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Points analysis

Name: TAE (USA: NY)
User ID: tae
Points: 37.5

Before Change After Description Book Member Date
37.4 +0.1 37.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0765307294 Gabriela (USA: PR) 2009/10/23
37.3 +0.1 37.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1400097967 William Chapman (USA: MO) 2009/10/23
37.4 -0.1 37.3 removed book from inventory 0679772677 TAE (USA: NY) 2009/10/23
38.4 -1 37.4 mooch rejected by book owner 0330331752 Dougherty (USA: MI) 2009/10/23
38.5 -0.1 38.4 removing book from inventory 0330331752 TAE (USA: NY) 2009/10/23
37.5 +1 38.5 gave points for mooch request 0330331752 Dougherty (USA: MI) 2009/10/21
38.5 -1 37.5 deducted points for mooch request 0765307294 Gabriela (USA: PR) 2009/08/30
39.5 -1 38.5 deducted points for mooch request 1400097967 William Chapman (USA: MO) 2009/08/28
39.4 +0.1 39.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0385340354 Ann (USA: CT) 2008/12/04
40.4 -1 39.4 deducted points for mooch request 0385340354 Ann (USA: CT) 2008/11/20
40.3 +0.1 40.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0465078109 Sue (USA: NJ) 2008/10/27
40.2 +0.1 40.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0395957877 Patti (Philippines) 2008/10/24
39.2 +1 40.2 gave points for mooch request 0156027798 miette (USA: VT) 2008/10/24
40.2 -1 39.2 deducted points for mooch request 0465078109 Sue (USA: NJ) 2008/10/22
40.1 +0.1 40.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0871137607 Michelle (Australia) 2008/10/19
40 +0.1 40.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0099506920 Michelle (Australia) 2008/10/19
37 +3 40 gave points for mooch request B000NZ2WR6 jasnazmak (Croatia) 2008/09/20
36 +1 37 gave points for mooch request 0525949941 Brad (USA: SC) 2008/09/19
35 +1 36 gave points for mooch request 0812519973 Jackie (USA) 2008/09/05
34.9 +0.1 35 added book to inventory 0812519973 TAE (USA: NY) 2008/09/05
34.8 +0.1 34.9 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0812519973 Becky (USA: AZ) 2008/09/05
36.8 -2 34.8 deducted points for mooch request 0871137607 Michelle (Australia) 2008/08/31
38.8 -2 36.8 deducted points for mooch request 0099506920 Michelle (Australia) 2008/08/31
39.8 -1 38.8 gave a smooch banriona (United Kingdom) 2008/08/27
39.7 +0.1 39.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book BM1216328385342688253 banriona (United Kingdom) 2008/08/27
38.7 +1 39.7 gave points for mooch request 0804119120 Rebecca (USA: NM) 2008/08/26
37.7 +1 38.7 gave points for mooch request 0312119305 Sarah (USA: NH) 2008/08/22
37.6 +0.1 37.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1857237226 A. Foljambe (Canada) 2008/08/11
40.6 -3 37.6 donated points to charity Patti (Philippines) 2008/08/05
42.6 -2 40.6 deducted points for mooch request 1857237226 A. Foljambe (Canada) 2008/08/05
41.6 +1 42.6 gave points for mooch request 0394825993 Stephanie Jackson (USA: GA) 2008/08/04
42.6 -1 41.6 deducted points for mooch request 0812519973 Becky (USA: AZ) 2008/08/04
41.6 +1 42.6 gave points for mooch request 1932416927 will2-for (USA: CA) 2008/08/02
38.6 +3 41.6 gave points for mooch request 0971904782 Mike Dickison (New Zealand) 2008/08/02
37.6 +1 38.6 gave points for mooch request 1932416056 Katie (USA: CA) 2008/08/02
36.6 +1 37.6 gave points for mooch request 193241682X Katie (USA: CA) 2008/08/02
33.6 +3 36.6 gave points for mooch request 1932416870 spookky (Israel) 2008/08/02
33.5 +0.1 33.6 added book to inventory 1932416927 TAE (USA: NY) 2008/08/02
33.4 +0.1 33.5 added book to inventory 1932416870 TAE (USA: NY) 2008/08/02
33.3 +0.1 33.4 added book to inventory 193241682X TAE (USA: NY) 2008/08/02
33.2 +0.1 33.3 added book to inventory 0971904782 TAE (USA: NY) 2008/08/02
33.1 +0.1 33.2 added book to inventory 1932416056 TAE (USA: NY) 2008/08/02
33 +0.1 33.1 added book to inventory 0312119305 TAE (USA: NY) 2008/08/02
32.9 +0.1 33 added book to inventory 0394825993 TAE (USA: NY) 2008/08/02
34.9 -2 32.9 deducted points for mooch request 0395957877 Patti (Philippines) 2008/07/29
33.9 +1 34.9 gave points for mooch request 014015910X Ann at the museum (USA: TX) 2008/07/22
35.9 -2 33.9 deducted points for mooch request BM1216328385342688253 banriona (United Kingdom) 2008/07/17
34.9 +1 35.9 gave points for mooch request 1402200064 Nikki (USA: OH) 2008/07/17
33.9 +1 34.9 gave points for mooch request 0143038583 Tobias (USA: FL) 2008/07/10
33.8 +0.1 33.9 added book to inventory 0143038583 TAE (USA: NY) 2008/07/10