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Points analysis

Name: Jenger (USA: OK)
User ID: jbaker
Points: 22.8

Before Change After Description Book Member Date
23.8 -1 22.8 deducted points for mooch request 0684193884 Judy Zacharias (USA: CA) 2020/12/15
23.9 -0.1 23.8 removed book from inventory 1401360238 Jenger (USA: OK) 2020/02/25
24 -0.1 23.9 removed book from inventory 1439107173 Jenger (USA: OK) 2020/02/25
24.1 -0.1 24 removed book from inventory 0345506383 Jenger (USA: OK) 2020/02/25
24.2 -0.1 24.1 removed book from inventory 038097536X Jenger (USA: OK) 2020/02/25
24.3 -0.1 24.2 removed book from inventory 0739433512 Jenger (USA: OK) 2020/02/25
24.4 -0.1 24.3 removed book from inventory 1400051452 Jenger (USA: OK) 2020/02/25
24.5 -0.1 24.4 removed book from inventory 080503143X Jenger (USA: OK) 2020/02/25
24.6 -0.1 24.5 removed book from inventory 1416524886 Jenger (USA: OK) 2020/02/25
25.6 -1 24.6 mooch rejected by book owner 0446611611 Jerry Lincecum (USA: TX) 2019/07/21
25.7 -0.1 25.6 removing book from inventory 0446611611 Jenger (USA: OK) 2019/07/21
24.7 +1 25.7 gave points for mooch request 0446611611 Jerry Lincecum (USA: TX) 2019/07/10
24.8 -0.1 24.7 removed book from inventory 1439108471 Jenger (USA: OK) 2019/06/20
25.8 -1 24.8 mooch rejected by book owner 1560374780 dragonfly (USA: OH) 2019/05/05
25.9 -0.1 25.8 removing book from inventory 1560374780 Jenger (USA: OK) 2019/05/05
24.9 +1 25.9 gave points for mooch request 1560374780 dragonfly (USA: OH) 2019/04/03
23.9 +1 24.9 mooch cancelled by requestor 0451220781 Diana (USA: PR) 2019/01/20
22.9 +1 23.9 gave points for mooch request 0743444515 Lightningsky (USA: TN) 2019/01/13
23.9 -1 22.9 deducted points for mooch request 0425234738 GEORGIANN (USA) 2018/08/27
22.9 +1 23.9 gave points for mooch request 0451224175 Nicole (USA: AZ) 2018/08/02
23.9 -1 22.9 mooch rejected by book owner 1439156859 Donna (USA: MA) 2018/07/18
24 -0.1 23.9 removing book from inventory 1439156859 Jenger (USA: OK) 2018/07/18
23 +1 24 gave points for mooch request 0446607819 Donna (USA: MA) 2018/07/13
22 +1 23 gave points for mooch request 1439156859 Donna (USA: MA) 2018/07/13
23 -1 22 deducted points for mooch request 0451220781 Diana (USA: PR) 2018/06/25
24 -1 23 deducted points for mooch request 0425213773 galyn (USA: TX) 2018/06/25
23 +1 24 gave points for mooch request 0060842555 Kate (USA: CA) 2018/04/18
22 +1 23 gave points for mooch request 0060732067 Kate (USA: CA) 2018/04/18
23 -1 22 deducted points for mooch request 0671316338 Kristin (USA: MD) 2018/03/18
24 -1 23 deducted points for mooch request 0743444523 Rita (USA: ID) 2018/01/06
25 -1 24 deducted points for mooch request 0752841386 DOLORES KAJFEZ (USA: IL) 2018/01/06
26 -1 25 deducted points for mooch request 074726743X shay (USA: TX) 2018/01/06
26.1 -0.1 26 removed book from inventory 0140246681 Jenger (USA: OK) 2017/11/25
27.1 -1 26.1 mooch cancelled by requestor 0345506383 Ephesians 6:12 (USA: OH) 2017/11/17
26.1 +1 27.1 gave points for mooch request 0345506383 Ephesians 6:12 (USA: OH) 2017/08/14
25.1 +1 26.1 gave points for mooch request 075821572X Heather (USA: AZ) 2017/08/10
24.1 +1 25.1 gave points for mooch request 0451224094 Heather (USA: AZ) 2017/08/10
23.1 +1 24.1 gave points for mooch request 0451221141 simiromi (USA: NJ) 2017/08/09
22.1 +1 23.1 gave points for mooch request 0446540609 KarenC (USA: FL) 2017/08/09
21.1 +1 22.1 gave points for mooch request 0671040545 J'aime (USA: WA) 2017/08/08
20.1 +1 21.1 gave points for mooch request 0380791366 Pat (USA: IL) 2017/08/07
19.1 +1 20.1 gave points for mooch request 0312959443 Kim (USA: MO) 2017/08/07
18.1 +1 19.1 gave points for mooch request 0452297370 Sue Carey (USA: UT) 2017/08/07
18 +0.1 18.1 added book to inventory 1560374780 Jenger (USA: OK) 2017/08/07
17.9 +0.1 18 added book to inventory 1400051452 Jenger (USA: OK) 2017/08/07
17.8 +0.1 17.9 added book to inventory 1439107173 Jenger (USA: OK) 2017/08/07
17.7 +0.1 17.8 added book to inventory 0140246681 Jenger (USA: OK) 2017/08/07
17.6 +0.1 17.7 added book to inventory 0739433512 Jenger (USA: OK) 2017/08/07
17.5 +0.1 17.6 added book to inventory 0451224175 Jenger (USA: OK) 2017/08/07
17.4 +0.1 17.5 added book to inventory 0671040545 Jenger (USA: OK) 2017/08/07