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ScreamingBanshee (Canada) : member bio

Name: ScreamingBanshee (Canada)
Userid: screamingbanshee

Inventory: 0
Points: 3.8
Mooched/given: 170/139
Pending mooch/give: 0/0
Mooch ratio: 1.76:1

Wishlist: 550
Feedback: +139
Smooches: 10
Charitable gifts: 6
Charity received: 18
Friends: 144
Cancelled requests: 51
Books sending lost: 8
Rejected requests: 15

Will send: worldwide
Joined: 2006/09/18
Last here: 1509 days ago
(possibly inactive)
Country: Canada

Books in inventory: 0

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Eric Carle Rocks!<%

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Eric Carle Rocks!

I used to have the longest bookworm in grade school. I’d gobble up lunch to go to the library and lose myself in stories. My greatest dream then was to be locked up in a library. But somehow, I’ve lost touch with my book friends and I want to make their reacquaintance.

Books are my oxygen. I can't imagine life without them.

Are we both online? Questions about book condition? Emails not getting through? Or just want to say hi? Message me below:


Eco-mooch, multi-mooch! I LOVE multi-mooches to save on shipping (consider the article on Eco-mooching). TWO-BOOK MINIMUM (in Metro Manila), THREE BOOK MINIMUM (provincial) ... I no longer entertain single mooches locally. In the same spirit, I will be trying to make more multi-mooches.

Book condition: I always try to update on book condition esp. if not indicated in condition notes. If you are particular about book condition and I haven't emailed first, pls. email or message me.

Packaging: I try my best to package so that your books will arrive to you in a good condition - this means I usually enclose in plastic for water proofing. However, I REUSE a lot of all my old Bookmooch packaging to be more environmentally friendly. Please don't take offense with this, and consider doing it yourself!

Is my package taking a long while to get to you? Please don't mark "lost" right away. The waiting for international mooches is 6 months (remember surface mail may take this long). Any concerns, please EMAIL me first!

Fellow Pinoy? Join BookMoochers Pilipinas on Shelfari.

Share your books! Please donate to the Philippines' first BookMooch Charity!

I'd kiss a frog to get my hands on:

Will kiss frogs for books

- Hardbound Amelia books by Marissa Moss (my daughter is addicted to them!)
- The Spiderwick Chronicles: books 3, 4, 5 and other related books (again, my daughter is absolutely crazy about the movie and is dying to read the books)
- Books by Nobel Prize Laureates (check out Read the Nobels)
- Award-winning books (Newbery, Pulitzer, Booker, Orange, etc.)
- Any cookbooks by Jamie Oliver (love-leeey!)
- Anything by Truman Capote (hardbounds especially)
- Various finance/business books esp. anything by Benjamin Graham, Philip Fisher or in the Harvard Business Essentials series

Gimme gimme gimme ... please?

Eric Carle Rocks!

P.S. go visit my cousin grinningghoul who's obviously now hooked on Bookmooch!

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Images are by Eric Carle and Roald Dahl, both of whom I grew up on, and who also happen to be favorite authors of my daughter!