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We some helpers from India working on this list and progress is being made!
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Still a few that need to be done here, but good progress
Ok, I just tried to mooch from bhupendra.s.dhande (whose link doesn't work) and I think because of the bad account name, his account is completely broken. Should I send an email, or, since he's been gone 4 years, should we just report it to the admins? (If we do, will they do anything?)
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Okay, I've deleted all the links for the accounts that have been done! Yeah team;)
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Just sent a message to the tech support volunteers about bhupendra's problem account.
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Thanks Robin, especially about the hand-entered books. Some of those books would be highly sought after if anyone knew they were there!
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Okay, list updated, we're almost there!
so far I've mooched from 22people from the clean up list and cleaned up 12.The remaining 10 will probably be vacationed this week.
Cara, just wanted to follow up...no response from any of the Indian moochers. All now vacationed. :-(
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Ok, I've been going back through the India accounts. I've decided to go ahead and bite the bullet. I'm mooching even from the single (awful) book accounts, to get it finally totally cleaned up.
Wow Robin, that is brave of you;)
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Well, I have only ever received one response from someone gone more than 1000 days. So, I think it's a safe prospect. And, I have the points, and some of the books actually didn't sound too awful. :-)
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Ok, the single books worldwide and ask first for India are done. We only have the My Country Only left, but the only angel in India is not home, and not angeling now. Any suggestions?
I sent this email to the next most active member I could find after the former angel. Sadly, there are not many active members in India to choose from. Hi, I noticed that you are an active member of Bookmooch in India. I wondered if you would be willing to help with the Inactive Accounts Clean-up Project? http://bookmooch.com/m/thread/inactive_accounts_cleanup_project/23 Our goal is two-fold: we hope that we can find members who may have joined, posted a couple of books and then forgotten about the site when they didn't get any mooches and reactivate them. Or, if the members have lost interest in the site or changed email accounts and can no longer be reached we can vacation their accounts, thus removing excess inventory. We would love it if you would be willing to assist us by mooching from some of the inactive accounts - especially those set to my country only" - and then canceling after 7 days giving "owner did not respond" as the reason which will place the account on vacation. One of our helpers has found and posted some inactive accounts from India which are not set to worldwide but we can't do anything about the accounts without the help of someone within the country.
Inactive Accounts from India There is more information about the project in the forum. Thanks for considering this! I would be happy to send you some points to use for this if you would be interested.
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Thanks Kerry! I can share points too.
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She has already helped out once, so maybe we can find another to help with the leftover members? By the list it looks like we are largely left with members with one book inventories.
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Ok, Redditz and Ritesh Matty have gone on vacation.
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Thanks Robin, I updated the message.
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Thanks Cara. It looks like we're getting down to the smallest amounts now!
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