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Messages: Sci-fi, RPGs and Literacy

Bazaar of the Bizarre

Bazaar of the Bizarre
Independence Day: July 4, 2010
Hawley, PA: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Meet sojourners from various points in time, space and alternate realities.

Resolve cosmic conflicts with representatives from Mount Olympus.

Purchase items that serve as portals to other dimensions.

Dress up in the garb of your favorite novel, comic book, TV show, movie or historical period (real or imagined) and come join the fun!

Help support local literacy programs in Wayne & Pike Counties in PA.

Hercules Invictus
14 years ago

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StarGate Olympus

StarGate Olympus is our current Sci-Fi RPG. It is run once a week at our local library and kids of all ages can participate. We give away themed books at every session. Our RPG sessions have appeared on the local news and a clip of our last session may be included in a documentary.

Our website is:

What we are doing seems to be working but I would greatly like to expand our Sci-Fi offerings, hence this Forum. I am hoping that the creative minds of my fellow BookMoochers can help with brainstorming ideas.

Hercules Invictus
14 years ago

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Science Fiction for Adults

Our newest initiative is a Science Fiction Group for Adults. I posted this ad on Craigslist earlier this month:

Local Science Fiction Group forming:
Star Trek, Stargate, Farscape, LEXX, Battlestar Galactica, Caprica, Terminator, Star Wars, Dr. Who... whatever your favorite Sci-Fi Universe may be we'd love to celebrate it with you!

First Meeting:
Thursday June 24, 2010
4:30 - 6:00 pm
Hawley Public Library
103 Main Avenue
Hawley, PA 18428-1369

Any ideas on making this new initiative a winner?

Hercules Invictus
14 years ago
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To Boldly Go... A Trek Adventure in Literacy

I have been wanting to link with Star Trek fans and start some mutual Sci-Fi Convention activity for quite some time. I was a Convention attending Klingon for many years back in the day and so was my wife.

Trekkers, Trekkies and mainstream Trek fans are a fun bunch of people to hang out with while doing socially focused things. This I know from experience.

We recently started a Vessel, the 'Pride of Olympus', locally and established a storyline based on the classic ST episode 'Who Mourns for Adonais?'. If you are on Facebook you can access all the background info in our 'Pride of Olympus' group.

If there are any Star Trek fans on BookMooch who would like to play along with this new adventure in Literacy they would be welcomed with open arms.

We can use this Forum to touch base and brainstorm.

Hercules Invictus
14 years ago
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