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Messages: Newbie Bookmoocher Thread
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I thought I saw a link on this site where you could see what kind of books are not allowed. I can't find it now. My question is about Advanced Reader Copies. I have a few of them and don't know if we are allowed to post them. Could someone direct me to where I can find out more information about what is not allowed. Thanks in advance! ~Robbie
14 years ago 1 comment
(14 years ago) | ARCs are fine as long as indicated as such in condition notes.
From the wiki :
Can I list ARCs or galleys in my inventory?
Yes. ARC (Advance Reader Copies) and galleys (pre-publication copies) are fine, but make sure to inform moochers by mentioning it in the condition notes. Some people collect these, some people won't mooch them.
- Aude |
(6 years ago) | Second Method: Click on name of person that you want to give a point to. You will be on Member Bio page. Waaay off to the right is the option labeled Smooch. Click on that, where you will see page headed as "Give a Smooch". You will be able to write a short note to them, and click on whether you want to let them know who sent the Smooch or not. Then click on blue button labeled "Give a Smooch" and you're done!! Easy Peasy!!
- 3ookHappy | (6 years ago) | First confirm the member's name (and the state they are from for reference in case more than one exists). Write it down if you need to. Now click the "Member Home" tab. On the left side, the 7th subject down is "Charity," so click that. Further down the page under "Other Options" you can give to any BookMooch member. I tried the "Member Lookup" but it didn't seem to be working for me. In the box, input the BookMooch member's name that you wish to give to. Click then state the number of points to give, make a comment if you wish, and click "Give Away Your Points." That should work.
- gemstone |
accidentally marked as received
I accidentally marked a book as received when I haven't received it. Is there a way to undo that so it will show up on my pending list again?
4 years ago no comments
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Difficulties of listing books in BookMooch inventory
When you use a previous description for listing a book, please check if it is a hardcover or paperback. I recently received a book that I wanted, but it was listed in the description as a paperback and turned out to be a hardcover, probably because the description that the sender could find listed a paperback and the difference wasn't noticed. Maybe this doesn't bother most people but I don't ask for hardcover books any more -- they take up more room and they're a nuisance.
2 years ago 1 comment
(2 years ago) | I agree it would be nice to have the right format listed. If you don't want hardcovers, I might add that to your request to make sure the sender knows and can reject them.
- Sarah |
Listing books in inventory when they're not on Amazon UK
Yes, BookMooch is still alive and kicking; I've been listing some books and getting some requests recently. For a while I went the "hand-enter" route which is possible but exasperating. Even when I find a book with the ISBN in Amazon UK the information is usually incomplete compared with the Amazon US listing. Recently I discovered a system that works most of the time: 1) Look the book up in "Search BookMooch for a book" under the "Browse" tab. 2) If the book has ever been listed on BookMooch, it will appear. 3) Click on the book and you will get whatever information BookMooch has available. (I suspect most of these were drawn from Amazon US when it was still accessible, so the data are pretty good.) 4) On this page, if your book matches up with the description, you can click "Give My Copy" to have the book added to your inventory. 5) I guess if you have a paperback when the previously listed book is a hardcover, or something like that, you can note this in "Condition Notes" once it's in your inventory. I still sometimes have to "hand-enter", but not nearly so often, and everything helps.
3 years ago no comments
I Requested a Mooch . . . Now What?
I requested 3 mooches from ~~what appears to be~~ a reliable BookMooch participant. I requested the first book a couple days ago and the last 2 books I requested yesterday. I've heard nothing back from the offerer. When I send a book, I e-mail the Moocher to let them know the book is on it's way and give them a tracking #. I'm concerned that my books might not be coming. What advise do you have to give?
Quaker Maid
5 years ago 4 comments
(3 years ago) | A book and all component is fit for the entering items for the citizens. Personality cult for the use of the https://optimisticmommy.com/lifestyle-tricks-to-boost-your-health/ for all offers. The theme is argued for the mouthed management for the significance room for the tam.
- urbanvpn@urban-vpn.com | (5 years ago) | Thank you for the answers. I wasn't sure if people e-mailed back to let Moochers know the book is on it's way or not.
I also wasn't sure if delayed response was common. I'm an online seller and I have to get things out promptly, otherwise I get a negative review and possibly booted from the sales site f I take too long.
I guess I'm just use to speed on these things.
Thank you, again, for the answers.
- Quaker Maid | (5 years ago) | Dear Member,
I would wait a few days at least. Not everyone uses their primary email for this club, so give them at least a few days to check in with it.
Also some people may be away from home over the holidays and have not gotten back home yet, or settled in yet. Have a little patience.
- 3ookHappy | (5 years ago) | If you read her bio, she states that it may take some time before she accepts the mooch, so I would suggest being more patient. Bookmooch won't even let you mark these books "owner did not respond" until 7 days go by, so I think you're worrying a bit too early. Not everyone accepts right away, so if that's something you expect of someone, you may want to pay more attention to the bio of the person you're mooching from- that's where people note their giving habits to help temper moocher expectations.
