3.6 +0.1 3.7 added book to inventory 0312944926 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/01/19
3.5 +0.1 3.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0446401617 Marta (USA: FL) 2010/01/19
3.4 +0.1 3.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book B002K7R27A Jolene (USA: MT) 2010/01/19
2.4 +1 3.4 gave points for mooch request 0425118703 eunice (USA: CA) 2010/01/18
2.3 +0.1 2.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380730820 Caitlin (USA: OR) 2010/01/15
2.2 +0.1 2.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0446612529 gratefulgrama (USA: VA) 2010/01/15
2.1 +0.1 2.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451141512 Second Chances (USA: AL) 2010/01/15
2 +0.1 2.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0345456939 Jenna (USA: CA) 2010/01/14
1 +1 2 gave points for mooch request 0345480155 Nina (USA: MN) 2010/01/14
0.9 +0.1 1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0446609757 Glenda Hamilton (USA: CA) 2010/01/13
0.8 +0.1 0.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451131568 georgia (USA: OH) 2010/01/13
0.7 +0.1 0.8 added book to inventory 0743411447 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/01/11
1.7 -1 0.7 deducted points for mooch request 0786889047 Mary Luken-Tazari (USA: OH) 2010/01/11
1.6 +0.1 1.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0671047485 linda (USA: NY) 2010/01/11
1.5 +0.1 1.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380817691 Joanne (USA: CA) 2010/01/11
2.5 -1 1.5 deducted points for mooch request 0446401617 Marta (USA: FL) 2010/01/09
3.5 -1 2.5 deducted points for mooch request 0446612529 gratefulgrama (USA: VA) 2010/01/09
4.5 -1 3.5 deducted points for mooch request 0445406259 Margaret (USA: CA) 2010/01/09
5.5 -1 4.5 deducted points for mooch request 0446609757 Glenda Hamilton (USA: CA) 2010/01/09
6.5 -1 5.5 deducted points for mooch request 0345480139 Kristin Thibodeau (USA: ID) 2010/01/09
7.5 -1 6.5 deducted points for mooch request 0345456939 Jenna (USA: CA) 2010/01/09
7.4 +0.1 7.5 added book to inventory 0345480155 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/01/09
6.4 +1 7.4 gave points for mooch request 0345376749 Greg (USA) 2010/01/08
5.4 +1 6.4 gave points for mooch request 0440243661 Jackie (USA: OK) 2010/01/08
4.4 +1 5.4 gave points for mooch request 0446600466 Mark (USA: WA) 2010/01/07
5.4 -1 4.4 deducted points for mooch request 0553077724 Chris (USA: VA) 2010/01/07
5.3 +0.1 5.4 added book to inventory 0380730847 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/01/04
6.3 -1 5.3 deducted points for mooch request 0671047485 linda (USA: NY) 2010/01/04
6.2 +0.1 6.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380730847 Elizabeth Grainger (USA: CA) 2010/01/03
6.1 +0.1 6.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380730847 Bob Kenison (USA: AZ) 2010/01/02
5.1 +1 6.1 gave points for mooch request 0446401161 Glenda Hamilton (USA: CA) 2010/01/02
5 +0.1 5.1 added book to inventory 0446401161 Eloise (USA: CA) 2010/01/02
4 +1 5 gave points for mooch request 0425228967 Kat (USA: NV) 2009/12/31
5 -1 4 deducted points for mooch request 0451131568 georgia (USA: OH) 2009/12/31
6 -1 5 deducted points for mooch request 0380730847 Bob Kenison (USA: AZ) 2009/12/30
7 -1 6 deducted points for mooch request B002K7R27A Jolene (USA: MT) 2009/12/30
6 +1 7 gave points for mooch request 0446612545 Pat (USA: PA) 2009/12/30
5 +1 6 gave points for mooch request 0425215709 kelsy (USA: AL) 2009/12/30
4 +1 5 gave points for mooch request 0061227366 Val (USA: CA) 2009/12/30
3 +1 4 gave points for mooch request 0743260953 JL522 (USA: NY) 2009/12/29
4 -1 3 deducted points for mooch request 0380730820 Caitlin (USA: OR) 2009/12/29
5 -1 4 deducted points for mooch request 0380730847 Elizabeth Grainger (USA: CA) 2009/12/29
6 -1 5 deducted points for mooch request 0380817691 Joanne (USA: CA) 2009/12/29
5.9 +0.1 6 added book to inventory 0061227366 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/12/29
4.9 +1 5.9 gave points for mooch request 0743491564 Cat (USA: MA) 2009/12/29
3.9 +1 4.9 gave points for mooch request 0345460952 Cat (USA: MA) 2009/12/29
4 -0.1 3.9 removed book from inventory B002JSJ7DC Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/12/29
5 -1 4 mooch rejected by book owner 0449215822 PamC (USA: NY) 2009/12/29
5.1 -0.1 5 removing book from inventory 0449215822 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/12/29
4.1 +1 5.1 gave points for mooch request 0770424171 Cat (USA: MA) 2009/12/29
