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J K (USA: MN) : wishlist

Author Title Count↓ Amazon Action 
Jennifer WiseThe Broadview Anthology of Drama, Volume II: The Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries1 [mooch]
B.T. WhiteGerman Tanks and Armoured Vehicles, 1914-151 [mooch]
Theatre WorkshopOh What a Lovely War (Modern Plays)1 [mooch]
Elizabeth R. SkoglundA Quiet Courage: Per Anger, Wallenberg's Co-Liberator of Hungarian Jews1 [mooch]
Samuel Kelton RobertsIn the Path of Virtue: The African American Moral Tradition1 [mooch]
K.E. MillsWitches Incorporated (Rogue Agent)1 [mooch]
Darren CraskeThe Equivoque Principle1 [mooch]
Malcolm BrownThe Imperial War Museum Book of the Somme (Pan Grand Strategy Series)1 [mooch]
ZondervanToday's Parallel Bible0
ZondervanNIV/KJV Parallel Bible, Large Print0
Ãse-Berit StrandskogenNorwegian: An Essential Grammar (Essential Grammars)0
Zara S. SteinerBritain and the Origins of the First World War: Second Edition0
Yvonne ShaferApproaches to Teaching Ibsen's a Doll House (Approaches to Teaching Masterpieces of World Literature, 7)0
Wolfgang SchneiderGerman Tanks in World War I: The A7V and Early Tank Development (Schiffer Military History)0
Ying RuochengVoices Carry: Behind Bars and Backstage during China's Revolution and Reform (Asian Voices)0
Zondervan PublishingThe NIV and KJV Parallel Bible0
Wolfgang MaderthanserUnruly Masses: The Other Side of Fin-de-siecle Vienna (International Studies in Social History) (International Studies in Social History)0
Wolfgang GortschacherModern War on Stage and Screen = Der Moderne Krieg Auf Der Buhne: Der Moderne Krieg Auf Der Buhne0
Zabrina FaireWicked Cousin0
Zeffiro CiuffolettiDas Reich der Habsburger 1848-19160