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Points analysis

Name: Pat (France)
User ID: theycallmepat
Points: 104.3

Before Change After Description Book Member Date
107.3 -3 104.3 deducted points for mooch request 1400078431 Lorraine Hughes (Ireland) 2015/08/09
107.4 -0.1 107.3 removed book from inventory 9780061429880 Pat (France) 2015/05/11
107.5 -0.1 107.4 removed book from inventory 345317206X Pat (France) 2015/05/11
107.6 -0.1 107.5 removed book from inventory 0440237602 Pat (France) 2015/05/11
107.7 -0.1 107.6 removed book from inventory 0425160394 Pat (France) 2015/05/11
107.8 -0.1 107.7 removed book from inventory 0425242617 Pat (France) 2015/05/11
107.9 -0.1 107.8 removed book from inventory 9780778328315 Pat (France) 2015/05/11
108 -0.1 107.9 removed book from inventory 0778312445 Pat (France) 2015/05/11
108.1 -0.1 108 removed book from inventory 9780778312666 Pat (France) 2015/05/11
108.2 -0.1 108.1 removed book from inventory 2253029491 Pat (France) 2015/05/11
108.3 -0.1 108.2 removed book from inventory 3499126540 Pat (France) 2015/05/11
108.4 -0.1 108.3 removed book from inventory 3442735998 Pat (France) 2015/05/11
108.5 -0.1 108.4 removed book from inventory 0515147907 Pat (France) 2015/05/11
108.6 -0.1 108.5 removed book from inventory B0073JWFC2 Pat (France) 2015/05/11
108.7 -0.1 108.6 removed book from inventory 0515149217 Pat (France) 2015/05/11
108.8 -0.1 108.7 removed book from inventory 3442089832 Pat (France) 2015/05/11
105.8 +3 108.8 gave points for mooch request 0515135968 chris hobson (USA: PA) 2015/04/15
102.8 +3 105.8 gave points for mooch request 0515139769 Connie (USA: PA) 2015/04/14
102.7 +0.1 102.8 added book to inventory 0515135968 Pat (France) 2015/04/13
102.6 +0.1 102.7 added book to inventory B0073JWFC2 Pat (France) 2015/04/13
102.5 +0.1 102.6 added book to inventory 0515139769 Pat (France) 2015/04/13
102.6 -0.1 102.5 removed book from inventory 0515139769 Pat (France) 2015/04/13
102.5 +0.1 102.6 added book to inventory 0515139769 Pat (France) 2015/04/13
102.4 +0.1 102.5 added book to inventory 0425242617 Pat (France) 2015/04/13
102.3 +0.1 102.4 added book to inventory 0515147907 Pat (France) 2015/04/13
102.2 +0.1 102.3 added book to inventory 0515149217 Pat (France) 2015/04/13
102.1 +0.1 102.2 added book to inventory 0425160394 Pat (France) 2015/04/13
99.1 +3 102.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 1863252908 Hannah (Israel) 2014/10/25
102.1 -3 99.1 deducted points for mooch request B000SOCY8O Aspa (Greece) 2014/09/16
105.1 -3 102.1 deducted points for mooch request 1863252908 Hannah (Israel) 2014/09/14
106.1 -1 105.1 deducted points for mooch request 2266114581 Dorothy van Schooneveld (France) 2014/09/14
103.1 +3 106.1 gave points for mooch request 006149190X Maggie (Netherlands) 2014/06/06
100.1 +3 103.1 gave points for mooch request 0312363052 BARBARA KAMP-DIXON (USA: IL) 2014/04/22
103.1 -3 100.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 0312363052 BARBARA KAMP-DIXON (USA: IL) 2014/04/21
100.1 +3 103.1 gave points for mooch request 0312363052 BARBARA KAMP-DIXON (USA: IL) 2014/04/05
99.1 +1 100.1 gave points for mooch request 273860014X SANQUER (France) 2014/01/26
98.1 +1 99.1 gave points for mooch request 2264050705 SANQUER (France) 2014/01/26
101.1 -3 98.1 deducted points for mooch request 0143113496 Judith (United Kingdom) 2013/12/18
98.1 +3 101.1 gave points for mooch request 0061988421 Schwan (Germany) 2013/12/08
95.1 +3 98.1 gave points for mooch request 0312938837 Lucy Pointycat (United Kingdom) 2013/11/04
92.1 +3 95.1 gave points for mooch request 0373776020 Mel (Germany) 2013/11/03
89.1 +3 92.1 gave points for mooch request 0451230531 Mel (Germany) 2013/10/27
86.1 +3 89.1 gave points for mooch request 0778329933 Michelle (USA: MA) 2013/10/08
83.1 +3 86.1 gave points for mooch request 0373776098 Kari (Canada) 2013/09/28
86.1 -3 83.1 deducted points for mooch request 0719567262 Tweedledum (United Kingdom) 2013/09/26
86 +0.1 86.1 added book to inventory 273860014X Pat (France) 2013/09/21
85.9 +0.1 86 added book to inventory 3442735998 Pat (France) 2013/09/21
85.8 +0.1 85.9 added book to inventory 3499126540 Pat (France) 2013/09/21
85.7 +0.1 85.8 added book to inventory 3442089832 Pat (France) 2013/09/21
85.6 +0.1 85.7 added book to inventory 2264050705 Pat (France) 2013/09/21