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Pat Simmons : Talk to Me (Urban Christian)

Author: Pat Simmons
Title: Talk to Me (Urban Christian)
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Published in: English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 288
Date: 2008-11-01
ISBN: 1601629729
Publisher: Urban Trade Paper
Weight: 0.7 pounds
Size: 0.0 x 0.0 x 0.0 inches
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Description: Product Description
Noel Richardson is perfect, but degrees, wealth, and good genes don't define a man. The CEO of a St. Louis non-profit organization, Noel doesn't respond when women whisper compliments behind his back. It's only God's voice Noel hears.

His life has been anything, but easy since surviving a fireworks explosion that kills his best friend and shatters his hearing. That's in his past. He's learned to co-exist between two worlds--hearing and Deaf. Living in the Deaf community isn't easy. There are constant reminders that Noel is a distinct outsider.

For years, his Sunday morning worship consisted of tele-evangelists. Spiritually, he was dying from the lack of fellowship. What could he do? Very few churches had what he needed. Then Noel stumbles across an invitation flashing on a portable sign: Thanksgiving service. All are welcome. Deaf ministry provided. Once inside God's Grace Church, he's captivated by Interpreter Mackenzie Norton's graceful hands. To Noel, Mackenzie's exquisite, a steadfast believer, and head strong. With her, Noel can hear the impossible.

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