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Forum: Postage Rates

Sending from Canada

Anyone from Canada know a few tricks to send books cheaper, either nationally, to the US or internationally ?

I posted a few books to the US and Canada and, reading many comments on the site, I've paid between 3 and 6 times the amounts some people said they paid to send internationally, even to send something within my own country ! Either Canada Post is way more expensive than other national post companies or there's a tariff cheaper I don't know about...

Thanks in advance !

11 years ago


Canada Post rates have gone up in the last few months. There is still surface mail internationally but no longer to the U.S. I now only mail to the U.S. when I am planning a trip across the border and can mail from there, (unless I am doing an angel mooch). It is also very expensive to mail within Canada outside of your own Province. It may still be cheaper to mail to other Provinces from the States than from Canada, although U.S. first class postage rates have gone up as well. Bookmooching has never been economically viable within Canada with the exception of the greater Toronto area. I had a Vancouver area Bookmooch group going for awhile, but it faded away. It is still economically feasible if you are mailing internationally and doing multi-mooches or crossing the border to mail to the States. Otherwise, Bookmooch is an expensive hobby and only really worthwhile for hard-to-find books for Canadians.
11 years ago
So this is just another reason to be jealous of services and commerce in the US... Great ! ;-)

In my situation, a 6 hours drive (back and forth) would negate the benefit of the US tariff...

Thanks for your answer Cara !

11 years ago