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Forum: Disappointments?

Perfume - Suskind

A friend of mine who has great taste in books bought me a copy of Perfume by Patrick Suskind a few years ago and said I would adore it.

I finished the novel and was quite disappointed by the whole book.

I find the more praise heaped onto something (whether it be a book, film, album etc) the more disappointed I am when I read it.

I think my expectations get raised too highly

14 years ago


I too tried it because of the high recommendations and gave up after a few chapters. That was several years ago and I can't remember specifically what I didn't like about it, just that I said, Well, I'm a grownup, there's not going to be an exam on it, so I don't think I'll invest any more time in this one, and traded it back to the used-book store.
Margaret H.
13 years ago
I read it while I was travelling, after picking it up from somebody who left it behind, without knowing that it had been made into a movie and without hearing any hype about it.

That being said, I very much enjoyed it. I found the topic matter to be utterly fascinating (as the days and years go by, I grow much more fond of my nose) and the passages to be beautiful and thought-provoking.

It was an interesting idea and one that was, to say the least, carried out well. I loved the novel.

13 years ago
I recently read this book too, I enjoyed it to a point but I also can't quite understand all the hype about it.
13 years ago
I read this book after hearing a movie was made out of it and (almost) without knowing anything about the hype, so my expectation was average and I enjoyed it a lot. I thought the way the odors were described made it almost create the smell in the associated brain cells of my mind. Thinking back on it, I think I can understand why high expectations about this book could ruin it. Maybe it's the love-it-or-hate-it kind of book with too many love-it people for it's own good.
11 years ago