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marcus petz : forum comments they have written

Inactive Accounts Clean-up Project : A place to keep track of which accounts we are mooching from, to post links to inactive accounts.

re: Inactive Accounts

As there is a record of all transaction we can see who is active in mooching and sending. It would be possible to take all these members and transfer them or give a rating.

This could be one way to clean-up. I think the site works and fairly well. My biggest annoyance is the books in the USA that I want that people mark as "only their own country - for sending" - though that does not stop plenty of them mooching books from me - getting.

I understand this cost block IF you can get books in the USA for $2 it seems why would you spend $15 to send them? But in my case I cannot get books for $2 as I am not in the USA. Some people do send from the USA - so do not get me wrong, it happens. But this list of wishlisted books is noticed, the last I listed was on 40 lists and went in a day. BUT others on 20 lists have not gone in months or even years. I have no idea why. That at least would be good for people to be open about. Remove books if not wanted.

marcus petz
3 years ago