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Points analysis

Name: Elisa (Italy)
User ID: falena84
Points: 0

Before Change After Description Book Member Date
34.3 -34.3 0 account closed Elisa (Italy) 2012/10/16
31.3 +3 34.3 mooch cancelled by requestor 0553587501 Aaron (USA: CA) 2012/10/16
31.4 -0.1 31.3 removed book from inventory 0743464583 Elisa (Italy) 2012/10/16
31.5 -0.1 31.4 removed book from inventory 0446604534 Elisa (Italy) 2012/10/16
31.6 -0.1 31.5 removed book from inventory 074726693X Elisa (Italy) 2012/10/16
31.7 -0.1 31.6 removed book from inventory 1903650011 Elisa (Italy) 2012/10/16
31.8 -0.1 31.7 removed book from inventory 0099604302 Elisa (Italy) 2012/10/16
31.9 -0.1 31.8 removed book from inventory 0330369008 Elisa (Italy) 2012/10/16
32 -0.1 31.9 removed book from inventory 0751508594 Elisa (Italy) 2012/10/16
32.1 -0.1 32 removed book from inventory 0751519170 Elisa (Italy) 2012/10/16
32.2 -0.1 32.1 removed book from inventory 0747265011 Elisa (Italy) 2012/10/16
32.3 -0.1 32.2 removed book from inventory 1857972090 Elisa (Italy) 2012/10/16
32.4 -0.1 32.3 removed book from inventory 0099468255 Elisa (Italy) 2012/10/16
35.4 -3 32.4 mooch rejected by book owner 0141018216 Rachel N (Germany) 2012/06/29
35.5 -0.1 35.4 removing book from inventory 0141018216 Elisa (Italy) 2012/06/29
32.5 +3 35.5 gave points for mooch request 0141018216 Rachel N (Germany) 2012/06/29
35.5 -3 32.5 deducted points for mooch request 2747006603 Julie (Portugal) 2012/03/12
38.5 -3 35.5 deducted points for mooch request 0553587501 Aaron (USA: CA) 2012/02/29
39.5 -1 38.5 gave a smooch Gail L. (Italia) 2012/01/07
42.5 -3 39.5 deducted points for mooch request 0060962763 Beth (USA: PA) 2011/12/22
41.5 +1 42.5 gave points for mooch request 0751535729 Gail L. (Italia) 2011/11/29
38.5 +3 41.5 lost in the mail says book owner 055356773X Yael (Philippines) 2011/10/23
41.5 -3 38.5 deducted points for mooch request 0349109281 Fern (United Kingdom) 2011/10/23
44.5 -3 41.5 deducted points for mooch request 2708707302 sonia (Greece) 2011/09/12
47.5 -3 44.5 deducted points for mooch request 0520228731 Kyra (USA: NY) 2011/09/04
44.5 +3 47.5 gave points for mooch request 0380724340 Excelis (United Kingdom) 2011/08/21
45.5 -1 44.5 deducted points for mooch request BM1294415111882058252 paola (Italia) 2011/07/04
48.5 -3 45.5 deducted points for mooch request 055356773X Yael (Philippines) 2011/05/13
49.5 -1 48.5 donated points to charity Meg Wolff (USA: CA) 2011/04/30
50.5 -1 49.5 donated points to charity Chanpreet (USA: GA) 2011/04/30
51.5 -1 50.5 deducted points for mooch request 0060734566 bliss9876 (Italia) 2011/04/22
48.5 +3 51.5 gave points for mooch request 0553577808 Meg Wolff (USA: CA) 2011/04/22
45.5 +3 48.5 gave points for mooch request 0099415550 Chanpreet (USA: GA) 2011/04/22
45.4 +0.1 45.5 added book to inventory 0553577808 Elisa (Italy) 2011/04/22
45.3 +0.1 45.4 added book to inventory 0099415550 Elisa (Italy) 2011/04/22
45.2 +0.1 45.3 added book to inventory 0751519170 Elisa (Italy) 2011/04/22
45.1 +0.1 45.2 added book to inventory 0330369008 Elisa (Italy) 2011/04/22
45 +0.1 45.1 added book to inventory 0751508594 Elisa (Italy) 2011/04/22
44.9 +0.1 45 added book to inventory 0099604302 Elisa (Italy) 2011/04/22
44.8 +0.1 44.9 added book to inventory 1857972090 Elisa (Italy) 2011/04/22
46.8 -2 44.8 deducted points for mooch request 0552998338 Dovile (Lithuania) 2011/04/11
47.8 -1 46.8 deducted points for mooch request 0440244234 MarchRose (Italy) 2011/04/10
44.8 +3 47.8 gave points for mooch request 1897126417 Hayley (USA: LA) 2011/03/17
45.8 -1 44.8 gave a smooch Mel (Germany) 2011/01/12
42.8 +3 45.8 gave points for mooch request 0751535710 Mel (Germany) 2010/12/30
42.7 +0.1 42.8 receiver acknowledged receiving book 0679735798 muyilusionada (USA: MA) 2010/12/15
44.7 -2 42.7 deducted points for mooch request 0679735798 muyilusionada (USA: MA) 2010/11/23
44.6 +0.1 44.7 added book to inventory 0380724340 Elisa (Italy) 2010/11/21
44.5 +0.1 44.6 added book to inventory 074726693X Elisa (Italy) 2010/11/21
47.5 -3 44.5 mooch cancelled by requestor 0099468255 Eliezer (Spain) 2010/11/10