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April (USA: CA) : wishlist

Author Title Count Amazon Action 
Phil BildnerThe Unforgettable Season: Joe DiMaggio, Ted Williams and the Record-Setting Summer of 19410
Kurt CyrusThe Voyage of Turtle Rex0
Susan GalDay by Day0
Tracy HolczerThe Secret Hum of a Daisy0
Susan KatzThe President's Stuck in the Bathtub: Poems About the Presidents0
Naomi KinsmanShades of Truth (Faithgirlz!/From Sadie's Sketchbook)0
Jane KurtzAnna Was Here0
Kimberley Griffiths LittleCircle of Secrets0
Victor MartinezParrot in the Oven: Mi Vida0
Peter McCartyChloe0
Michael MorpurgoShadow0
Walter Dean MyersWe Are America: Tribute from the Heart0
Anne NesbetA Box of Gargoyles (Cabinet of Earths)0
Sally NichollsSeason Of Secrets0
Robin PageMy First Day0
Gary PaulsenRoad Trip0
Louise RennisonWithering Tights (2) - A Midsummer Tights Dream0
Ginny RorbyHow to Speak Dolphin0
Josh SchneiderThe Meanest Birthday Girl0
Judy SierraZooZical0