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Melissa de la Cruz : Skinny-dipping (Au Pairs)

Author: Melissa de la Cruz
Title: Skinny-dipping (Au Pairs)
Moochable copies: No copies available
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Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 304
Date: 2005-05-31
Weight: 0.65 pounds
Size: 6.1 x 9.1 x 1.1 inches
Amazon prices:
Previous givers: 2 beejay (Philippines), Meg (USA: IL)
Previous moochers: 2 QCPL (Philippines), lillieandsam (USA: PA)
Description: Product Description
And you thought last summer was hot? Your favorite bikini-clad au pairs -- good-girl- turned-It-Girl Mara, spoiled Eliza, and Brazilian bombshell Jacqui -- are back for another season of skinny-dipping in Georgica Pond, tanning on Main Beach, and oh, yeah, babysitting for the Perry kids too. The au pairs think they're ready for another summer of outrageous fun, but a lot of things have changed since last year.... Mara dumped Ryan, the uber-hot older brother of the kids she's babysitting, and opted out of spending winter break in Palm Beach with the family. Now she wants him back, but is he hers for the taking? Eliza and Jeremy agreed to see other people at the end of last summer, but Eliza's done a lot more than look at other boys...namely Ryan Perry. Can Eliza keep their Palm Beach hookup a secret from Mara? Jacqui managed to stick to her no-more-boys rule all year, but when she meets the Perry's newest au pair, Philippe, a gorgeous French guy, she's not so sure she'll be able to maintain her resolve. After all, aren't rules made to be broken? This summer Mara, Eliza, and Jacqui will manage to find trouble (and a party ) wherever they go. But if they're not careful, their friendships, their guys, and their perfect summer jobs could fade away faster than last year's tans.
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