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chloe (USA: NJ) : wishlist

Author Title Count↓ Amazon Action 
Philip ZimbardoThe Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil0
Penny WolfsonMoonrise: One Family, Genetic Identity, and Muscular Dystrophy0
Michael VitezRocky Stories: Tales of Love, Hope, And Happiness at America's Most Famous Steps0
Pat MoffettIce Cream in the Cupboard: A True Story of Early Onset Alzheimer's0
Mick MiddlesTorn Apart: The Life of Ian Curtis0
Mart MartinDid She or Didn't She: Behind the Bedroom Doors of 201 Famous Women0
Mart MartinDid He or Didn't He?: the Intimate Sex Lives of 201 Famous Men0
Pam LewisPerfect Family: A Novel0
Philip F. LawlerThe Faithful Departed: The Collapse of Boston's Catholic Culture0
Pamala KennedySuffering in Slow Motion: Help for Long Journey Through Dementia and Other Terminal Illness0
Nellie HermannThe Cure for Grief: A Novel0
Peggy A. HammekenInclusion: An Essential Guide for the Paraprofessional: A Practical Reference Tool for All Paraprofessionals Working in Inclusive Settings0
Martin GottfriedJed Harris, the curse of genius0
Monica FairviewThe Other Mr. Darcy: Did you know Mr. Darcy had an American cousin?0
Monica FairviewThe Other Mr Darcy0
Mike EvansRocks Strangest Tales (Strangest S.)0
Nigel CawthorneSex Lives of the Hollywood Goddesses (Sex Lives of The....)0
Orson Scott CardEnder's Game0
Michelangelo CapuaVivien Leigh: A Biography0
Mikita BrottmanHollywood Hex: An Illustrated History of Cursed Movies (Creation Cinema)0