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Forum: Feature requests

Requested book not wishlistable

I can hand enter a book I am giving away. BUT there is a book I want. It has an ISBN and I know the title and name. When I search on ISBN 10 or 13 or the title it is not found on any Amazon search.

I cannot add it as a Wishlist book - as only books on Amazon can be added. YET I can hand list it as a book I am giving away. I did this and then was told that this book existed on Amazon (yet not on the Amazon search engine THROUGH this website NOR directly through the Amazon websites). Well whatever I agreed to add this book.

The book then appears with no title, no author name - only the ISBN - which is useless. I then find I can search and find this book BUT I cannot add it to my wishlist!!

So there are a lot of issues here - adding pictures of the book I want, wishlisting a book WITHOUT having to go through Amazon - why do we want to be beholden to Amazon?? And the issue I see a lot which is non-English books not being found.


marcus petz
6 years ago


This is not meant to be a criticism of your suggestion or to contradict what you are saying. I agree that more complete data would be an improvement. Do you know of a good alternative to Amazon's databases? I think that is a big part of the issue. Any organization that is not a library is usually expected to pay for access to most book databases and I don't think it is a low fee. Amazon cut bookmooch off of its .com feed a while back but it can still use the and other feeds. I hope there are good sources, but I am unaware of them. For my own wishes or posts that are missing data, I try to add the author and title in a book review so that anyone viewing the page can see it.
6 years ago
Yes I do. I use the software called DataCrow to catalog what books I read and it allows several booklists to be indexed for free:

It uses and Google Books and Amazon options and Amazon Kindle store.

There are others but I am not sure if they have open APIs - I think some must like Adlibris, Worldcat

BUT ultimately I think we should connect with OpenLibrary:

and interface with them.

marcus petz
6 years ago