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Jajemi has no inventory so they should probably be taken off the list.
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Was checking through these for "worldwide" and found an active Japan member. Emailed him (Chris) to see if he might be interested in helping us. (or maybe She?)
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Yes, Chris is one of the angels who has mooched a couple of these already for me. I emailed another angel but he hasn't gotten back to me yet.
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a couple still need mooching from, but good progress.
I've done 'ellie'. Is this list up to date as some have logged in very recently and one has no inventory.
Updated, thanks Donna
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I'd tried Kerry's letter for pending moochers on a couple of these. The rest need moochers.
I mooched from all the world wides and ask first that have books in English. I think that's the best we can do unless someone wants a book in Dutch (first account) or Japanese.