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Messages: European Moochers
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Mooch Books now into EUrope to avoid tax coming in July
This is a Cross Post from the Friends of BookMooch group on Facebook: Mooch for the Summer as tax on packages is going up. Now I am not sure of all the legal aspects, but one of the expat groups I am on has had some postings saying that in July this summer there will be a tax for packages that are going between the EU and other countries. So that also means the UK. Apparently upto now gifts and packages with a value below 22euro have been tax free. BUT it seems that there will be an import fee to be paid from July. So I am not sure if this will also affect those elsewhere??? Anyhow I recommend using a few Mooch points now to try and mooch books rather than storing them up if you think you might want some summer reading. Mooching now and not paying a fee is better than mooching and having to pay an import fee if you are in the EU. I am not sure if this is not a general change elsewhere nor exactly what is happening - it seems there is also a move to have all packages with a tracking number and that they will have to be sent this way. As of now letters (which can include most books) do not need this, but this is on the horizon and in some places may already be here. Here in Finland we are supposed to buy different stamps for internal and external to the country mail and it may be that external to the country letters will have to be paid for and sent via this tracking system. If anyone has ideas about sending cheaply do say! For example some people might be able to send through armed forces post and save on sending. It seems that this tax change is happening via an EU Directive so not every country will interpret this the same. It does apply to second hand books as a gift - mainly what we say BookMooch books are. In some cases all packages will go via customs and a processing fee will have to be paid. It is unclear to me, but it is suggested in Finland at least this will be waived if no duty is due - details here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/172157289532073
marcus petz
3 years ago no comments
Intercountry mooch favor
Moving Country - mooch away! I am moving country so if you mooch my books away I am very pleased. Half are Finnish and half are not! I think that a system where we can mooch away when someone moves country and as a favor we would mooch in our new country would be good. (So I would still have the same number, just different ones!) As Finnish books are not so useful in Austria and I am sure some people like students are moving away from Austria where I am going. I am quite happy to do that kind of deal so that when moving we don't have to throw away all of the books we have had moochable that no-one wants to mooch right away. I have about 20 on my mooch away list that are on other's Wishlist - but they don't have the points or inclination to mooch them right now. Well anyhow feel free to mooch from me and save my travel difficulties. I think this also works from the point of view that in a new country you need to make friends and bookmooch friends will have at least something in common with you - a sharing caring spirit!
marcus petz
12 years ago 1 comment
French Red Cross collecting books for children for Christmas
The French Red Cross is collecting children's books in good condition to give to needy children this Christmas. They've joined forces with the Crédit Agricole bank which is offering collecting points in its branches. If everyone donated just one book, we'd make a big difference to many children this Christmas, with books.
9 years ago no comments
French moochers - inventory in English
BM doesn't enable us to search on inventories in a specific language. I'd like to find out who in France has inventories in English. If you have books in English, and aren't adverse to sending within France, please could you add your name here. I'm sure there are plenty of people whom I haven't "met" yet through BM. Can we encourage some more domestic mooching here, please?
13 years ago 2 comments
(13 years ago) | Most of my books are in English. - Jane | (13 years ago) | Hi Jacquie
My inventory is in English & I live in Paris. I have noticed quite a few French BM users who grumble about sending within France due to La Poste charges if a book is over 2 cm thick. But I will send in France if you want to take a look.
Helen - Helen Bengtsson |
France - overseas economy rate abolished?
Economy rate postage for overseas packages has disappeared from the online rate calculator. This effectively doubles the cost of sending books overseas from France. Three points to bring a book in and many euros to send books out. There don't seem to be enough of us trading English books within France to make this worthwhile.
13 years ago 10 comments
(13 years ago) | The rate applies for ANY books/papers you send, regardless of the country you send the books to, or the books' languages; but because the rate is not bringing in much money, they will try to dissuade you from using it with any excuse. Specifically request the country name + économie + 'livres/brochure'. If they don't want to, ask for a 'written explanation' and the person's name or ask to speak to the manager. That should do it. They tried that with me, but they have lost the battle, what with the number of books I have sent over the years.
I mean, they are losing money, right? I have sent 2 books (paperbacks) to the UK, and they cost me €0.87 each for postage!! - soniaandree | (13 years ago) | Hit the violet menu options to unroll them.
While the page header is weasel-worded in such a way that it would indeed seem to imply only french books or those that somehow relate to french culture and/or the culture of french-speaking folk over the world, it doesn't say in so many words "french language content only".
I'm not even sure such a discrimination would fly by European agreements anyway, or that anyone could tell you with a straight face that ONLY francophone content is relevant to the culture of today's french-speaking generations. - Aude | (13 years ago) | Aude,
Where does one find the actual tarifs, please?
I suspect the rate may only apply to books in French. - jacquie | (13 years ago) | The rate still exists, it's just as well hidden as before and the reference page on the La Poste website has been moved a bit :
The latest dissuasive tactics I've had to face regarding it was claims the book(s) should be enclosed in transparent packaging, but a nice invitation to look up that it was untrue on the above page, and an offer to open the package myself if they really wanted to check that it was indeed books took care of it. *shrugs* - Aude | (13 years ago) | Hi! Back in January I sent a book from France using jacquie's advice from this post Shipping from France - reduced postage rate
Has this rate changed? Or can I ask just like last time? (Tarif document – contenu = livre d’occasion / économique)
Thanks for your help! - andrea | (13 years ago) | This is great news. However, when I was in France in may, I actually did go into a post office and specifically asked "book rate" and she said they didn't have one. So, you have to speak french pretty well, I suspect, and maybe push a little. - Robin | (13 years ago) | The rate has not disappeared! You have to go to the Post Office yourself, asking for the 'Economie Livres/Brochure' rates, it is on THEIR computers, but they won't tell you about it unless you specifically request it. I have always been able to use this rate so far. - soniaandree | (13 years ago) | True. I'm paying a little more here in Germany, but if I can do two or more books at the 7 euro price it works out a little better.
I wonder how long until the whole world is just to expensive to exchange books with. :-( - Robin | (13 years ago) | It's now costing about 3.50€ per book sent overses. That might not seem too bad when compared to what our cousins across the Pond are paying, but they're not paying 1.42 euros a litre for diesel either! - jacquie | (13 years ago) | What's the approx cost/book now, Jacqui? - Robin |
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