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Forum: Sci-fi, RPGs and Literacy

To Boldly Go... A Trek Adventure in Literacy

I have been wanting to link with Star Trek fans and start some mutual Sci-Fi Convention activity for quite some time. I was a Convention attending Klingon for many years back in the day and so was my wife.

Trekkers, Trekkies and mainstream Trek fans are a fun bunch of people to hang out with while doing socially focused things. This I know from experience.

We recently started a Vessel, the 'Pride of Olympus', locally and established a storyline based on the classic ST episode 'Who Mourns for Adonais?'. If you are on Facebook you can access all the background info in our 'Pride of Olympus' group.

If there are any Star Trek fans on BookMooch who would like to play along with this new adventure in Literacy they would be welcomed with open arms.

We can use this Forum to touch base and brainstorm.

Hercules Invictus
14 years ago