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postage rates in France
I have just sent a book (weigh 255 grams) to Finland for 5,60 euros, and another to Ireland (also a light-weight paperback) for 6,80 euros. The postage is getting to be higher than the cost of the book itself if it was bought from a second-hand bookstore. Also I'm getting a bit sore after checking my status: I have sent 20 books and received ONE. Seems like a one-way street. Brigitte
brigitte de Guillebon
13 years ago

well, no I don't, and what is more important, most post office employees don't either. There used to be, a long time ago, a tarif livre et imprimés, but when I ask at the guichet they all tell me it has been done away with and I must pay the full price. Thank you for your attention.
Thanks a lot; I'm French, and I should no that in this country you have to bang on the table to ensure proper service and attention. Every time (and I sent out 20 books from different post offices!) it was the same story: NO there is no special rate for books or printed matter. And it never amounted to less than 5 euros, which, over time makes quite a lot of money. What I find most infuriating is the fact that I never seem to get the books on my wish list: either somebody is quicker than me and grabls the one I want, or nobody wants the mooch the books I'm after. I have a feeling that I've been "had". Thanks again for your answer. Brigitte
I'm from Barbados. Our rates can be seen at http://barbadospostal.com/home/postagerates.html and are in Barbados dollars ($2 Barbadian dollars = $1US). So each book to the US costs me about US$6 to send and about $US12.50 to the UK. I keep asking the Post Office whether there are any better rates for books but so far nothing. Fortunately, quite a few people send to me internationally which encourages me to continue sending internationally.
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