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Points analysis

Name: Katherine (United Kingdom)
User ID: shinypilot
Points: 86.3

Before Change After Description Book Member Date
86.4 -0.1 86.3 removed book from inventory 1848668945 Katherine (United Kingdom) 2018/08/27
86.5 -0.1 86.4 removed book from inventory 0575115157 Katherine (United Kingdom) 2018/08/27
83.5 +3 86.5 mooch rejected by book owner 0156031523 Will & Jon (South Africa) 2016/08/08
84.5 -1 83.5 gave a smooch Pat Hawkes-Reed (United Kingdom) 2016/03/19
83.5 +1 84.5 gave points for mooch request 1447240901 Pat Hawkes-Reed (United Kingdom) 2016/03/16
83.4 +0.1 83.5 added book to inventory 0575115157 Katherine (United Kingdom) 2016/02/25
84.4 -1 83.4 deducted points for mooch request 184149898X Smooshmonster (Germany) 2016/02/08
81.4 +3 84.4 gave points for mooch request 057512346X M Powers (USA: VA) 2015/12/27
81.3 +0.1 81.4 added book to inventory 057512346X Katherine (United Kingdom) 2015/12/27
81.2 +0.1 81.3 added book to inventory 1848668945 Katherine (United Kingdom) 2015/12/27
78.2 +3 81.2 gave points for mooch request 0575093013 Sara Söderbacka (Finland) 2015/10/19
78.1 +0.1 78.2 added book to inventory 0575093013 Katherine (United Kingdom) 2015/10/11
78 +0.1 78.1 added book to inventory 1447240901 Katherine (United Kingdom) 2015/10/02
81 -3 78 deducted points for mooch request 0156031523 Will & Jon (South Africa) 2015/07/06
84 -3 81 deducted points for mooch request 0007318510 Vikki (Japan) 2015/07/01
81 +3 84 gave points for mooch request 1608010724 CNY Reader (USA: NY) 2015/05/28
80 +1 81 gave points for mooch request 0140367470 Diane (United Kingdom) 2015/05/19
77 +3 80 gave points for mooch request 0230712584 Jay Shorten (USA: OK) 2015/05/08
78 -1 77 deducted points for mooch request 1841494135 Chiara (United Kingdom) 2015/05/06
77 +1 78 mooch rejected by book owner 0575085169 Brian Lockett (United Kingdom) 2015/04/29
78 -1 77 deducted points for mooch request 0575085169 Brian Lockett (United Kingdom) 2015/04/29
79 -1 78 deducted points for mooch request 0007398638 N Roy (United Kingdom) 2015/04/29
76 +3 79 gave points for mooch request 0446676101 kdsj (Germany) 2015/04/26
75.9 +0.1 76 added book to inventory 0230712584 Katherine (United Kingdom) 2015/04/26
75.8 +0.1 75.9 added book to inventory 0446676101 Katherine (United Kingdom) 2015/04/26
75.7 +0.1 75.8 added book to inventory 0140367470 Katherine (United Kingdom) 2015/04/26
75.6 +0.1 75.7 added book to inventory 1608010724 Katherine (United Kingdom) 2015/04/26
72.6 +3 75.6 gave points for mooch request 0575132175 Nikoletta Mosolova (Russian Federation) 2015/03/19
69.6 +3 72.6 gave points for mooch request 0704338378 Brittany (USA: PA) 2015/02/08
68.6 +1 69.6 gave points for mooch request 0356502406 Mari (United Kingdom) 2015/02/07
67.6 +1 68.6 gave points for mooch request 1857987969 Shirley (United Kingdom) 2015/02/07
66.6 +1 67.6 gave points for mooch request 1931520763 Shirley (United Kingdom) 2015/02/07
66.5 +0.1 66.6 added book to inventory 0704338378 Katherine (United Kingdom) 2015/02/07
66.4 +0.1 66.5 added book to inventory 1931520763 Katherine (United Kingdom) 2015/02/07
66.3 +0.1 66.4 added book to inventory 0575132175 Katherine (United Kingdom) 2015/02/07
66.2 +0.1 66.3 added book to inventory 1857987969 Katherine (United Kingdom) 2015/02/07
66.1 +0.1 66.2 added book to inventory 0356502406 Katherine (United Kingdom) 2015/02/07
66.2 -0.1 66.1 removed book from inventory 0140295240 Katherine (United Kingdom) 2015/02/07
67.2 -1 66.2 deducted points for mooch request 0140367470 Brian Lockett (United Kingdom) 2014/03/03
66.2 +1 67.2 gave points for mooch request 1857980816 ErinHorak (United Kingdom) 2013/12/05
67.2 -1 66.2 deducted points for mooch request 1907519017 Heather (United Kingdom) 2013/11/12
70.2 -3 67.2 deducted points for mooch request 1847248489 Mosca (USA: NY) 2013/11/12
71.2 -1 70.2 deducted points for mooch request 0230712584 Brian Lockett (United Kingdom) 2013/11/12
68.2 +3 71.2 gave points for mooch request 0007203306 Alice (United Kingdom) 2013/10/29
68.1 +0.1 68.2 added book to inventory 1857980816 Katherine (United Kingdom) 2013/07/17
65.1 +3 68.1 gave points for mooch request 1605047422 Emily (USA: NH) 2013/04/26
65 +0.1 65.1 added book to inventory 1605047422 Katherine (United Kingdom) 2012/10/20
62 +3 65 gave points for mooch request 0552131067 Schwan (Germany) 2012/10/10
61.9 +0.1 62 added book to inventory 0552131067 Katherine (United Kingdom) 2012/10/09
58.9 +3 61.9 gave points for mooch request 1841497770 Rachel11 (Israel) 2012/05/08