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re: Moocher doesn't provide last name

I only have my last initial on my Bookmooch account and have never had problems receiving books. I've never read anything about it being against the TOS, and it's certainly not against USPS policy either (even if some postal clerks will tell you so). As long as the book gets to the recipient, the recipient could be Darth Vader for all I care.

8 years ago
re: Shipping Books Internationally.

There used to be a book/media rate for sending internationally and the USPS got rid of it a few years ago. I seriously doubt that they will ever make it available again - I bet that they were running it at a loss and just couldn't afford to do that anymore.

I honestly don't find USPS rates that egregious. They are much higher than they used to be, yes, but so are the costs of fuel, planes and trucks, labor etc. UPS and FedEx are even more expensive in most cases, which suggests to me that that is what it costs to send packages across the country or the world these days. The USPS is not funded by taxes or anything, and has to pay its own bills and make ends meet just like any other business.

I'm just glad that USPS still has the option of media mail within the US, because books are heavy and the non-media package rates would be hefty indeed. Fingers crossed that they don't get rid of it anytime soon.

8 years ago
re: excess credits, no money but I want to get rid of more books

Can you list on or ebay, or Amazon marketplace, from the UK? That way you can charge for shipping and perhaps get a few cents back for each book, if they are reasonably rare. If they are a dime a dozen and you simply want to get them off your hands, donating to a charity shop is probably your best bet.

If you were in the US, I'd recommend, which allows you to resell your earned book credits for gift cards etc., but it is US-only.

10 years ago

As Donna says, the good thing about Bookmooch is that there's no FIFO waitlist like there is on PBS, so you can get lucky and snag a book right away. The bad thing is that it's hard to get the books that one wants sometimes, because everyone else can grab them as well as soon as they're posted. PBS and BM are different and each has their good and bad points.

If you are concerned about recouping your points, and I understand why you would be, I would hold off on listing any more books until you get a feel for how PBS runs these days, and how many of the kind of books you want get posted.

11 years ago
re: conflict over mooches

A side note about marking books sent: there's no official rule about when a book can be marked sent, just general guidelines of good sense and fairness. When I know I won't necessarily be able to get back to my computer right away, I often mark books mailed as I package them up, because I know I will be going to the post office asap (usually that day or possibly the next). As long as you don't abuse this and wait for weeks after marking something mailed to actually mail it, I think you are fine marking it mailed before it is literally in the hands of the mail person. (This is merely my personal opinion, but I know from previous forum discussions that I'm not the only one who does things this way.)

11 years ago
re: Ebook Readers?

I would participate in a forum like that. I've lent and borrowed a few things from the website Lendle, which is sort of like BM for kindle editions, but it's not a terribly popular site so I don't get requests/borrowing opportunities very often. Alternatively, I think there's a way on Lendle to friend each other and perhaps we could create a bookmooch group?

11 years ago
re: Romance Novel - Female Chef Main Character

You're very welcome, Erin, glad my reading habits are helpful to others now as well! ;)

11 years ago
re: Romance Novel - Female Chef Main Character

Hey, I read those! It was a trilogy set in the New York restaurant world, as you say, with the secondary romance between Jess and the sous chef dude. I had swapped my copies away, but a few minutes of searching led me to the series: Louisa Edwards, Recipe for Love series - On The Steamy Side, Just One Taste, and Can't Stand the Heat. It looks like she's got three newer books in the series as well.

11 years ago
re: Not exactly an Angel request...

Good news, J'aime.

12 years ago
re: International book linker

Whoops - thanks, Cara, I didn't read carefully enough. I thought the original poster was just offering extra points (which is kosher if offered, but can't be required), not money. You are correct.

12 years ago