An Ethical Dilemma...What Would You Do?
Once upon a time, there was a wishlisted book...a fairly heavily wishlisted book to be more honest. As the days passed, the fairly heavily wishlisted book was not offered up for mooching (as fairly heavily wishlisted books are often wont to not be) and I had resigned myself to a lengthy wait for said fairly heavily wishlisted book to become available. Then it came to pass that the book, even the same fairly heavily wishlisted book for which I had been and still was so desirous, did become available...and my heart leapt to see it so much so that I did quickly select the "mooch" option only to be told that the tome in question, being that selfsame fairly heavily wishlisted book which I did mention in the afore, was no longer available. Oh, horror! Oh, wailing! Oh, knashing of teeth! (Ok, it wasn't quite as bad as all that, but it was a disappointment) I then ventured a peek at the book page to see who the self-serving, the lucky moocher was when, what to my wondering eyes should appear but a little red...I mean...the fairly heavily wishlisted book was "available" (but reserved) in MY COUNTRY!?!?! I cursed the rotten luck and was about to perform some nefarious voodoo ritual when I realized that the moochee was one with whom I was familiar, and I knew that heavy books (and the fairly heavily wishlisted book which I have now mentioned more times than is necessary by anyone's count is certainly that..."that" being heavy), were routinely available from said owner only within the confines of the owner's country of residence (which, incidentally, was (and is) also MY country of residence...did I mention that already?). Putting two and two together (my momma didna raise no dummies), I resolved to wait to see if (as I was most certain would be the case) the mooch might be rejected, thus opening up an opportunity for me to pounce on it ("it" guessed it... the fairly heavily wishlisted book). I was so waiting when, to my utter astonishment and dismay, I was asked by the #^!%$*{@#$ moocher to, in my role as a Bookmooch Angel, help procure the...wait for it...fairly heavily wishlisted book (hee, hee) in the case that her ( the moocher was a "she") request was rejected. Then to add spice to the curry...the fairly heavily wishlisted book again became available (my math/deductive skills had not failed had indeed been rejected) and I was first on the scene to snatch it up. Now...what to do with it? Do I keep the fairly heavily wishlisted book in my own well-deserving hands or do I send it on to a les...another well-deserving moocher and hope to have it become available again someday? Thoughts? (PS - I have already made my decision, but would like to hear your opinions)