5.1 -1 4.1 deducted points for mooch request 0451156315 Laura Chierchia (USA: NY) 2009/12/29
6.1 -1 5.1 deducted points for mooch request 0451141512 Second Chances (USA: AL) 2009/12/29
7.1 -1 6.1 deducted points for mooch request 0399155198 JJ (USA: AZ) 2009/12/29
6.1 +1 7.1 gave points for mooch request 1933397195 Ann Zimrin (USA: MD) 2009/12/29
5.1 +1 6.1 gave points for mooch request 0804105332 Ann Zimrin (USA: MD) 2009/12/29
5 +0.1 5.1 added book to inventory 0743260953 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/12/29
4.9 +0.1 5 added book to inventory 0743260945 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/12/29
4.8 +0.1 4.9 added book to inventory 0440242703 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/12/29
4.7 +0.1 4.8 added book to inventory 0425215709 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/12/29
4.6 +0.1 4.7 added book to inventory 0770424171 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/12/29
4.5 +0.1 4.6 added book to inventory 1933397195 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/12/29
4.4 +0.1 4.5 added book to inventory 0425228967 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/12/29
4.3 +0.1 4.4 added book to inventory 0440243661 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/12/29
3.3 +1 4.3 gave points for mooch request 0451222385 Sheena2 (USA: CA) 2009/12/29
3.2 +0.1 3.3 added book to inventory 0345460952 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/12/29
3.1 +0.1 3.2 added book to inventory 0345376749 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/12/29
3 +0.1 3.1 added book to inventory 0451222385 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/12/29
2.9 +0.1 3 added book to inventory 0804105332 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/12/29
1.9 +1 2.9 gave points for mooch request 0449215822 PamC (USA: NY) 2009/12/27
0.9 +1 1.9 lost in the mail says book owner 0770425437 flbooks (USA: NY) 2009/12/17
0.8 +0.1 0.9 added book to inventory 0425121259 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/11/07
1.8 -1 0.8 deducted points for mooch request 0770425437 flbooks (USA: NY) 2009/11/06
1.7 +0.1 1.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060915544 Cynthia Welsh (USA: AZ) 2009/11/06
1.6 +0.1 1.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0770424171 Susan Tate (USA: TX) 2009/10/31
1.5 +0.1 1.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0743260945 mebythesea (USA: OR) 2009/10/31
2.5 -1 1.5 deducted points for mooch request 0060915544 Cynthia Welsh (USA: AZ) 2009/10/28
2.4 +0.1 2.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0743260953 Mike & Jill Bemis (USA: MN) 2009/10/28
3.4 -1 2.4 deducted points for mooch request 0770424171 Susan Tate (USA: TX) 2009/10/26
2.4 +1 3.4 gave points for mooch request 055358359X rae0904 (USA: CA) 2009/10/25
2.3 +0.1 2.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 044619896X Glenda Hamilton (USA: CA) 2009/10/24
1.3 +1 2.3 gave points for mooch request 0553585681 JCC (USA: CO) 2009/10/24
0.3 +1 1.3 gave points for mooch request 0380798581 Avidrder (USA: CA) 2009/10/23
1.3 -1 0.3 deducted points for mooch request 0743260953 Mike & Jill Bemis (USA: MN) 2009/10/22
2.3 -1 1.3 deducted points for mooch request 0743260945 mebythesea (USA: OR) 2009/10/20
3.3 -1 2.3 deducted points for mooch request 044619896X Glenda Hamilton (USA: CA) 2009/10/20
1.3 +2 3.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0755335724 Jean (United Kingdom) 2009/10/20
3.3 -2 1.3 deducted points for mooch request 0755335724 Jean (United Kingdom) 2009/10/20
3.2 +0.1 3.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425121259 atrides17 (USA: CA) 2009/10/19
3.1 +0.1 3.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425198731 Stacey A. (USA: CA) 2009/10/19
2.1 +1 3.1 gave points for mooch request 0449912558 Cesar (USA: MO) 2009/10/18
1.1 +1 2.1 gave points for mooch request 0330352253 Ann Zimrin (USA: MD) 2009/10/18
1 +0.1 1.1 added book to inventory 0449912558 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/10/18
0.9 +0.1 1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425163407 Aubree (USA: CA) 2009/10/16
0.8 +0.1 0.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060921145 Bookaholic19 (USA: MI) 2009/10/14
1.8 -1 0.8 deducted points for mooch request 0425163407 Aubree (USA: CA) 2009/10/08
2.8 -1 1.8 deducted points for mooch request 0425198731 Stacey A. (USA: CA) 2009/10/08
3.8 -1 2.8 deducted points for mooch request 0425121259 atrides17 (USA: CA) 2009/10/08
