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Lisa Wenner (USA: PA) : member bio

Name: Lisa Wenner (USA: PA)
Userid: lwenner

Inventory: 41
Points: 1901.4
Mooched/given: 3478/7048
Pending mooch/give: 0/29
Mooch ratio: 0.50:1

Wishlist: 1129
Feedback: +7047
Smooches: 77
Charitable gifts: 463
Charity received: 29
Friends: 26
Cancelled requests: 157
Books receiving lost: 29
Books sending lost: 33
Rejected requests: 27

Will send: only to my country
Joined: 2010/03/08
Last here: 9 hours ago
Country: United States

Books in inventory: 41

Status message:
I won't turn down single book requests, but if possible please request more than 1 book at a time. All mooches are still 2 for 1. When you request 2 or more books I will give you half of the points back.

When I have multiple requests I try to send out 3-4 packages a day.
I will send your tracking number with the sent notice.

Almost all my books are second-hand. Many of them are former library books. I rarely buy new ones. All the books I list will be in at least good condition. Nonsmoking household - but I do have pets. Since I live and work with animals the odds are good that any book or packaging will contain some amount of hair or dander - sorry!

Remember those cozies that describe a person living in a house (or a least a room) where every horizontal surface is covered in books, and anyone visiting has to move books to sit down? Add a dog and a cat or two and that's what I aspire to. I hope one day I can retire and live like that!

Forums joined:
bookmooch_blog, discussion.

Forums active on:
bookmooch_blog, discussion.