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Markus St (Switzerland) : wishlist

Author Title Count Amazon Action 
David Stuart DaviesThe Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: The Scroll of the Dead0
Lindsey DavisFalco: The Official Companion0
David DickinsonGoodnight Sweet Prince0
Peter DickinsonThe Yellow Room Conspiracy0
Earl EmersonNervous Laughter (Thomas Black Mysteries)0
Loren D. EstelmanKill Zone1 [mooch]
Loren D. EstelmanSugartown0
G. F. Forrest"Watson!" and Other Unauthorized Sherlock Holmes Pastiches, Parodies, and Sequels0
Nicolas FreelingGun Before Butter (Felony & Mayhem Mysteries)0
Brian FreemantleRed Star Rising: A Thriller0
Mark FrostThe Second Objective0
Steve FullerKuhn Vs Popper0
David FulmerChasing the Devil's Tail: A Mystery of Storyville, New Orleans0
Alan FurstDark Star0
Alan FurstKingdom of Shadows0
Stephen GallagherThe Kingdom of Bones: A Novel0
Michael GilbertSmallbone Deceased (Penguin Crime Fiction)0
Parke Godwin24 Declassified: Vanishing Point0
David GoodisDark Passage0
Ed GormanThe Adventure of the Missing Detective: And 19 of the Year's Finest Crime and Mystery Stories: Plus complete coverage of the year in mystery and crime fiction (Year's Finest Crime & Mystery Stories)0