2.8 +1 3.8 mooch cancelled by requestor 0425121259 scott (USA: CA) 2009/10/08
2.7 +0.1 2.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0449912558 Ben (USA: NY) 2009/10/08
2.6 +0.1 2.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book B0011MTMLE Mrs. Rugie (USA: MI) 2009/10/08
1.6 +1 2.6 gave points for mooch request 0671038443 rae0904 (USA: CA) 2009/10/05
1.5 +0.1 1.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0671038443 BrianK (USA: CA) 2009/10/02
1.4 +0.1 1.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0060930535 Mitch Mitchell (USA: PA) 2009/10/02
1.3 +0.1 1.4 added book to inventory 0671038443 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/10/01
2.3 -1 1.3 deducted points for mooch request 0449912558 Ben (USA: NY) 2009/09/23
3.3 -1 2.3 deducted points for mooch request 0060921145 Bookaholic19 (USA: MI) 2009/09/23
2.3 +1 3.3 gave points for mooch request 0553284789 LV (USA: FL) 2009/09/23
1.3 +1 2.3 gave points for mooch request 0451203054 Jill G. (USA) 2009/09/22
2.3 -1 1.3 deducted points for mooch request 0425121259 scott (USA: CA) 2009/09/19
2.2 +0.1 2.3 added book to inventory B002JSJ7DC Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/09/19
3.2 -1 2.2 deducted points for mooch request 0671038443 BrianK (USA: CA) 2009/09/19
2.2 +1 3.2 gave points for mooch request 0446600474 Jim (USA: NC) 2009/09/18
1.2 +1 2.2 gave points for mooch request 0446609404 Jim (USA: NC) 2009/09/18
0.2 +1 1.2 gave points for mooch request 0671026011 rae0904 (USA: CA) 2009/09/18
0.1 +0.1 0.2 added book to inventory 0743491564 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/09/16
0 +0.1 0.1 added book to inventory 0425067963 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/09/16
1 -1 0 deducted points for mooch request 0060930535 Mitch Mitchell (USA: PA) 2009/09/16
0.9 +0.1 1 added book to inventory 0451203054 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/09/16
0.8 +0.1 0.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1416506926 bucmjt (USA: FL) 2009/09/15
1.8 -1 0.8 deducted points for mooch request B0011MTMLE Mrs. Rugie (USA: MI) 2009/09/13
0.8 +1 1.8 mooch cancelled by requestor 0446695084 klueless (USA: NV) 2009/09/13
0.7 +0.1 0.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0671042262 Roger Bagula (USA: CA) 2009/09/13
0.6 +0.1 0.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0451203054 Erin (USA: AZ) 2009/09/13
0.5 +0.1 0.6 added book to inventory 0446536105 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/09/13
0.4 +0.1 0.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553560204 mikecounselman (USA: CA) 2009/09/12
0.3 +0.1 0.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0446536105 futurefirefighter (USA: UT) 2009/09/11
0.2 +0.1 0.3 added book to inventory 0553284789 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/09/09
0.1 +0.1 0.2 added book to inventory B002A6VE3O Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/09/06
0 +0.1 0.1 added book to inventory 0671026011 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/09/05
1 -1 0 deducted points for mooch request 1416506926 bucmjt (USA: FL) 2009/09/05
2 -1 1 deducted points for mooch request 0553560204 mikecounselman (USA: CA) 2009/09/05
1 +1 2 gave points for mooch request 0743437810 rae0904 (USA: CA) 2009/09/05
2 -1 1 deducted points for mooch request 0671042262 Roger Bagula (USA: CA) 2009/09/05
3 -1 2 deducted points for mooch request 0451203054 Erin (USA: AZ) 2009/09/05
2 +1 3 gave points for mooch request 0743437802 rae0904 (USA: CA) 2009/09/05
1 +1 2 gave points for mooch request 0671024094 rae0904 (USA: CA) 2009/09/04
2 -1 1 deducted points for mooch request 0446536105 futurefirefighter (USA: UT) 2009/09/02
3 -1 2 deducted points for mooch request 0446695084 klueless (USA: NV) 2009/09/02
2.9 +0.1 3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0671026011 Darcy0408 (USA: CO) 2009/09/02
1.9 +1 2.9 gave points for mooch request 067102423X Monty (USA: MA) 2009/09/02
1.8 +0.1 1.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0684871262 CarrieO (USA: CO) 2009/08/29
0.8 +1 1.8 gave points for mooch request 042513525X Bookluvr23 (USA: CA) 2009/08/25
0.7 +0.1 0.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0743491564 kawalker (USA: CA) 2009/08/24
1.7 -1 0.7 deducted points for mooch request 0743491564 kawalker (USA: CA) 2009/08/20
0.7 +1 1.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0743491564 Robin (USA: CA) 2009/08/20
0.6 +0.1 0.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425187063 Claire (Australia) 2009/08/19
