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Kurt Cyrus : The Voyage of Turtle Rex

Author: Kurt Cyrus
Title: The Voyage of Turtle Rex
Moochable copies: No copies available
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Published in: English
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 40
Date: 2011-04-04
ISBN: 054742924X
Publisher: HMH Books for Young Readers
Weight: 1.01 pounds
Size: 9.49 x 0.39 x 12.24 inches
Amazon prices:
3April (USA: CA), Catherine the Librarian (USA: OR), Michael (USA: ME).
Description: Product Description

The Voyage of Turtle Rex

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Sploosh! Fizz! Swish! The prehistoric ocean is a dangerous place for a baby sea turtle. But after she emerges from her egg, the treacherous waters are her goal. Swimming through the swirling waves and dodging larger sea creatures, she finds a resting place deep below. There she waits, until she grows into the majestic sea turtle that returns to the sand to lay her eggs and begin the cycle again.

This journey of a small creature in the oceanic world of the dinosaurs is a perfect mix of scientific integrity and dramatic storytelling.

A Note from the Author

Dear Amazon Readers:

My first "Rex" book, Tadpole Rex, was a happy accident. The discovery of frog eggs in our tiny goldfish pond, the decision to move them to an aquarium so the fish wouldn’t eat them, and, finally, the observation that a middle-stage tadpole, with its tiny arms and large legs, strongly resembles a T. rex—this was a story in search of a writer, and once I took it on, it practically leapfrogged into existence.

This companion book, The Voyage of Turtle Rex, arrived at more of a turtle’s pace, but I think it was worth the time and effort. While kids tend to enjoy the first book as a fun romp, I’m hoping that this second one will appeal to their sense of wonder and be thought-provoking at the same time.

--Kurt Cyrus

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