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Smooches received

2012/03/04 Jean (USA: MN)
2012/03/04 Jean (USA: MN)
2012/03/04 Thanks for your patience! Jean (USA: MN)
2011/03/10 Thank you for mailing a hardcover all the way to Canada :) Bcteagirl (Canada)
2011/02/03 tah for book Al Young (United Kingdom)
2010/05/23 And get something nice for yourself. anonymous
2010/05/23 Have a great day. anonymous
2010/05/23 Just because. anonymous
2010/05/14 anonymous
2010/03/26 Thank you so much for being an Angel for Little Brother, Hope! Jon Maloney (USA: NC)
2010/02/24 :D Christy (USA: PA)
2010/02/24 Shipping wasn't very expensive for three books. Go mooch another! :D Christy (USA: PA)
2009/12/13 Hi Hope, I will be mailing out your book in a few days. I assume that you read the condition notes saying that the edge of the front cover has been cut off and that there are some stamps down the side edge. These flaws were not noted when I mooched it for you, so the original owner returned my point that I spent to mooch it. I am in turn returning that point to you as well, so it is only costing you 1 point.

The book owner to the other book I have angel requested for you has yet to respond. I will update you with any developments.

Teresa (USA: AL)
2009/11/10 You are fabulous! :) vivi (Greece)
2009/10/20 Point back for the book Carol (United Kingdom)
2009/08/26 Here's one point back from your mooch of Babel-17. It is a thin book that was relatively cheap for me to send to England. Tim H (USA: CA)
2009/08/03 Since BoB is down-ish, here's a smooch so you can get whatever book(s) you're after. SKingList (USA: NY)
2009/08/03 damnit I wanted to give you 2 so here is another Maureen (USA: MI)
2009/08/03 4 since unofficial bobs not workin..... enjoy- Maureen Maureen (USA: MI)
2009/07/24 anonymous
2009/07/24 anonymous
2009/05/28 Thanks for being an angel! Eunira (Brazil)
2009/05/27 Have a smooch! anonymous
2009/04/03 Lydia Marmorstein (United Kingdom)
2009/04/03 Lydia Marmorstein (United Kingdom)
2009/03/16 Thank you very, very much! Eunira (Brazil)
2009/03/16 You've really gone above and beyond in trying to get INVITATION TO THE GAME for me. Thanks so much for all your efforts! Scherizade (USA: PA)
2009/01/16 just because! anonymous
2008/09/10 Thanks for being such a great angel moocher! Lethe (USA: CA)
2008/06/26 Thank you for angel mooching Sepulchre for me!! bookarts (USA: IA)
2008/05/23 The books are in fantastic condition, were very well packaged and it seemed like as soon as I'd requested them they arrived through the letterbox, many thanks! Laura (United Kingdom)
2008/05/07 Hope, you have made my move so much easier. Thank you and I hope you enjoy! Corinna (USA: NY)
2008/04/28 you are an angel;) Cara (Canada)
2008/04/28 thanks! Cara (Canada)
2008/04/15 Thanks for being an angel! anonymous
2008/04/14 Thanks for everything! You rock! ^^ slayra (Portugal)
2008/04/08 Totally above and beyond on this angel thing, thank you so much, I really do appreciate it! Kristina (USA: MO)
2008/03/02 and another! Cara (Canada)
2008/03/02 thanks so mooch! Cara (Canada)
2008/02/20 anonymous
2008/02/13 Thank You for going above and beyond the call of a good BookMoocher by being part of the BookMooch Angel Network! thedivineoomba (USA: MN)
2008/01/09 in case a wishlist book comes up before you angel books come in Cara (Canada)
2007/12/19 little christmas present from the smooch fairy, just for a UK angel. anonymous
2007/11/21 I've been meaning to send you one of these for a while, as I think you're super! I like the way you go into amazing detail about your books, package excellently, and I appreciate all the effort you put into your mooches. Zillah (New Zealand)