Name: Caitie (Canada)
Userid: caitie
(I give a little)
Inventory: 0
Points: 63
Mooched/given: 546/353
Pending mooch/give: 0/0
Mooch ratio: 1.51:1
Wishlist: 773
Feedback: +359
Smooches: 19
Charitable gifts: 9
Charity received: 14
Friends: 40
Cancelled requests: 35
Books receiving lost: 14
Books sending lost: 7
Will send: worldwide
Joined: 2007/06/26
Last here: 3489 days ago (possibly inactive)
Country: Canada
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Books in inventory: 0 |  | |
Status message: Canadian Moochers: Because of high Canada Post rates domestically, I'm going to have to limit sending in Canada. Except in the case of very thin books (<2 cm) that can be sent lettermail, please make sure to mooch at least 2 books at a time or I may be unable to send. Thank you International Moochers: I'm happy to send my books worldwide, but it will almost always be by surface mail. Wait times vary, but are generally fairly long outside of North America. I recently noticed this in another profile and it seemed like a great idea, so to clear things up, in my experience, surface mail times from Canada go something like: USA - 2-3 weeks South America & Asia - 8-14 weeks Europe - 6-12 weeks Australia/New Zealand - 12-14 weeks However, these are just estimates and books can sometimes take more or less time. Do keep this in mind if it affects your mooching. I've never had a book lost, the 6 that show up as that way were one package that was marked as lost a little early and then they showed up a few days later, as you can see in the feedback. Please contact me before you mark anything as lost. For heavier books, a second mooch is always appreciated, and may occasionally be required (if so, it will be noted in condition notes.) Books are from a non-smoking household, but may have been exposed to furry critters (cats and dogs) But, I do also get books used, in which case I cannot guarantee previous environments they have been exposed to.

 Forums joined: angel_requests_2010_may.
Forums active on: angel_requests_2010_may. | 
