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aganmooch (Germany) : friends

Friends of: aganmooch (Germany)

Medus (Germany)

Auckland Women's Centre Library (New Zealand)very obliging about additional mooches

ayasuu (Österreich)

Deidre (USA: MO)

Gareth Evans (United Kingdom)

Cait (United Kingdom)

ConstanceE (USA: OK)

Eirian (United Kingdom)

Donna (USA: TX)

ElliB (Deutschland)


Hercules Invictus (USA: NJ)great charity

history, greek and celtic myths, fantasy, RPG

hyannis_port (Sweden)

Jack Pfeiffer (Denmark)american living in denmark - likes janet evanovich

BMJournal Library Charity Mediterranean and African Shelf (Israel)

Joel G (Philippines)

Karlene (Jamaica)

Becka (USA: CA)knitter

Miss M (USA: WA)fellow raveller

Triccie (Philippines)charitied me out of the blue, thank you very much, this is truly appreciated!

Amelia (France)

Lisa Zimmermann (Deutschland)Physikalische Chemie: Labhart

Quaesitor (MarkM) (United Kingdom)

Bookrelayer (Germany)packstation, genau auf die nummer achten! (dürfen keine zwei nullen vorne stehen)

bfred (USA: NJ)

Paige (USA: CA)

Rhonda (Canada)

Sylvia Lukeman (United Kingdom)marvellous fellow moocher, likes german-language books

Lives in the vicinity of Liverpool

Teresa Daly (USA: CA)

Sir Bill (Ireland)

stellastarstruck (Japan)fellow raveller

Sunhild (Germany)

Lola Soleil (Canada)

Susan (Malaysia)

UKgal (Germany)

Azia (Indonesia)

What this person's friends have to say about 'aganmooch (Germany)':

Deidre (USA: MO): "Very friendly"
JDV (USA: TX): "A member who is very kind, forgiving and has great taste in reading material. Wonderful to know."
Teresa Daly (USA: CA): "Send stamps, Sci-Fi analogs."
UKgal (Germany): "Glad that you agreed to be my friend. ;-) "