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Points analysis

Name: Nathan (USA: NJ)
User ID: onate
Points: 20.2

Before Change After Description Book Member Date
28.7 +0.1 28.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 068810312X Aly (USA: MI) 2007/11/26
29.7 -1 28.7 deducted points for mooch request 068810312X Aly (USA: MI) 2007/11/12
29.6 +0.1 29.7 receiver acknowledged receiving book 1400030889 Jared And Hannah (USA: CO) 2007/11/12
29.5 +0.1 29.6 receiver acknowledged receiving book B000IG3SXM ember (USA: ID) 2007/11/03
30.5 -1 29.5 deducted points for mooch request 1400030889 Jared And Hannah (USA: CO) 2007/11/01
31.5 -1 30.5 deducted points for mooch request B000IG3SXM ember (USA: ID) 2007/10/20
28.5 +3 31.5 gave points for mooch request 068987474X DeniseR (Canada) 2007/10/16
27.5 +1 28.5 mooch cancelled by requestor 076790382X softsantear (USA: NJ) 2007/10/16
28.5 -1 27.5 deducted points for mooch request 076790382X softsantear (USA: NJ) 2007/10/16
28.4 +0.1 28.5 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0828104875 Severina (USA: IL) 2007/08/23
28.3 +0.1 28.4 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0394752848 *haley (USA: NY) 2007/08/23
27.3 +1 28.3 gave points for mooch request 0375724370 KatieGarcia (USA: MO) 2007/08/21
27.2 +0.1 27.3 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0811215474 Jojo (USA: MD) 2007/08/14
28.2 -1 27.2 deducted points for mooch request 0828104875 Severina (USA: IL) 2007/08/10
29.2 -1 28.2 deducted points for mooch request 0811215474 Jojo (USA: MD) 2007/08/10
30.2 -1 29.2 deducted points for mooch request 0394752848 *haley (USA: NY) 2007/07/21
29.2 +1 30.2 gave points for mooch request 0877456917 Katie (USA: MA) 2007/07/06
28.2 +1 29.2 gave points for mooch request 1559705736 J.P. Hanly (USA: KY) 2007/07/01
28.1 +0.1 28.2 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0393001229 Michael Brewer (USA: AZ) 2007/06/15
28 +0.1 28.1 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0393036995 Jane (USA: NY) 2007/06/09
29 -1 28 deducted points for mooch request 0393001229 Michael Brewer (USA: AZ) 2007/06/08
30 -1 29 deducted points for mooch request 0393036995 Jane (USA: NY) 2007/05/29
29 +1 30 gave points for mooch request 1573228214 Elisabeth (USA: MI) 2007/05/27
28 +1 29 gave points for mooch request 1401301312 biblioarchy (USA: WI) 2007/05/25
27 +1 28 gave points for mooch request 1400032717 Jess (USA: CO) 2007/05/17
28 -1 27 mooch rejected by book owner 0312311354 Phyllis Tanner (USA: AR) 2007/05/16
27 +1 28 gave points for mooch request 0060956771 AAdam (USA: TX) 2007/05/15
26 +1 27 gave points for mooch request 0312311354 Phyllis Tanner (USA: AR) 2007/05/11
25 +1 26 gave points for mooch request 0060511028 Phyllis Tanner (USA: AR) 2007/05/11
22 +3 25 gave points for mooch request 0618381864 Sara (Germany) 2007/05/06
21 +1 22 gave points for mooch request 1932416242 wndy (USA) 2007/05/05
20.9 +0.1 21 added book to inventory 1932416242 Nathan (USA: NJ) 2007/05/05
20.8 +0.1 20.9 added book to inventory 0618381864 Nathan (USA: NJ) 2007/05/05
19.8 +1 20.8 gave points for mooch request 0385335679 Amy (USA: VA) 2007/05/01
18.8 +1 19.8 gave points for mooch request 0316776181 Suki (USA: NH) 2007/05/01
17.8 +1 18.8 gave points for mooch request 006056198X Sorchah (USA: IL) 2007/04/29
16.8 +1 17.8 gave points for mooch request 0393324397 VR (USA: OH) 2007/04/29
15.8 +1 16.8 gave points for mooch request 0375708278 Carlin (USA: NY) 2007/04/28
12.8 +3 15.8 gave points for mooch request 0375725601 John Alwyine-Mosely (United Kingdom) 2007/04/28
12.7 +0.1 12.8 added book to inventory 0393324397 Nathan (USA: NJ) 2007/04/28
12.6 +0.1 12.7 added book to inventory 1573228214 Nathan (USA: NJ) 2007/04/28
12.5 +0.1 12.6 added book to inventory 0312311354 Nathan (USA: NJ) 2007/04/28
12.4 +0.1 12.5 added book to inventory 0060511028 Nathan (USA: NJ) 2007/04/28
12.5 -0.1 12.4 removed book from inventory 006051101X Nathan (USA: NJ) 2007/04/28
12.4 +0.1 12.5 added book to inventory 006051101X Nathan (USA: NJ) 2007/04/28
12.3 +0.1 12.4 added book to inventory 1401301312 Nathan (USA: NJ) 2007/04/28
12.2 +0.1 12.3 added book to inventory 1580622712 Nathan (USA: NJ) 2007/04/28
12.1 +0.1 12.2 added book to inventory 0553279378 Nathan (USA: NJ) 2007/04/28
12 +0.1 12.1 added book to inventory 0060956771 Nathan (USA: NJ) 2007/04/28
11.9 +0.1 12 added book to inventory 0375708278 Nathan (USA: NJ) 2007/04/28