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Messages: Kahlil Gibran Books

Kahlil Gibran Books I have

I have the following Kahlil Gibran books translated into English. They do not have an ISBN so I cannot put in my inventory therefore I decided to put the list here. Please let me know if you are interested in any or all of them.

Kahlil Gibran (1883 - 1931)
(English translations)

The Prophet
A Tear and a Smile (translated by H. M. Nahmad)
A Self-Portrait (translated by Anthony R. Ferris)
The Broken Wing (translated by Anthony R. Ferris)
Thoughts and Meditations (translated by Anthony R. Ferris)

TTFN... Andrea

3 years ago

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(10 months, 14 days ago)What kind of books do you like the most? Lone Star Home Remodeling Pros Dallas
(2 years ago)Anyone interested in these books???? Would really like to give them to someone who can appreciate them. Please let me know. TTFN... Andrea
(2 years ago)Are you still interested in these books? Please let me know.
(3 years ago)Was this a genuine interested? FYI You can add books "by hand" without ISBNs.
marcus petz