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Points analysis

Name: WebsterViennaLibrary (Austria)
User ID: webstervienna
Points: 125.2

Before Change After Description Book Member Date
122.2 +3 125.2 gave points for mooch request 0712101373 elliemay (United Kingdom) 2024/08/31
125.2 -3 122.2 deducted points for mooch request 1786090309 Lucie (France) 2024/08/19
122.2 +3 125.2 gave points for mooch request B003POK0DA Miriam (USA: MN) 2024/04/05
125.2 -3 122.2 deducted points for mooch request 0399505326 Elizabeth Fox (USA: CA) 2024/03/06
128.2 -3 125.2 deducted points for mooch request 1577661567 marcus petz (Finland) 2023/11/27
131.2 -3 128.2 deducted points for mooch request 0905046110 marcus petz (Finland) 2023/11/27
128.2 +3 131.2 gave points for mooch request 0765342219 Linda (USA: IL) 2023/10/27
131.2 -3 128.2 deducted points for mooch request 0333617339 Barny (United Kingdom) 2023/03/27
132.2 -1 131.2 gave a smooch Dimi (Greece) 2023/03/08
133.2 -1 132.2 gave a smooch Dimi (Greece) 2023/03/08
130.2 +3 133.2 gave points for mooch request 0060570148 Dimi (Greece) 2023/03/07
127.2 +3 130.2 gave points for mooch request 0300093454 Dimi (Greece) 2023/03/07
130.2 -3 127.2 deducted points for mooch request 9622177212 Dorothy van Schooneveld (France) 2022/12/15
131.2 -1 130.2 gave a smooch Paula López (Ireland) 2022/11/09
128.2 +3 131.2 mooch cancelled by requestor 0674976894 BookLoverCT (USA: CT) 2022/11/08
131.2 -3 128.2 deducted points for mooch request 0140049452 Paula López (Ireland) 2022/10/24
134.2 -3 131.2 deducted points for mooch request 068481868X marcus petz (Finland) 2022/08/23
137.2 -3 134.2 deducted points for mooch request 0804735697 marcus petz (Finland) 2022/08/23
140.2 -3 137.2 deducted points for mooch request 0007683189 Turtle_Things (Germany) 2022/07/28
140.1 +0.1 140.2 added book to inventory 0394483154 WebsterViennaLibrary (Austria) 2022/07/07
137.1 +3 140.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 0008294909 Annie (United Kingdom) 2022/07/07
134.1 +3 137.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 111804312X Will Harris (USA: WA) 2022/07/07
131.1 +3 134.1 gave points for mooch request 034038445X Grad Student Book Group (USA) 2022/07/06
131 +0.1 131.1 added book to inventory 0333213300 WebsterViennaLibrary (Austria) 2022/07/06
130.9 +0.1 131 added book to inventory 019285156X WebsterViennaLibrary (Austria) 2022/07/06
130.8 +0.1 130.9 added book to inventory 0043310958 WebsterViennaLibrary (Austria) 2022/07/06
130.7 +0.1 130.8 added book to inventory 0006330304 WebsterViennaLibrary (Austria) 2022/07/05
130.6 +0.1 130.7 added book to inventory 034038445X WebsterViennaLibrary (Austria) 2022/07/05
130.5 +0.1 130.6 added book to inventory 0465088708 WebsterViennaLibrary (Austria) 2022/07/05
130.4 +0.1 130.5 added book to inventory 0851242782 WebsterViennaLibrary (Austria) 2022/07/05
130.3 +0.1 130.4 added book to inventory 0586039309 WebsterViennaLibrary (Austria) 2022/07/05
127.3 +3 130.3 gave points for mooch request 0671481320 Katie (Canada) 2022/06/13
127.2 +0.1 127.3 added book to inventory 0582419387 WebsterViennaLibrary (Austria) 2022/06/10
124.2 +3 127.2 gave points for mooch request 0671717251 Steven West (USA: TX) 2022/05/13
127.2 -3 124.2 deducted points for mooch request 0060170565 Dawn (USA: MD) 2022/05/02
127.1 +0.1 127.2 added book to inventory 0252000307 WebsterViennaLibrary (Austria) 2022/04/22
124.1 +3 127.1 gave points for mooch request 9211010276 samay54 (USA: VA) 2022/04/11
127.1 -3 124.1 deducted points for mooch request 0670891932 Greg Smith (USA) 2022/04/11
130.1 -3 127.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 0450562522 Caroline (USA: SC) 2022/03/29
127.1 +3 130.1 gave points for mooch request 0450562522 Caroline (USA: SC) 2022/03/25
130.1 -3 127.1 deducted points for mooch request 0446311057 Adelina (Finland) 2022/02/23
131.1 -1 130.1 gave a smooch Rita (Germany) 2022/02/22
128.1 +3 131.1 gave points for mooch request 0941320332 Ed Malear (USA: MI) 2022/02/08
125.1 +3 128.1 gave points for mooch request 0813370450 Ed Malear (USA: MI) 2022/02/08
122.1 +3 125.1 gave points for mooch request 0385721382 Dimi (Greece) 2022/02/08
119.1 +3 122.1 gave points for mooch request 1591391458 Dimi (Greece) 2022/02/08
122.1 -3 119.1 deducted points for mooch request 0500239177 Rita (Germany) 2022/01/28
125.1 -3 122.1 deducted points for mooch request 1595589147 Rita (Germany) 2022/01/28
122.1 +3 125.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 047050689X Jess (USA: OH) 2021/12/23
119.1 +3 122.1 gave points for mooch request 1570230692 operationpaperback (USA: MA) 2021/12/14