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mcfluf (USA: PA) : member bio

Name: mcfluf (USA: PA) (on vacation)
Userid: mauramcf

Inventory: 0
Points: 24.2
Mooched/given: 401/327
Pending mooch/give: 2/0
Mooch ratio: 1.23:1

Wishlist: 0
Feedback: +322
Smooches: 6
Charity received: 2
Cancelled requests: 81
Books receiving lost: 18
Books sending lost: 29
Rejected requests: 14

Will send: worldwide
Joined: 2009/10/23
Last here: 3033 days ago
(possibly inactive)
Country: United States

Books in inventory: 0

Status message:
At times (especially during the summer when my boys are home - or when I am particularly busy with scouts, school PTA and/or family) it may take me a few weeks to respond and/or get books out, but I WILL. I tend to send a whole bunch out at once - every few weeks. I hope this works for you, but, if you are in a big hurry, please let me know, and I will do my best to expedite your mooch.

I am a busy mom & habitual volunteer.

I love mooching books for my growing boys to enjoy. When they are done with them, I put them back in my inventory for someone else to mooch or I donate them - to our school (a very small public charter school) or to our public library, which sells them at fundraisers.

Please check my inventory to see if there is anything else you might like, because I appreciate saving money by sending multiple books at one time - especially when sending larger or hard cover books.
