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Barb Ruddle (United Kingdom) : member bio

Name: Barb Ruddle (United Kingdom) (on vacation)
Userid: pollyoliver

Inventory: 0
Points: 56.2
Mooched/given: 3/28
Pending mooch/give: 0/2
Mooch ratio: 0.06:1

Wishlist: 3
Feedback: +27
Friends: 1

Will send: worldwide
Joined: 2011/07/31
Last here: 4563 days ago
(possibly inactive)
Country: United Kingdom

Books in inventory: 0

Status message:
I hope to be able to mooch more books than I have on at the moment. I have a cat called Polly so there will be probably be a few cat hairs although I will try to eleimate them. :) I also smoke so if this is a problem please don't mooch from me.

I will mooch worldwide but will have to send by surface mail which according to Royal Mail SHOULD take:
* Western Europe - up to 2 weeks from date of posting
* Eastern Europe - up to 5 weeks
* North America - up to 6 weeks
* South America, Africa and Asia - up to 8 weeks
* Australasia - up to 12 weeks