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Recommendations for: Caterina (Italia)

Guy Kawasaki The Art of the Start: The Time-Tested, Battle-Hardened Guide for Anyone Starting Anything 1
Alex Kava The Soul Catcher: A Maggie O'Dell Novel 2
Vince Flynn Act of Treason 2
Mitch Albom The Five People You Meet in Heaven 2
Barack Obama Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance 1
Cristina Miliacca La mente dietro le quinte. Cinema, teatro e sviluppo esistenziale (Nuove voci) 1
Georges Simenon Trois enquĂȘtes pour Maigret 1
Leif Enger So Brave, Young and Handsome: A Novel 1
Charles Frazier Cold Mountain 6
Arthur Phillips The Egyptologist: A Novel 3
Lincoln Child The Relic 1
Douglas J. Preston Reliquary (Relic) 1
Anne Enright The Gathering 1
Debbie Macomber 1105 Yakima Street 3
Bill O'Reilly The No-Spin Zone: Confrontations with the Powerful and Famous in America 1
Jodi Picoult Change of Heart 2
Sandra Brown Chill Factor: A Novel 2
Philippa Gregory The Virgin's Lover 1
Bret Easton Ellis American Psycho (Vintage Contemporaries) 1
Michael Crichton The Lost World 1