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michelle (Canada) : member bio

Name: michelle (Canada)
Userid: michellereads
(I give a little)

Inventory: 0
Points: 21
Mooched/given: 1751/1806
Pending mooch/give: 0/0
Mooch ratio: 0.88:1

Wishlist: 584
Feedback: +1806
Smooches: 71
Charitable gifts: 83
Charity received: 21
Friends: 53
Cancelled requests: 339
Books receiving lost: 24
Books sending lost: 30
Rejected requests: 7

Will send: ask if not to my country
Joined: 2009/03/29
Last here: 1395 days ago
(possibly inactive)
Country: Canada

Books in inventory: 0

Status message:

Updated April 24, 2017:

Shipments will almost always be by ground or sea mail, unless it is only a dollar or so more for me to send by air mail.

I reuse packing materials whenever possible. The packages I send out will be UGLY, but I prefer to repair previously used padded envelopes with packing tape, since it is "greener" and less expensive.

You'll note that I have cancelled many mooches. That is a reflection of the number of books I've tried to mooch, but the book owner has not responded. I always allow two weeks (with a reminder sent at the one week mark) for the owner to respond before I cancel the mooch. I never cancel mooches because I have "changed my mind". I recently had a box of 20 books get lost, so again, my numbers reflect that.

We are non-smokers and we do not have pets. Many of my books were purchased new and read, if at all, just once (by us), however, in the case of severe allergies, please ask first, since I do buy and mooch alot of used books. Thanks to everyone who has mooched from me, and to everyone who has graciously allowed me to mooch from them!

I'm a stay-at-home mother to four. I enjoy Bookcrossing, Librarything, Goodreads and local bookclubs. I love sharing great reads with others. I enjoy reading new types of books, and I appreciate how my own reading tastes have changed and grown from talking about books with other BookMoochers.

Forums joined:

angel_requests_2010_may, angels_needed_or_offered, bookmooch_blog, inventory_plugs, newbie_bookmoocher_thread, thanks_anonymous_smoocher, things_to_do_with_books_besides_read_them.

Forums active on:
a_book_search_among_friends, angel_requests_2010_may, angels_needed_or_offered, bookmooch_blog, inventory_plugs, newbie_bookmoocher_thread, thanks_anonymous_smoocher.