0.5 +0.1 0.6 added book to inventory 0671024094 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/08/17
0.4 +0.1 0.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book B001Q5I9G0 Nathan Blakemore (USA: MI) 2009/08/17
0.3 +0.1 0.4 added book to inventory 0743437810 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/08/16
0.2 +0.1 0.3 added book to inventory 0743491572 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/08/15
0.1 +0.1 0.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0743437810 johannawhetstone (USA: CA) 2009/08/15
0 +0.1 0.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0671024094 amy (USA: AR) 2009/08/15
1 -1 0 deducted points for mooch request 0684871262 CarrieO (USA: CO) 2009/08/14
2 -1 1 deducted points for mooch request 0671026011 Darcy0408 (USA: CO) 2009/08/14
1.9 +0.1 2 added book to inventory 0743437802 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/08/14
1.8 +0.1 1.9 added book to inventory 0373243286 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/08/14
2.8 -1 1.8 deducted points for mooch request 0425187063 Claire (Australia) 2009/08/14
2.7 +0.1 2.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0743491572 mikecounselman (USA: CA) 2009/08/13
1.7 +1 2.7 gave points for mooch request 0380798573 wanda (USA: OK) 2009/08/11
0.7 +1 1.7 gave points for mooch request 0553579754 Sandy (USA: TX) 2009/08/11
0.6 +0.1 0.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0743437802 buffalogal (USA: CO) 2009/08/11
1.6 -1 0.6 deducted points for mooch request 0743491564 Robin (USA: CA) 2009/08/10
1.5 +0.1 1.6 added book to inventory B0027NZVPW Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/08/10
1.4 +0.1 1.5 added book to inventory B001HQ6D9S Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/08/10
1.3 +0.1 1.4 added book to inventory B000QADN76 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/08/10
1.2 +0.1 1.3 added book to inventory B000JWI2DG Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/08/10
0.2 +1 1.2 gave points for mooch request 1400032903 Isadora (USA: RI) 2009/08/08
0.1 +0.1 0.2 added book to inventory 0425177068 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/08/08
1.1 -1 0.1 deducted points for mooch request 0743437810 johannawhetstone (USA: CA) 2009/08/08
1 +0.1 1.1 added book to inventory 0399153519 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/08/08
0.9 +0.1 1 added book to inventory 0425147746 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/08/08
0.8 +0.1 0.9 added book to inventory 1400032903 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/08/08
1.8 -1 0.8 deducted points for mooch request 0743491572 mikecounselman (USA: CA) 2009/08/07
0.8 +1 1.8 gave points for mooch request 0380731193 Allison (she/her) (USA: TX) 2009/08/07
0.7 +0.1 0.8 added book to inventory 0425127230 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/08/07
0.6 +0.1 0.7 added book to inventory 0446600474 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/08/07
0.5 +0.1 0.6 added book to inventory 0380798573 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/08/06
0.4 +0.1 0.5 added book to inventory 0553589091 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/08/06
0.3 +0.1 0.4 added book to inventory 042516828X Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/08/06
0.2 +0.1 0.3 added book to inventory 0446609404 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/08/06
0.1 +0.1 0.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553804812 Stephanie Warren (USA: MN) 2009/08/06
1.1 -1 0.1 deducted points for mooch request 0671024094 amy (USA: AR) 2009/08/06
1 +0.1 1.1 added book to inventory 0553584480 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/08/06
0.9 +0.1 1 added book to inventory 0380731193 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/08/06
0.8 +0.1 0.9 added book to inventory 067102423X Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/08/06
0.7 +0.1 0.8 added book to inventory 0380798581 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/08/06
0.6 +0.1 0.7 added book to inventory 0553804812 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/08/06
1.6 -1 0.6 deducted points for mooch request 0743437802 buffalogal (USA: CO) 2009/08/02
1.5 +0.1 1.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553589091 gisellad (USA: CA) 2009/07/31
2.5 -1 1.5 deducted points for mooch request B001Q5I9G0 Nathan Blakemore (USA: MI) 2009/07/27
1.5 +1 2.5 gave points for mooch request 0440129613 Lou Ann (USA) 2009/07/27
0.5 +1 1.5 gave points for mooch request 0440195357 Lou Ann (USA) 2009/07/27
