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donita (USA: CA) : wishlist

Author Title Count Amazon Action 
Judy BlumeFudge-A-Mania0
Judy BlumeIt's Not the End of the World0
Judy BlumeJust As Long As Wer'e Together0
Judy BlumeSuperfudge (Yearling Books (Paperback))1 [mooch]
Judy BlumeTales of a Fourth Grade Nothing (A Dell Yearling Book)0
Lilian Jackson BraunThe Cat Who Tailed a Thief (Cat Who...)3 [mooch]
Emily BronteWuthering Heights (The World's Classics)0
Frances Hodgson BurnettA Little Princess0
Frances Hodgson BurnettThe Secret Garden0
Kim EdwardsThe Memory Keeper's Daughter10 [mooch]
Esther FriesnerWitchopoly (Sabrina the Teenage Witch, #22)0
Christopher GoldenThe Gatekeeper Trilogy, Book Three: Sons of Entropy (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)0
Madelein LengleMeet the Austins0
Jack LondonThe Call of the Wild (Apple Classics)0
Francine PascalBoy. Friend. (Sweet Valley Jr. High(TM))0
Francine PascalCRASH LANDING! (Sweet Valley High (Numbered Paperback))0
Francine PascalSecond Best (Sweet Valley Twins #16)1 [mooch]
Francine PascalThe Treasure of Death Valley (Sweet Valley High)0
Ann RulePossession0
John SaulThe Unwanted0