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Smooches received

2015/06/29 Here's the second one, thanks Kathy Kathy (USA: MI)
2015/06/29 For the books you mooched from me Kathy (USA: MI)
2015/06/19 ...and here's your 2nd point back! Yvonne (USA: VA)
2015/06/19 Here's your 1st point back... Yvonne (USA: VA)
2010/12/16 Thank you very much for this nice Christmas-literature! Sunhild (Germany)
2010/12/04 Thank you so much for accepting my requests! Sunhild (Germany)
2010/10/06 You're awesome! Didu (Finland)
2008/10/28 smooches! okyrhoe (Greece)
2008/10/28 smooches! okyrhoe (Greece)
2008/08/12 Here's the point on your two for one deal! Mark (USA: FL)
2008/01/24 A smooch for a less-than-flawless mooch on my part. I cant refund your point until its been 4 weeks So SMoochie Smoochie! Thanks for your help in navigaying BookMooch! Jenn O. Cide (USA: NV)
2007/10/10 I see a kitty that needs a special treat! anonymous