1.5 -1 0.5 deducted points for mooch request 0553804812 Stephanie Warren (USA: MN) 2009/07/27
0.5 +1 1.5 gave points for mooch request 0718143760 Nan (USA: CO) 2009/07/24
0.4 +0.1 0.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 042516828X Peggy Rudolf (USA: OR) 2009/07/24
0.3 +0.1 0.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553584480 Greg (USA: CA) 2009/07/24
0.2 +0.1 0.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0446600474 Julie (USA: CA) 2009/07/24
0.1 +0.1 0.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553804812 letran (USA: CA) 2009/07/24
0 +0.1 0.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425127230 Kathy (USA: MO) 2009/07/22
1 -1 0 deducted points for mooch request 042516828X Peggy Rudolf (USA: OR) 2009/07/21
0 +1 1 gave points for mooch request 0440128994 Margie Neighbors (USA: OR) 2009/07/21
1 -1 0 deducted points for mooch request 0553584480 Greg (USA: CA) 2009/07/21
2 -1 1 deducted points for mooch request 0553589091 gisellad (USA: CA) 2009/07/21
3 -1 2 deducted points for mooch request 0446600474 Julie (USA: CA) 2009/07/21
2 +1 3 gave points for mooch request 0553384511 easterngirl71 (USA: IL) 2009/07/21
1 +1 2 gave points for mooch request 0446605573 max (USA: MA) 2009/07/20
0 +1 1 gave points for mooch request 0807061875 Cards (USA: MN) 2009/07/20
1 -1 0 deducted points for mooch request 0425127230 Kathy (USA: MO) 2009/07/19
0.9 +0.1 1 added book to inventory 0425141551 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/07/19
0.8 +0.1 0.9 added book to inventory 0446605573 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/07/19
0.7 +0.1 0.8 added book to inventory 0425224147 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/07/19
0.6 +0.1 0.7 added book to inventory 0807061875 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/07/19
1.6 -1 0.6 deducted points for mooch request 0553804812 letran (USA: CA) 2009/07/19
1.5 +0.1 1.6 added book to inventory 0786889608 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/07/19
1.4 +0.1 1.5 added book to inventory 0440129613 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/07/19
1.3 +0.1 1.4 added book to inventory 0425204219 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/07/19
1.2 +0.1 1.3 added book to inventory 0553580884 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/07/19
1.1 +0.1 1.2 added book to inventory 0553384511 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/07/19
1 +0.1 1.1 added book to inventory 042518904X Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/07/19
0.9 +0.1 1 added book to inventory 0440128994 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/07/19
0.8 +0.1 0.9 added book to inventory 0446612545 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/07/19
0.7 +0.1 0.8 added book to inventory 0440195357 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/07/19
0.6 +0.1 0.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553588249 VegasBabe (USA: NV) 2009/07/16
0.5 +0.1 0.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0440128994 Geoff and Michelle (USA: TX) 2009/06/25
0.4 +0.1 0.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0440129613 Geoff and Michelle (USA: TX) 2009/06/25
0.3 +0.1 0.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0446612545 Coleen (USA: UT) 2009/06/25
1.3 -1 0.3 deducted points for mooch request 0440128994 Geoff and Michelle (USA: TX) 2009/06/19
2.3 -1 1.3 deducted points for mooch request 0440129613 Geoff and Michelle (USA: TX) 2009/06/19
3.3 -1 2.3 deducted points for mooch request 0446612545 Coleen (USA: UT) 2009/06/19
3.2 +0.1 3.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380978849 Wanda (USA: FL) 2009/06/16
3.1 +0.1 3.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553588265 MelissaTN (USA: TN) 2009/06/16
0.1 +3 3.1 gave points for mooch request 0425174018 Nicholas (France) 2009/06/05
0 +0.1 0.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1594132895 Holly Timmins (USA: PA) 2009/06/04
1 -1 0 deducted points for mooch request 0553588249 VegasBabe (USA: NV) 2009/06/04
0 +1 1 mooch cancelled by requestor 0425192032 Lindsay S (USA: GA) 2009/06/04
1 -1 0 deducted points for mooch request 0380978849 Wanda (USA: FL) 2009/06/04
2 -1 1 deducted points for mooch request 0553588265 MelissaTN (USA: TN) 2009/06/04
3 -1 2 mooch rejected by book owner 0449219089 Christine (USA: NJ) 2009/06/02
3.1 -0.1 3 removing book from inventory 0449219089 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/06/02
