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Jenni Canuck (Canada) : member bio

Name: Jenni Canuck (Canada) (on vacation)
Userid: canuck_jenni
(I give a little)

Inventory: 0
Points: -0.5
Mooched/given: 919/661
Pending mooch/give: 0/0
Mooch ratio: 1.28:1

Wishlist: 659
Feedback: +661
Smooches: 53
Charitable gifts: 10
Charity received: 13
Friends: 51
Cancelled requests: 146
Books receiving lost: 27
Books sending lost: 4
Rejected requests: 6

Will send: ask if not to my country
Joined: 2009/02/05
Last here: 3194 days ago
(possibly inactive)
Country: Canada

Books in inventory: 0

Status message:

Follow me on Twitter @2Z1P

Check out the International Wishlist Tag Game on the BookMooch Forum
The best way to package books for shipping
Newbie Bookmoocher Information Thread
BookMooch Angels Fund

Please read Condition Notes.
More info on My Bio Page

I don't care if you are set to "my country only" -- if you've earned points, feel free to spend them here!

International moochers
I welcome international mooches! In fact, I prefer them to domestic mooches. I especially love to send outside of North America but I really appreciate if you can mooch more than one book to make it more economically viable for me. Since so few moochers read Condition Notes, perhaps because the font is too small: I will send worldwide with a 2-mooch minimum.

Canadian moochers
Because of Canada Post's high postage rates, some books are simply too big to send within Canada and these are identified in the condition notes.


Got questions about BookMooch?
Check out the BookMooch Forums where many moochers are waiting to answer your questions. You can also check out the BookMooching Group on LibraryThing
LibraryThing BookMooching Group
Info for New Moochers
More helpful info here!

How to Ask First
Click on the MOOCH THIS BOOK button and you’ll go to a special email page. Once you’ve sent your request, the book will be reserved for you for seven days. Don’t use the email on the profile page to send an ask first request as it will not reserve your book and someone else can come along and mooch it. :(

Ask First Etiquette
After you’ve sent a request asking whether a book owner will send to your country, what’s next? You go back to the book’s mooch page and see the message, “This book is reserved for you. You can mooch this book.” which is really confusing because what it really should say is “This book is reserved for you and while you could mooch this book, you have to wait for the book owner to respond to your email request.”

Some people look at the book and see "It's reserved for me! That must mean it's okay to mooch!" but even though you’ve sent a request, it is not okay to mooch without having received a message back from the book owner giving permission to mooch.

So, please, always wait for permission as not waiting is against the rules, not to mention discourteous. This has happened so often and bugs me so much that I will automatically respond NO to members who do not wait for my reply and then you have to cancel your mooch request.

Condition Notes are Important:
Describe Your Books Accurately

To describe your books accurately, start by entering the correct ISBN (usually found on the publishing info page or on back cover) and seek out the matching cover. If you cannot find the correct cover, say so. If you’re comfortable using HTML, you can take a picture of your book and post that image in your inventory or insert a link to the correct cover image if you can find one. Most importantly, describe any physical problems with the book such as highlighting, marginalia, torn pages, library markings, missing dust jackets, bent spines, and smoke or water damage. And, if yours is an excellent copy, indicate that also. If there are multiple copies available, the presence of condition notes could seal the deal for a prospective moocher.

The more detail you provide, the less likely you will encounter negative feedback from a disgruntled moocher.

About me
• old and cranky ;-)
• I have a TBR stack that is easily taller than myself, so as much as I appreciate your efforts to make your books reach me quickly, you really shouldn't worry. Use the cheapest shipping option available!
• I want to get mooches to people safely so if you get a book from me and the packaging is damaged, please let me know the details so that I can make sure it doesn't happen to future shipments.
Shipping: I can only get to the Post Office on weekends and usually ship after paydays on the 15th and 30th.
• Books will be sent via Surface Mail. Depending on where it's travelling, it can take anywhere from 2 weeks to 6 months to arrive. Please be patient and please contact me before marking books as lost.

Locations of Site Visitors

Forums joined:
angel_requests_2010_may, angels_needed_or_offered, audio_books, bm_stats, book_blogs, book_club_recommendations, book_condition, book_giveaways, book_sources__new_secondhand, bookmooch_blog, bookmooch_journals, books_by_authors_of_color_recommendations, books_made_into_movies, comics_manga_and_graphic_novels, computer_programming_books, computers__internet, craft_books_and_magazines, disappointments, discussion, european_moochers, feature_requests, food_for_thought, forum_design, frugal_readers, hard_science_fiction_anyone, historical_fiction, horror_books, in_hot_pursuit_of__the_meaning_of_life_, inactive_accounts_cleanup_project, interesting_books_to_read_that_are_offbeat, international_wishlist_tag_game, inventory_plugs, inventory_specials, meetings, newbie_bookmoocher_thread, paperbackswap_now_1220_yearly_feesbm_may_grow, paranormal_book_junkies, pay_it_forward, postage_rates, queer_books, recommendations_wanted, recommended, scifi_rpgs_and_literacy, teachers_on_bookmooch, thanks_anonymous_smoocher, travel_books, unfamiliar_words_in_the_books_i_read, us_postage, what_are_you_reading_now, what_the_editor_missed, writer_seeks_your_input, you_never_know_what_you_may_find.

Forums administered:
a_book_search_among_friends, bookmooch_contests_, great_bookmooch_experiences.

Forums active on:
a_book_search_among_friends, angel_requests_2010_may, angels_needed_or_offered, bookmooch_blog, bookmooch_contests_, bookmooch_journals, discussion, feature_requests, forum_design, inactive_accounts_cleanup_project, international_wishlist_tag_game, meetings, newbie_bookmoocher_thread, thanks_anonymous_smoocher.