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Messages: Postage Rates
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Sending from Canada
Anyone from Canada know a few tricks to send books cheaper, either nationally, to the US or internationally ? I posted a few books to the US and Canada and, reading many comments on the site, I've paid between 3 and 6 times the amounts some people said they paid to send internationally, even to send something within my own country ! Either Canada Post is way more expensive than other national post companies or there's a tariff cheaper I don't know about... Thanks in advance !
11 years ago 2 comments
(11 years ago) | So this is just another reason to be jealous of services and commerce in the US... Great ! ;-)
In my situation, a 6 hours drive (back and forth) would negate the benefit of the US tariff...
Thanks for your answer Cara !
- Sébastien | (11 years ago) | Sebastian,
Canada Post rates have gone up in the last few months. There is still surface mail internationally but no longer to the U.S. I now only mail to the U.S. when I am planning a trip across the border and can mail from there, (unless I am doing an angel mooch). It is also very expensive to mail within Canada outside of your own Province. It may still be cheaper to mail to other Provinces from the States than from Canada, although U.S. first class postage rates have gone up as well. Bookmooching has never been economically viable within Canada with the exception of the greater Toronto area. I had a Vancouver area Bookmooch group going for awhile, but it faded away. It is still economically feasible if you are mailing internationally and doing multi-mooches or crossing the border to mail to the States. Otherwise, Bookmooch is an expensive hobby and only really worthwhile for hard-to-find books for Canadians.
- Cara |
Postage Charges from France
I read an article today on the French-Property.com website advising that La Poste is to end the second class international delivery of small packages on 1st July 2011... It reads: "It is a service that is not widely known about by La Poste customers, and the low level of usage is being used as main justification for getting rid of it. The service, called ‘économique internationale’, is up to 40% cheaper than the first class ‘prioritaire internationale’ service. Using this service it is possible to send a 1kg package anywhere in the EU for €5.65. The cost of the first class prioritaire service is €8.75." Here is a link to the full article: http://www.french-property.com/news/money_france/la_poste_cheap_international_service/ This is very worrying for people like me living in France and must necessarily affect the quantity of books I will be able to send abroad. However, there is little anyone can do about it sadly!
Sue Woolf
13 years ago 6 comments
(12 years ago) | Hi, I note though that your link takes you to the La Poste website headed up "Enterprise", so maybe it is only appiicable for businesses sending out books etc. as opposed to a "particulier", i.e. individual which is a separate tab on this weblink page? Dont know....
- Sue Woolf | (13 years ago) | @Edward You might want to check out the prepaid
envelopes the swedish post has.
They have very often turned out cheaper for me
when sending books. Since the weight limit is 2kg,
the price depends on which envelope you are able to
fit it in. See p. 10 of:
- Richard L | (13 years ago) | Just posted a book using Tarif Livre - the only difference at the post office was they stuck an "economique" sticker on it.
It arrived in the UK 2 days later!
- Tina | (13 years ago) | Good news! La poste website is back working and the Livres et Brochures tariff is still listed - prices also (to date) remain the same - info here
- Tina | (13 years ago) | La Poste international website is currently malfunctioning, however there has been discussion on a French forum that Tarif Livres et Brochures has been withdrawn (or certainly refused at some POs).
I will post if I get any updated info
- Tina | (13 years ago) | I wonder what will happen to the "Livres & brochures" rate that some of us were using for part of our books.
Will it be squashed under the pretense that the main economy international mail rate along which it was presumably processed has been dismantled, and that it saw marginal use anyway (you bet it could be marginal, with the non-existent publicity it was given, and often having to make the personnel aware of its very existence yourself...) ?
Will it be chucked in with the priority mail ? If it's so marginal the little extra cost shouldn't be that high... I'm wondering.
- Aude |
postage rates in France
I have just sent a book (weigh 255 grams) to Finland for 5,60 euros, and another to Ireland (also a light-weight paperback) for 6,80 euros. The postage is getting to be higher than the cost of the book itself if it was bought from a second-hand bookstore. Also I'm getting a bit sore after checking my status: I have sent 20 books and received ONE. Seems like a one-way street. Brigitte
brigitte de Guillebon
13 years ago 3 comments
(12 years ago) | I'm from Barbados. Our rates can be seen at http://barbadospostal.com/home/postagerates.html and are in Barbados dollars ($2 Barbadian dollars = $1US). So each book to the US costs me about US$6 to send and about $US12.50 to the UK. I keep asking the Post Office whether there are any better rates for books but so far nothing. Fortunately, quite a few people send to me internationally which encourages me to continue sending internationally.
- Clotel | (13 years ago) | Thanks a lot; I'm French, and I should no that in this country you have to bang on the table to
ensure proper service and attention. Every time (and I sent out 20 books from different post offices!) it was the same story: NO there is no special rate for books or printed matter. And it never amounted to less than 5 euros, which, over time makes quite a lot of money. What I find most infuriating is the fact that I never seem to get the books on my wish list: either somebody is quicker than me and grabls the one I want, or nobody wants the mooch the books I'm after. I have a feeling that I've been "had". Thanks again for your answer.
- brigitte de Guillebon | (13 years ago) | well, no I don't, and what is more important, most post office employees don't either. There used to be, a long time ago, a tarif livre et imprimés, but when I ask at the guichet they all tell me it has been done away with and I must pay the full price.
Thank you for your attention.
- brigitte de Guillebon |
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