2.1 +1 3.1 gave points for mooch request 0449219089 Christine (USA: NJ) 2009/06/02
1.1 +1 2.1 gave points for mooch request 0385304374 Mary (USA: MN) 2009/05/28
1 +0.1 1.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0399246568 Tessa (USA: KS) 2009/05/28
0 +1 1 gave points for mooch request 0340684798 fingold (USA: MT) 2009/05/20
1 -1 0 deducted points for mooch request 1594132895 Holly Timmins (USA: PA) 2009/05/20
2 -1 1 deducted points for mooch request 0399246568 Tessa (USA: KS) 2009/05/20
1.9 +0.1 2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425147746 Kathy (USA: MO) 2009/05/15
1.8 +0.1 1.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0446605573 Leslie (USA: NY) 2009/05/14
1.7 +0.1 1.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380798573 loriped (USA: OR) 2009/05/11
0.7 +1 1.7 gave points for mooch request 0425157474 Jill (USA: WA) 2009/05/05
1.7 -1 0.7 deducted points for mooch request 0425147746 Kathy (USA: MO) 2009/05/04
2.7 -1 1.7 deducted points for mooch request 0446605573 Leslie (USA: NY) 2009/05/04
3.7 -1 2.7 deducted points for mooch request 0380798573 loriped (USA: OR) 2009/05/04
3.6 +0.1 3.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380798581 Svanhild (USA: WA) 2009/05/04
2.6 +1 3.6 gave points for mooch request 0399134980 ThatsMrsBtoyou (USA: RI) 2009/04/29
1.6 +1 2.6 gave points for mooch request 0425158594 Shiro Nami (USA: VA) 2009/04/27
1.5 +0.1 1.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0446363383 loriped (USA: OR) 2009/04/22
1.4 +0.1 1.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0380731193 Dave Allard (USA: NY) 2009/04/22
1.3 +0.1 1.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425141551 Granny Beela (USA: IN) 2009/04/18
1.2 +0.1 1.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0440195357 Paul Kline (USA: PA) 2009/04/18
1.1 +0.1 1.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 055310666X Heather Wade (USA: CO) 2009/04/18
0.1 +1 1.1 gave points for mooch request 0425130711 Julie (USA: OR) 2009/04/15
1.1 -1 0.1 deducted points for mooch request 0380798581 Svanhild (USA: WA) 2009/04/13
2.1 -1 1.1 deducted points for mooch request 0446363383 loriped (USA: OR) 2009/04/13
3.1 -1 2.1 deducted points for mooch request 0380731193 Dave Allard (USA: NY) 2009/04/13
3 +0.1 3.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0399137734 petersoj (USA) 2009/04/10
2.9 +0.1 3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0747266808 bookluvert (USA: ID) 2009/04/10
2.8 +0.1 2.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0399152407 Yuba County Library (USA: CA) 2009/04/10
2.7 +0.1 2.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1842431404 JNBentrup (USA: VA) 2009/04/10
1.7 +1 2.7 gave points for mooch request 0312266715 Adriel (USA: FL) 2009/04/10
0.7 +1 1.7 gave points for mooch request 0451136403 reader9 (USA: NC) 2009/04/09
1.7 -1 0.7 deducted points for mooch request 0425141551 Granny Beela (USA: IN) 2009/04/05
0.7 +1 1.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0425141551 Miguel A. Aragon & Monica Medellin (USA: TX) 2009/04/05
1.7 -1 0.7 deducted points for mooch request 0425192032 Lindsay S (USA: GA) 2009/04/04
2.7 -1 1.7 deducted points for mooch request 0399137734 petersoj (USA) 2009/04/04
3.7 -1 2.7 deducted points for mooch request 0440195357 Paul Kline (USA: PA) 2009/04/04
4.7 -1 3.7 deducted points for mooch request 0425141551 Miguel A. Aragon & Monica Medellin (USA: TX) 2009/04/04
4.6 +0.1 4.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553106643 Shari (USA: WA) 2009/04/04
4.5 +0.1 4.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425177068 mikecounselman (USA: CA) 2009/04/04
4.4 +0.1 4.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425162486 Peggy Rudolf (USA: OR) 2009/04/04
3.4 +1 4.4 gave points for mooch request 0440109930 Geoff and Michelle (USA: TX) 2009/04/04
0.4 +3 3.4 gave points for mooch request 0446179515 ArtemisAthene (Canada) 2009/03/30
1.4 -1 0.4 deducted points for mooch request 0747266808 bookluvert (USA: ID) 2009/03/30
2.4 -1 1.4 deducted points for mooch request 0553106643 Shari (USA: WA) 2009/03/30
3.4 -1 2.4 deducted points for mooch request 055310666X Heather Wade (USA: CO) 2009/03/30
4.4 -1 3.4 deducted points for mooch request 0425162486 Peggy Rudolf (USA: OR) 2009/03/30
5.4 -1 4.4 deducted points for mooch request 0425177068 mikecounselman (USA: CA) 2009/03/30
6.4 -1 5.4 deducted points for mooch request 0399152407 Yuba County Library (USA: CA) 2009/03/30
3.4 +3 6.4 gave points for mooch request B000GE1DBK Penny Waugh (United Kingdom) 2009/03/29
