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LV (USA: FL) : member bio

Name: LV (USA: FL)
Userid: bearzh

Inventory: 0
Points: 16.6
Mooched/given: 30/46
Pending mooch/give: 0/0
Mooch ratio: 0.65:1

Wishlist: 1
Feedback: +46
Charitable gifts: 1
Friends: 1
Cancelled requests: 2
Rejected requests: 1

Will send: only to my country
Joined: 2009/06/26
Last here: 4848 days ago
(possibly inactive)
Country: United States

Books in inventory: 0

Status message:
*NOTE: I send books via Priority Mail; you should receive it within two days!* In case you have allergies, you should know that there is a dog in our home. All books are very well taken care of and if it's not, I will specify that. **I am not logging in much bc I am going to school and swamped with homework right now. Whatever books are in my inventory are still in my possession and I will send out soon after your request for the same.**

I am a mom to a beautiful baby girl. I am a legal assistant. I am a criminology major. I love reading true crime mostly and a little of everything after that. I am new to - I can't believe I hadn't discovered it earlier!!!!