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Forum: Kahlil Gibran Books

Kahlil Gibran Books I have

I have the following Kahlil Gibran books translated into English. They do not have an ISBN so I cannot put in my inventory therefore I decided to put the list here. Please let me know if you are interested in any or all of them.

Kahlil Gibran (1883 - 1931)
(English translations)

The Prophet
A Tear and a Smile (translated by H. M. Nahmad)
A Self-Portrait (translated by Anthony R. Ferris)
The Broken Wing (translated by Anthony R. Ferris)
Thoughts and Meditations (translated by Anthony R. Ferris)

TTFN... Andrea

3 years ago


Was this a genuine interested? FYI You can add books "by hand" without ISBNs.
marcus petz
3 years ago
Are you still interested in these books?
Please let me know.
2 years ago
Anyone interested in these books????
Would really like to give them to someone who can appreciate them.
Please let me know.

TTFN... Andrea

2 years ago
What kind of books do you like the most? Lone Star Home Remodeling Pros Dallas
10 months, 15 days ago