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Messages: Smooch It Forward

Extra Smooch

Just want to ask that if anyone has any extra points they don't want to use, and can't find a charity they'd like to donate to, I would love to smooched some points that is up for grabs! Thanks, stay safe.

4 years ago
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extra points?

I see a lot of folks stating they have a ton of points, but nothing they want to mooch. Just want to throw it out there that if anyone has any extra points they don't want to use, and can't find a charity they'd like to donate to, I'd be happy to be smooched any points that are up for grabs :) I use this site to get books for myself, my husband, my son, my mother and my mother-in-law, so there's no shortage of books that one of us will like. Thank you and stay safe!!

4 years ago
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anybody have any extra they would care to share. I have alot of books on my wish list and no more point. I can send back when I get some. Check out my inventory there may be something you would like.

8 years ago
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is this still active?

hey everyone, i'm not sure if people still check out this forum but there are two books on my wishlist i've been waiting for and i have no points :( i need two points to get both of them and i would smooch you back those points ASAP. i'd be especially grateful for this, thanks!

11 years ago
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(11 years ago)you are wonderful! thank you so much!!
How to smooch?

Can someone explain to me how to smooch? I'd like to give someone a smooch so they can get something else.

Also, I received two smooches and don't know why. Am I supposed to do something with them for someone? (I originally thought they were just a bonus from someone but saw this thread and am now wondering if someone did it so that I'd do something else...?)

Just confused. TIA!

11 years ago

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(11 years ago)Thanks. I found the button and was able to give someone a smooch so they could get another book I thought they'd enjoy. Thanks for the info!
(11 years ago)Once you have been a member for a while, a "smooch" button appears on the bio page of the person you wish to give a point to. The button in on the right with all the other options from that page. There is no obligation involved in smooching. It is a gift freely given from one member to another. Sometimes when there has been a multi-mooch and the sender wants to give a bit of a deal. Sometimes to thank a sender for going above and beyond the call of duty, or for sending a particularly big or hard to find book. I use them sometimes when I notice a member is struggling financially to give them a chance to get a book for themselves. You are not obliged to "smooch" them forward, but it is nice to keep it in mind when you find yourself with a few extra points and want to do a good turn for someone else.
Smooch it Forward

Do you need points now because no one has mooched from you lately, but you are honorable and a good bookmoocher? Do you want to use the honor system and get points through a smooch, then smooch someone else later that needs them? Post here! Check back in when you have smooched it forward after someone has gifted you with points! Please only do this if you are honorable and have good feedback!

I had this idea because I am in the unusual situation of not having enough points, but have several books I have been waiting months for suddenly available. Usually I have a couple points sitting around in my account and am just waiting for a notification. I'm sure everyone has been there!

I am personally in need of 2.3 points.

Anyone interested in an option to give a little and get some points in return? Maybe the bookmooch admins would be interested in this additional way to get revenue?

Thanks for stopping by!

12 years ago

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(12 years ago)Thank you Melanie! I have been fully Smooched and will pay it forward!
(12 years ago)May I please Smooch 4.5 points? I really have to add back books, and a great title came up that I would love to own! Thanks, Jenna
(12 years ago)I don't believe we ever had the option to buy points. People trade points sometimes (for PBS points or other sites). The best way to get points is to go to thrift stores and hit up family and friends for books to post to your inventory and then let others mooch them.
(12 years ago)Shannon from the library- In case I did not email to say thanks, just wanted to say thanks (hopefully, again)! On another note, what happened to buying points? I thought maybe this was a useful way for bookmooch to make some money too, and I never used the option, but I saw it has dissapeared...
(12 years ago)Hi Smoochie, Actually I (the original author of this thread) might need one point. But just one! Best,
(12 years ago)I've got lots of mooch points all of a sudden. Is someone in need?
(12 years ago)I gave you two so that should help with books in your country- maybe someone can give you more for intl books. Also, if someone mooches from you, you will get points.
(12 years ago)Sorry I did not have enough points recently, so I only have a few from someone giving them to me. Maybe someone else will smooch you.
(12 years ago)Thanks Carolyn, I need many more of those.
(12 years ago)You've been smooched!
(12 years ago)I just joined and need points. I see a couple of books that I really want so Carolyn you can smooch me, please.
(12 years ago)Hi Teresa, Someone already smooched me, so I'm waiting for someone to post so I can smooch it forward! :) Don't know if the idea will catch on, though. P.S. To smooch someone, look at his or her profile-- should be a button that says "smooch." Carolyn
(12 years ago)Carolyn, I'll smooch you a couple of points if you will tell me how in the heck to do it! :)