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BookMooch Lottery (USA: CA) : member bio

Name: BookMooch Lottery (USA: CA)
Userid: lottery

Inventory: 0
Points: 9
Mooched/given: 0/0
Pending mooch/give: 0/0

Wishlist: 0
Feedback: +0
Smooches: 2
Charitable gifts: 172
Charity received: 2055
Friends: 23

Will send: worldwide
Joined: 2007/07/15
Last here: 5737 days ago
(possibly inactive)
Country: United States

Books in inventory: 0

The 2009 Lottery is now closed. Any points donated from now on will be refunded.

Jodi Picoult was randomly drawn from the list of Librarything's most popular authors as listed below.

61 tickets were purchased with Jodi Picoult as the chosen author.

2704 points were donated from many hundreds of Bookmooch members, so each winning ticket had a value of 44 points, half of which will go to the Bookmooch charity each winning member chose.

Congratulations to all 15 winners!

Mary from Tipperary (IR) bet one point, so wins 22 points!
With 22 more points going to The BBStart Volunteer Library Project:

Lizzie from Cambridge (UK) bet one point, so wins 22 points!
With 22 more points going to The Bookmooch Charitable Fund:

Nicole from Pennsylvania (US) bet one point, so wins 22 points!
With 22 more points going to Books for Children and New Mothers:

Sdb from from Monaco (MC) bet one point, so wins 22 points!
With 22 more points going to The Benjamin Andrew Footpath Library Melbourne:

Betty from Rhode Island (US) bet two points, so wins 44 points!
With 44 more points going to Operation Paperback:

Michelle from London (UK) bet two points, so wins 44 points!
With 44 more points going to The BBStart Volunteer Library Project:

Courtney from Tennessee (US) bet two points, so wins 44 points!
With 44 more points going to Operation Paperback:

Max from Massachusetts bet three points, so wins 66 points!
With 66 more points going to The Prison Birth Project:

Tia from Colorado (US) bet five points, so wins 110 points!
With 110 more points going to Books for Schools and Classrooms:

Amber from Pennsylvania (US) bet five points, so wins 110 points!
With 110 more points going to Public Libraries:

Louise from Berkshire (UK) bet five points, so wins 110 points!
With 110 more points going to the BBStart Volunteer Library Project:

Suzanne from California (US) bet five points, so wins 110 points!
With 110 more points going to Books for Children and New Mothers:

Toni from Florida (US) bet eight points, so wins 176 points!
With 176 more points going to The Quinlan Library:

SR from Massachusetts (US) bet ten points, so wins 220 points!
With 220 more points going to The Prison Book Program:

Sari from Illinois (US) bet ten points, so wins 220 points!
With 220 more points going to Books for Schools and Classrooms:

How to play:

1.) Choose your favorite author from the list below.

2.) Also select a Bookmooch charity you would like to support.

This is our charity page

3.) Buy your lottery ticket(s) by clicking here

Select how many points to give from the drop-down menu, and be sure and enter both your chosen author's name and your charity group in the open box next to 'Optional comments:'

How it works:

You can buy as many tickets as you like. Each additional point/ticket will increase both your share in the winnings and your charitable donation if your author is randomly chosen. But no matter how many points you give, you can only choose one author and one charity, so if you give us more than one of either, all points will be placed on the first names you submit.

On Monday, June 15th at midnight U.S. pacific time, one of the author's names on the list below will be randomly drawn. Your author's literary merits or popularity will not be taken into consideration :)

Each member who has selected the chosen name will win a share of the lottery jackpot!

So if 1000 points are collected, and there are 20 'tickets' with the winning name, each member will win (half of) 50 points per ticket.

If one member gave 2 points, 100 points will be rewarded, if another gave 5 points, 250 points will be rewarded.

Half of each winner's prize will be donated to their charity of choice and the other half will be instantly transferred to their account.

Thanks for playing!

The Bookmooch Team


This is the current list of the top 75 authors on our sister site LibraryThing. They are listed in descending order of popularity as determined by the real-world libraries of thousands and thousands of LibraryThing members all around the world.

Please choose only one author no matter how many tickets you buy, and be sure to enter in the author's name when you give points:

J. K. Rowling
Stephen King
Terry Pratchett
J. R. R. Tolkien
Neil Gaiman
C. S. Lewis
William Shakespeare
Nora Roberts
Jane Austen
Isaac Asimov
Agatha Christie
Anne McCaffrey
Charles Dickens
Orson Scott Card
John Grisham
Anne Rice
Kurt Vonnegut
Douglas Adams
Dan Brown
Robert A. Heinlein
Mercedes Lackey
James Patterson
Stephenie Meyer
George Orwell
Dean Koontz
Janet Evanovich
John Steinbeck
Laurell K. Hamilton
Piers Anthony
Margaret Atwood
Roald Dahl
Michael Crichton
Robert Jordan
Ernest Hemingway
Philip Pullman
Fyodor Dostoevsky
Gabriel García Márquez
Mark Twain
David Eddings
Lemony Snicket
Ray Bradbury
Dr. Seuss
Tom Clancy
Ursula K. Le Guin
Frank Herbert
Neal Stephenson
Bill Bryson
Philip K. Dick
J. D. Salinger
Haruki Murakami
Marion Zimmer Bradley
Chuck Palahniuk
John Irving
Lucy Maud Montgomery
Arthur C. Clarke
Patricia Cornwell
Madeleine L'Engle
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Tamora Pierce
Umberto Eco
William Gibson
Jodi Picoult
David Sedaris
Virginia Woolf
Larry Niven
Vladimir Nabokov
Margaret Weis
George R. R. Martin
Khaled Hosseini
Ian McEwan
Leo Tolstoi
Albert Camus
Alexander McCall Smith

(the fine print)

You must be a member in good standing and have joined more than a week ago to play.

Please post any questions to the discussion forum or as an e-mail to this lottery account,
do not send tech/abuse reports with lottery questions.

Ratio limits still apply when spending one's winning points, but the majority of members will not be limited by this as so few are close to the 2:1 limit.

Winners are free to donate points from their winnings to additional charity groups, or Bookmooch friends.

Bookmooch admins cannot play (as we run the game).

Special thanks to admin emeritus Mikko Saari for having launched the Bookmooch lottery, and Matt Brown for the inspiration to do so.