0.4 +3 3.4 gave points for mooch request 1596872543 Penny Waugh (United Kingdom) 2009/03/29
0.3 +0.1 0.4 added book to inventory 0425157474 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/03/27
1.3 -1 0.3 deducted points for mooch request 1842431404 JNBentrup (USA: VA) 2009/03/27
0.3 +1 1.3 gave points for mooch request 0553589121 Brendankerestes (USA: CA) 2009/03/27
0.2 +0.1 0.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0399153519 Mike (USA: CA) 2009/03/26
0.1 +0.1 0.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425157474 Ali (USA: AR) 2009/03/26
0 +0.1 0.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book BM1227545209632093360 becky barr (USA: WI) 2009/03/25
1 -1 0 deducted points for mooch request 0399153519 Mike (USA: CA) 2009/03/23
0.9 +0.1 1 added book to inventory 0399134980 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/03/23
0.8 +0.1 0.9 added book to inventory 0312266715 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/03/23
0.7 +0.1 0.8 added book to inventory 0718143760 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/03/23
0.6 +0.1 0.7 added book to inventory 0553585681 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/03/23
0.5 +0.1 0.6 added book to inventory 0425174018 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/03/23
1.5 -1 0.5 deducted points for mooch request 0425157474 Ali (USA: AR) 2009/03/20
0.5 +1 1.5 gave points for mooch request 0425194795 pamh (USA: UT) 2009/03/20
0.4 +0.1 0.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425174018 DonnaLLytle (USA: FL) 2009/03/12
0.3 +0.1 0.4 added book to inventory 0449215822 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/03/11
0.2 +0.1 0.3 added book to inventory 0425224864 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/03/11
0.1 +0.1 0.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425224864 Bob (USA: OR) 2009/03/11
0 +0.1 0.1 added book to inventory 0425194795 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/03/10
1 -1 0 deducted points for mooch request 0425174018 DonnaLLytle (USA: FL) 2009/03/07
0.9 +0.1 1 added book to inventory 0330352253 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/03/07
0.8 +0.1 0.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0425194795 Jeremy (USA: WA) 2009/03/07
1.8 -1 0.8 deducted points for mooch request BM1227545209632093360 becky barr (USA: WI) 2009/03/07
1.7 +0.1 1.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0330352253 RuthAnnK (USA: MN) 2009/03/05
0.7 +1 1.7 gave points for mooch request 0345423135 victoria (USA: NJ) 2009/03/05
1.7 -1 0.7 mooch cancelled by requestor 0345423135 Diana (USA: CA) 2009/03/05
0.7 +1 1.7 gave points for mooch request 0345423135 Diana (USA: CA) 2009/03/05
0.6 +0.1 0.7 added book to inventory 0385304374 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/03/05
0.5 +0.1 0.6 added book to inventory 1596872543 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/03/05
0.4 +0.1 0.5 added book to inventory B000GE1DBK Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/03/05
0.5 -0.1 0.4 removed book from inventory B000H17KTG Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/03/05
0.4 +0.1 0.5 added book to inventory B000H17KTG Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/03/05
0.3 +0.1 0.4 added book to inventory 0449219089 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/03/05
0.2 +0.1 0.3 added book to inventory 0345423135 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/03/05
0.1 +0.1 0.2 added book to inventory 0440109930 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/03/05
1.1 -1 0.1 deducted points for mooch request 0425224864 Bob (USA: OR) 2009/03/05
1 +0.1 1.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0385304374 Paul Kline (USA: PA) 2009/02/24
2 -1 1 deducted points for mooch request 0425194795 Jeremy (USA: WA) 2009/02/22
1.9 +0.1 2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0718143760 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2009/02/22
1.8 +0.1 1.9 added book to inventory 0425179559 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/02/22
1.7 +0.1 1.8 added book to inventory 0446179515 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/02/22
0.7 +1 1.7 gave points for mooch request 0345384369 Aimee (USA: NE) 2009/02/21
0.6 +0.1 0.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0446179515 Susan (USA: NE) 2009/02/20
0.5 +0.1 0.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0399134980 Kirsten (USA: ME) 2009/02/17
