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BookMooch Blog : John's official BookMooch Blog

re: International mooches now 3 points

Well, what this did was make me hesitate yesterday to mooch a book on my wishlist because I really didn't think it was worth 3 points to me. So I guess I'm going to be a lot more selective. So will other people, I think, and thus we may end up having a larger inventory in bookmooch but not nearly as much movement in the end?

13 years ago
re: Coming: 3 point intl mooches

In my humble opinion, the new point policy isn't really going to encourage sending internationally; no more than it used to, at least. I mean, the sender isn't going to be getting more points than before this change. There's no extra motivation. They still get 3 points, same as before. The only difference is that what used to be an extra given point to encourage the international sending is now coming from an international moocher's 'pocket', not from the system. Sure, this helps free up the point inflation, but it's no more encouraging than it used to be. Those who didn't send internationally aren't going to start doing so now.

Mooching internationally, though, is going to be affected because a lot of international moochers depend on international mooches and people from countries with the bigger book inventories will probably rather mooch 3 books domestically than spend it on one international mooch. Before they could still justify it on the fact it was just an extra point. Not anymore.

13 years ago
re: Followup 2: intl mooch ratio change

So in the end your idea of encouraging international sending is to discourage international mooching. I seriously doubt people will be willing to mooch internationally as often as they used to if any 1 mooch is worth 3 books on their ratio. And for there to be international sending, you need people to actually mooch books from overseas users. It doesn't matter if you're willing to mail internationally, or if you have a lot of inventory, if no one will mooch from you.

13 years ago
re: Followup : intl mooch ratio change

If you give a book internationally, you get:

1) 3 points to spend in your country

2) a 3 point bonus to your mooch ratio to spend in your country

That's fine and all, if you mooch almost exclusively in your country. This is good for the US or UK moochers. But what if you have to mooch almost exclusively internationally to get the books you want?

13 years ago