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Status message: This account is the 'BookMooch Journal Shelf' for the North European region. It was set up to act as a library for any stalled journals in this area, and also to recover lost or missing journals where possible. The area covered includes the following countries: Belgium Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Hungary Iceland Ireland Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Netherlands Norway Poland Romania Russian Federation Ukraine United Kingdom If you are in this area, please advise me of any journals you have that have been with you longer than a 3 month period and I will be happy to mooch them from you. The journals will then be placed into a central 'shelf' ready for further mooching. If you are unable to continue with the BookMooch Journal Project for any reason, and have journals in your possession, please contact me so that I can arrange to have the journals sent on, thank you. To find out more about journalling, please see the BookMooch Journal Project home page (link below). Please also view the other friends on my list and check out their 'shelves', especially the 'Central Shelf' (userid: bmjl). All journals will be sent out within two weeks of order. Happy journalling!
Home page: Bio: This week's featured journal: 
BMJournal Turn over a new leaf. BM1288737327490187777 Autumn is such a beautiful season with leaves turning golden and fiery reds, browns and oranges. This journal is made up of 16 sheets of blotting paper, between which fresh spring leaves can be pressed, or autumn leaves can be pasted or collaged. Please keep to two facing pages because of the limitations of the small volume. Blotting paper is quite thick and more sheets would have crowded the binder. The inside and outside back covers are also available to decorate.

 Forums joined: bookmooch_journals.