- Britt |
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Avoiding going to the post office
Hi everybody - I've been on BookMooch for some time and, as I get older and more reluctant to keep going to the post office (especially in the Minnesota winter) and USPS gets more restrictive about what they will accept as mail with stamps on it (currently the envelope has to weigh less than 10 oz and be less than 1/2 inch thick), I found myself listing fewer and fewer books. Then on a LibraryThing forum I found a site called "Pirate Ship". On this site you can enter the sender and destination name and address and the type of postage you want (you can specify Media Mail), the site will generate a USPS mailing label with a tracking number that you can print and put on the envelope, and the charge is the same as if you took it to the Post Office (no monthly fees, no per-label charge). I thought it was too good to be true so I tried it a few times and it has always worked. My mail carrier is willing to pick up the envelopes/packages, I can follow with the tracking number on the USPS website, and I can send multiple books and books that don't meet the qualifications for mail with stamps. If you want to avoid the trip to the post office, I recommend that you try it--I'm sure you'll like it as much as I do.
4 years ago 2 comments
(3 years ago) | Quaker Maid, this is very good advice. I've been with Bookmooch over 14 years and I also use Paypal. No post office visits for me.
- gemstone | (3 years ago) | I use Paypal, which allows for media mail also.
The USPS site doesn't allow for anything other than Priority.
I can typically fit my books in my mailbox. My carrier gets extra $$$ for picking up packages from the home (I don't understand how it works. I think the carrier is paid 'on average' of pickups), so she's happy to take my packages.
- Quaker Maid |
(6 years ago) | She'll just need to mark the book as lost (this option only appears after a certain amount of time has passed) but you won't lose your point.
- Britt |
(4 years ago) | unfortunately, you can't. Amazon US locked bookmooch out (see the Bookmooch Blog forum for more info) which is why Amazon.uk is the default for everyone.
- Britt |
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(4 years ago) | When you search, there should be an option at the top of the page that says "my country"
- Britt |
Hello Everyone, I have just joined, I am just wondering how the posting of the books work, is this the person who sends the book has to pay for the postage.
4 years ago 2 comments
I rejected a book, but just found it
I rejected a book, but just found it. The subject explains my predicament. I have emailed the person who requested it to see if she still wants it and has the credit to mooch it. I told her I would wait until I hear back from her. If she does, can I just relist it, so that she can request it again? Or is there a way that bookmooch can reinstste her request and remove my rejection?
4 years ago 1 comment
(4 years ago) | You will need to repost it - and when you do you can reserve it for her. Once you have posted it, the next page will have a reserve button on it and you can put in her user name. If you can't find the Reserve button, just go back to your inventory and click on the book. The book page will show two buttons under the title, Remove From Inventory and Reserve.
- Sarah |
Book Condition
I have just joined BookMooch and have just added 2 books into my inventory. They were both in v. good condition. I cannot see anywhere on the site that says which condition the books must be in or anywhere where I can let the BookMoocher know this. Is it acceptable to give away books that may be annotated, foxed, tanned or without the dust cover etc?
Sarah Jane
5 years ago 1 comment
More than one request for the book?
I have just added a book to my inventory. There were 3 people on the Wishlist and BookMooch automatically gave it to all 3. I only have 1 book. If all 3 BookMoochers want the book, how do I choose which one will get it?
Sarah Jane
5 years ago 1 comment
(5 years ago) | BookMooch did not "give" or award the book to the three members wishing for it. What it did was send each an email OFFERING the book. Members still have to respond to the email to get a chance to obtain the book.
I hope this clears up things a bit.
- 3ookHappy |
(10 years ago) | Open your inventory page and use the drop down box to go to settings. In there, there is a check box to allow multiple copies.
- Sarah |
Same book requested twice
Not a newbie, but where else do I ask this? I have inadvertently requested the same book twice, both from outside my country (ask me first). Can I put this right, or should I simply wait until I get one or more replies and then respond accordingly? Thanks Sarah
5 years ago 2 comments
(5 years ago) | Ask me first does not mooch the book. It puts a seven day hold on the book for you to give the owner time to respond. No matter what they respond, you are the only one who can mooch the book until the hold expires. I am not sure if the owner themselves can remove the hold. So, if both happen to say yes, you can still just mooch one copy.
- Sarah | (5 years ago) | I've never encountered this, but I think it'd be fine to wait until you get one or more replies.
- Britt |
(5 years ago) | I think I have found out how to remove this now. I browsed the book title and found a button to 'remove from wishlist'. Still very odd that some part of the system thinks it has been on my wishlist all this time.
- sarahd | (5 years ago) | Yes, that's what I mean, Britt. But a delay in the system doesn't seem very likely when I took the book off my list sometime last year! Just irritating, I guess.
- sarahd | (5 years ago) | Do you mean you were sent an email saying it was available? I've experienced this as well. I always assumed there was some sort of delay in the notification system causing this, but I don't truly know.
- Britt |
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