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Points analysis

Name: Jez (United Kingdom)
User ID: jglennon
Points: 85.3

Before Change After Description Book Member Date
32.2 +0.1 32.3 added book to inventory 0099387913 Jez (United Kingdom) 2012/03/11
32.1 +0.1 32.2 added book to inventory 1847560121 Jez (United Kingdom) 2012/03/11
32 +0.1 32.1 added book to inventory 0340898976 Jez (United Kingdom) 2012/03/11
31.9 +0.1 32 added book to inventory 0099455625 Jez (United Kingdom) 2012/03/11
31.8 +0.1 31.9 added book to inventory 0751540463 Jez (United Kingdom) 2012/03/11
31.7 +0.1 31.8 added book to inventory 0752877607 Jez (United Kingdom) 2012/03/11
31.6 +0.1 31.7 added book to inventory 0099466295 Jez (United Kingdom) 2012/03/11
31.5 +0.1 31.6 added book to inventory 1841150436 Jez (United Kingdom) 2012/03/11
31.4 +0.1 31.5 added book to inventory 0007173563 Jez (United Kingdom) 2012/03/11
31.3 +0.1 31.4 added book to inventory 0330485385 Jez (United Kingdom) 2012/03/11
31.2 +0.1 31.3 added book to inventory 0007281048 Jez (United Kingdom) 2012/03/11
31.1 +0.1 31.2 added book to inventory 0141031514 Jez (United Kingdom) 2012/03/11
31 +0.1 31.1 added book to inventory 0099498480 Jez (United Kingdom) 2012/03/11
30.9 +0.1 31 added book to inventory 0006929990 Jez (United Kingdom) 2012/03/11
30.8 +0.1 30.9 added book to inventory 0006930018 Jez (United Kingdom) 2012/03/11
30.7 +0.1 30.8 added book to inventory 000693000X Jez (United Kingdom) 2012/03/11
30.6 +0.1 30.7 added book to inventory 0099455641 Jez (United Kingdom) 2012/03/11
30.5 +0.1 30.6 added book to inventory 1844544133 Jez (United Kingdom) 2012/03/11
30.4 +0.1 30.5 added book to inventory 1844082687 Jez (United Kingdom) 2012/03/11
27.4 +3 30.4 gave points for mooch request 0708969461 bobbiejo (USA: CA) 2012/03/07
28.4 -1 27.4 deducted points for mooch request 0345424603 wychwood (United Kingdom) 2012/03/06
29.4 -1 28.4 deducted points for mooch request 0552142700 wychwood (United Kingdom) 2012/03/06
28.4 +1 29.4 gave points for mooch request 0753410141 MuckyDucky (United Kingdom) 2012/03/01
27.4 +1 28.4 gave points for mooch request 0747259941 Caroline (United Kingdom) 2012/02/29
24.4 +3 27.4 gave points for mooch request 0340836482 Quinlan Community Library (USA: TX) 2012/02/23
25.4 -1 24.4 deducted points for mooch request 0340825065 Curzon Tussaud (United Kingdom) 2012/02/16
26.4 -1 25.4 deducted points for mooch request 0446527289 Craig Halstead (United Kingdom) 2012/02/16
27.4 -1 26.4 deducted points for mooch request 0446607339 Craig Halstead (United Kingdom) 2012/02/16
27.3 +0.1 27.4 added book to inventory 0330490699 Jez (United Kingdom) 2012/02/08
28.3 -1 27.3 deducted points for mooch request 0006483747 jaron (United Kingdom) 2012/02/07
29.3 -1 28.3 deducted points for mooch request 0575078014 jaron (United Kingdom) 2012/02/07
30.3 -1 29.3 deducted points for mooch request 0340862858 Kavit (United Kingdom) 2012/01/30
31.3 -1 30.3 deducted points for mooch request 0330344838 Kavit (United Kingdom) 2012/01/30
30.3 +1 31.3 gave points for mooch request 0001054848 Jemma (United Kingdom) 2012/01/29
29.3 +1 30.3 gave points for mooch request 0747266018 Juliebee (United Kingdom) 2012/01/25
30.3 -1 29.3 deducted points for mooch request 0552147508 Liz Hardy (United Kingdom) 2012/01/19
31.3 -1 30.3 deducted points for mooch request 0552152293 Elmonosabio (United Kingdom) 2012/01/19
32.3 -1 31.3 deducted points for mooch request 0552152900 Tiare (United Kingdom) 2012/01/19
33.3 -1 32.3 deducted points for mooch request 0553817736 Natalie (United Kingdom) 2012/01/19
34.3 -1 33.3 deducted points for mooch request 055212348X Sean (United Kingdom) 2012/01/18
35.3 -1 34.3 deducted points for mooch request 0552124478 Adrian Smith (Australia) 2012/01/18
36.3 -1 35.3 deducted points for mooch request 0552124354 Adrian Smith (Australia) 2012/01/18
37.3 -1 36.3 deducted points for mooch request 055212382X Adrian Smith (Australia) 2012/01/18
38.3 -1 37.3 deducted points for mooch request 0425219577 Kirrus (United Kingdom) 2012/01/16
35.3 +3 38.3 gave points for mooch request 0752849611 Kathy (USA: MI) 2012/01/12
32.3 +3 35.3 gave points for mooch request 0752878182 Kathy (USA: MI) 2012/01/12
33.3 -1 32.3 deducted points for mooch request 0330489348 Richard Welbirg (United Kingdom) 2012/01/11
34.3 -1 33.3 deducted points for mooch request 0091911052 KayC (United Kingdom) 2012/01/11
35.3 -1 34.3 deducted points for mooch request 0099432226 IrishPenJen (United Kingdom) 2012/01/11
36.3 -1 35.3 deducted points for mooch request 0552125695 IrishPenJen (United Kingdom) 2012/01/11