Name: Esbe (Sweden)
Userid: esbe
Inventory: 2
Points: 0.9
Mooched/given: 5/4
Pending mooch/give: 0/0
Mooch ratio: 1.30:1
Wishlist: 36
Feedback: +4
Charitable gifts: 1
Charity received: 1
Friends: 3
Cancelled requests: 3
Rejected requests: 1
Will send: only to my country
Joined: 2009/09/17
Last here: 4127 days ago (possibly inactive)
Country: Sweden
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Books in inventory: 2 | | |
Home page: Bio: I have a huge amount of books at home. I love them, but I don't have time to read them all (and some of them I just want to give away, because I will probably not read them again). Right now I haven't put many of them to my lists here, but eventually it'll happen! The conditions of my books: I had cats before, but I'm not a smoker. However I don't have cats any longer, but my most common way to get books now-a-days is second hand. This means I can't guarantee they are non-allergenic. I'll send the books to any-place.
Forums joined: inventory_plugs.
Forums active on: inventory_plugs. |