0.4 +0.1 0.5 added book to inventory 0425158594 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/02/16
0.3 +0.1 0.4 added book to inventory 0515119520 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/02/16
0.2 +0.1 0.3 added book to inventory 0345385764 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/02/16
1.2 -1 0.2 deducted points for mooch request 0330352253 RuthAnnK (USA: MN) 2009/02/16
3.2 -2 1.2 deducted points for mooch request 0718143760 jacquie (United Kingdom) 2009/02/13
4.2 -1 3.2 deducted points for mooch request 0446179515 Susan (USA: NE) 2009/02/13
1.2 +3 4.2 gave points for mooch request 0451207521 Ev (Canada) 2009/02/13
2.2 -1 1.2 deducted points for mooch request 0385304374 Paul Kline (USA: PA) 2009/02/12
3.2 -1 2.2 deducted points for mooch request 0399134980 Kirsten (USA: ME) 2009/02/09
2.2 +1 3.2 gave points for mooch request 0440203430 Donna (USA: CA) 2009/02/09
2.1 +0.1 2.2 added book to inventory 0446699314 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/01/31
2 +0.1 2.1 added book to inventory 0451183665 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/01/31
1.9 +0.1 2 added book to inventory 0385092040 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/01/28
1.8 +0.1 1.9 added book to inventory 0553589121 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/01/28
1.7 +0.1 1.8 added book to inventory 0425174808 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/01/28
1.6 +0.1 1.7 added book to inventory 0553582895 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/01/28
1.5 +0.1 1.6 added book to inventory 0446609323 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/01/28
1.4 +0.1 1.5 added book to inventory 055358359X Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/01/28
1.3 +0.1 1.4 added book to inventory 0440203430 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/01/28
1.4 -0.1 1.3 removed book from inventory 0553588249 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/01/22
1.3 +0.1 1.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0553589121 Susie (USA: OH) 2009/01/22
1.2 +0.1 1.3 added book to inventory 0786890169 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/01/22
1.1 +0.1 1.2 added book to inventory 0340684798 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/01/22
1 +0.1 1.1 added book to inventory 0451181379 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/01/22
0.9 +0.1 1 added book to inventory 0451207521 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/01/22
0.8 +0.1 0.9 added book to inventory 0451136403 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/01/22
0.7 +0.1 0.8 added book to inventory 0425097773 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/01/22
0.6 +0.1 0.7 added book to inventory 0425168220 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/01/22
0.5 +0.1 0.6 added book to inventory 0553582909 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/01/22
0.4 +0.1 0.5 added book to inventory 0446600466 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/01/22
0.3 +0.1 0.4 added book to inventory 0553579754 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/01/22
0.2 +0.1 0.3 added book to inventory 0425133540 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/01/22
0.1 +0.1 0.2 added book to inventory 0425118703 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/01/22
0 +0.1 0.1 added book to inventory 0553588249 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/01/22
1 -1 0 deducted points for mooch request 0553589121 Susie (USA: OH) 2009/01/08
0.9 +0.1 1 added book to inventory 0440236061 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/01/08
0.8 +0.1 0.9 added book to inventory 0553582755 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/01/08
0.7 +0.1 0.8 added book to inventory 0425098648 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/01/08
0.6 +0.1 0.7 added book to inventory 042518109X Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/01/08
0.5 +0.1 0.6 added book to inventory 0425101452 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/01/08
0.4 +0.1 0.5 added book to inventory 0743272254 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/01/08
0.3 +0.1 0.4 added book to inventory 0425130711 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/01/08
0.2 +0.1 0.3 added book to inventory 042513525X Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/01/08
0.1 +0.1 0.2 added book to inventory 0345384369 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/01/08
0 +0.1 0.1 added book to inventory 0425140032 Eloise (USA: CA) 2009/01/08